
What do you think of walmart?

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Target exists only for white people who aren’t white trash to escape Walmart people

but target has less items

I get my shit and get out, if I don't need it now I don't buy it from there (not that they likely have it anyways).

>Target exists only for white people who aren’t white trash to escape Walmart people

Target is full of stuck up soccer moms who try to hit you with their shopping cart.

>whoooops sorry I didnt see you there ;)

Yeah bullshit you didnt see me

I never go inside anymore. They'll bring whatever you want to your car and you can skip the shartmart zombie hoards. They have cheap ammo, also water.

Target lets transgenders in their bathrooms, Walmart sells 7.62x39 ammo. Nothing more needed to know.

>Target is full of stuck up soccer moms

This. Walmart is an indoor ghetto.

Target lets you molest girls in the bathrooms and changing rooms though.
Assert your identity.

I think the American propensity of looking down on the lifestyle of 75% of the population is pretty shameful.

Upskirt porn

Target feels like a prison. Theres always employees with radios following you everywhere. I'm not even black either.

So is most of the US Navy lmao

The most ghetto Wal-Mart ever is located here:

>implying they don't deserve it

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the one near me is a ghost town at 1-2am during the work week. it's pretty great to not deal with gross people when I need a few things quick.

shart in mart

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a place for the unfortunate to conglomerate in order to feel a great deal of relief that they can afford the bargains they can pay for.

As long as Walmart or PriceClub or CostCo can provide the populace with affordable deals which still render profit for their given corporations, the status quo will prevail.

Not a big fan. I buy my food at Fareway, and my clothes at Bomgaars.

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Who wins in a fight here? I'm thinking left.

Liberals act like they're better than poor flyover republicans but all that does is further the class divide.


I feel like Walmart is where we see the dregs of society. Although, in my town even Walmarts are different in specific areas. A large touristy one, an old ghetto one, a neighborhood one (which looks like a farmers market/bodega). Regardless, after working in retail and a theme park, all the stores feel the same whether large or small or specific to a genre of products. Cheap products or overpriced goods, terrible people that seem they lack self-awareness. Maybe I've seen too much shit online as well but I feel like people are just a moment away from killing one-another.

How the fuck does hoof boy maintain balance on those?

You must have felt targeted.

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Hy-Veefag here. Just got a shitload of brats on sale for 60 cents a pop and some good slab bacon on a weekend deal. Feels good man.

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never the walmarts with literal gangs of niggers standing next to the cash register mugging people for change.
do you even america dude?

Sometimes it is worth it because it's very cheap and you get a free show of mutants while you shop. Target is generally better though.

Just left there - got like $75 worth of shit for like $30. B & R.

target doesn't sell guns. i'd rather deal with the walmart crowd

Target exists so that middle class roasties can look down on the other middle class roasties who shop at walmart.

They are both full of human scum. Just different strains of it.

Walmart is actually nice here in mexico, but maybe our standards are so low.

I still hit up hyvee daily. Lately they have been selling 80/20 ground beef for $1.88 a pound. Canadians will never understand that there is a helpful smile in every aisle.

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Mexican soda is the best thing in the world.

Apple soda
Mexican coke


The Wal-Mart at Pawnee and Broadway in Wichita Kansas is colloquially known as the Ghetto-Mart.
On the police scanner, it is known as "The 501"

great idea tell customer base

Nah the best soda in the world is the UK's Irn Bru

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I'd take that along with 1% mark up on prices over having to go in a warzone known as Walmart with fat slow walkers and Mexicans who bring their 10 young children running around the store.

If you're not sure if your Wal-Mart is a true Ghetto-Mart, if it is not open 24 hours a day, but in an urban environment, it is likely a shithole.

Just bought a coffee grinder from walmart. It was all self checkouts and the self checkouts had a camera at the top with a screen showing you saying "recording".
It's a dystopia.

I have never had it or seen it.

Walmart fag here.

It fucking sucks. I dont drive because I do not want to give any money to the gas jew or forced to pay for a car insurance I do not want. Tabs/stickers, or what ever you want to call them, is a fucking scam. So being just down the road from a walmart, its either collect neetbux or be a wage slave at Wally World.

Managment scratches their head every god damned week, asking why our turnover rates are high. I keep informing them that they need to tell home office to fuck off. Half the shit that comes down from them makes it harder for the guys on the bottom rung. My store has a severe lack of equipment and will not approve for us to get more because fucking easons. We are in a predominantly white area. Yet being a ~$13m store, we see $1-2m in theft.

The only reason I've been there for almost 5 years now is because the expectation bar is set really low. It does not take much to hit that and I'm getting $14/hr. I do maybe 2-3 hours of "actual" work a day, then spend the rest of my shift standing there looking pretty.

It pays for the hobbies. In my free time, Im picking up a few trades. Wanting to pick up word working, blade making, gun smithing, and small scale farming. All in hopes of one day being 100% self sufficient.

>retards think Target is better than Walmart
It's the same store with a different color scheme and slightly higher prices for the same chink shit. Target snobs (not necessarily Target shoppers, just the ones who act like snobs about it) are mostly current or future wine aunts.

I don't go in unless its 7:00 am or after midnight. Any time between it's full of mexicans and whatever other obese squat indios with their five brats stinking of masa. Walmart in my area also plays mexican music during the day. Fuck this gay earth.

They take out giant life insurance policies on all their elderly employees without their knowledge.
They’re low pay is subsidized by the American tax payer, as most of their employees recieve food stamps, which of course they spend at walmart.

Try ordering it from amazon.

I haven't had some since 2008 so I don't know if its different now, but I still remember the taste and feel, everything I want in a soda.

>word working

Shit. Had one to many drinks and mossed this one. Meant blade working.

I will look into it

75% is liberals and nonwhites. Sounds fair I’d say.

Transfer to a distribution center if you have one close by. Just dont work in shipping or full case order filling because those positions will fuck your back up guaranteed. Same upper management bullshit, but the starting pay on weekend shifts is $18 an hour plus the PTO accumulates pretty fast if you're smart about it.

Same Wal-Mart, the day before:

Oh god what the fuck.

If there's a costco nearby literally no reason to go to walmart

I didn't know goat people existed, Narnia is real after all.

>based big dicked target mom hunter

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Walmart's not that bad honestly there are worse grocery store chains in the US.

TARGAY gets zero shekels from me, once they came out pro queer with the bathrooms and saying they don't want CC folks' business that was enough for me.

Does Costco have the cheap ammo?

You can't find lube and vibrators on the same isle as the deodorants at cosco though...

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A great place to shart.

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I love it when I'm on vacation and need to get everything in one stop.

Holy fuck I thought it was just me

Did sporting goods my first year, then assembly since. The trainging, if you call it that, was really inadequate. On my own time, I furthered what I knew about bikes, and shortly had a part time gig at a local bike shop. Unfortunately, the bike shop closed down. It was in a bad spot and not enough sales to keep the doors open. But since then, I've been wanting to diversify my skillset. So some good came of working at Walmart.

As far as transfering to a DC, I'd have to move to the next state over. They got a higher cost of living there. I'm highly hesitant on that. Though I would consider transfering to a Kentucky location for that very reason, lower CoL.

Never go to Walmart after 9 am.

I'm assuming it's either the moist nugget or chink sks, prove me wrong

My grandma taught me how to do Walmart before she died. You find the non-24hr variety and go when it opens. Nary a societal-leach in sight in years...

I've been in 2 Walmart stores. They were both filled with niggers and beaners.

In northwest Arkansas where Walmart was founded, there are nice stores and lots of public accommodations (parks, trails, even a famous art museum) funded by Walmart. And the people at these Walmarts aren't like the Pic at the top. Can't speak for other locations though...

Mosin doesn't chamber 7.62x39.
Ruger Mini-30 does.

The build up to him stepping in it is just so perfect

One thing to take into consideration; walmart does have a diversity quota. You probably noticed that in the store, but the feeling is amplified 100× in the warehouse. You go to break at the same time, in the same breakroom with a lot of ppl all at once with mandatory CNN on the TV. Being white makes you more disposable and muds are definately favored. The constant loud Spanish gibberish was one of the reasons I quit. I'm not sure what it would be like in Kentucky though.

I have a book around about the founder of walmart and how he went around to look at other stores and took notice of what he could do but better.

Walmart in its early days must have been nice.

Or a Meijer's

Walmart is a pile of shit, Its expensive and understaffed.

I only go there once a month to buy Milo's sweet tea, the tea at HEB sucks, but everything else is coo.

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I want to put my dick in that

>being this obsessed with the high-fructose corn syrup jew
Are you Imagebro of the ligaMX general in /sp/ ?

Shartmart has good deals here, I can get one kilo of boneless chicken for 11 leafdollars while elsewhere it's like 20$

>T. Quebecfag

The furfag is objectively more revolting.

No high fructose corn syrup in irn bru or Mexican soda from what I have seen

Just went to my first day of orientation earlier this morning, the people doing the run down of stuff seem nice but I'm apparently the only one in the group whose position is unloading the trucks. Tbh for me a job is a job, just starting to get my life on track and need money.

Their wagies seem like good goys

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Is he wearing horse hooves?

He was so god damn stealthy about it, never gets old.

I'm sure its not good for you, but that shit is delicious.

HEB is god tier

woah there big guy, nice cock

Yeah fuck you too.

when was the last time you ackshually shopped in a target?

a lot of them now are filled with the uppity niggs and spics and coalburner single mothers who think they're better than all the squatemalans at walmart.

come on breh, it's 2019. white people just shop online for everything now

I wish we still shopped at conquer and take what we want mart. East India Trading company nigs were the best

This. And put 6% into 401k - 3 day work weeks are awesome

I think Walmart is a small scale representation of the direction in which all 1rst world Western Nations are being globalized to become.

thanks man it's cause i go to walmart

I worked with people who met him. Some of them started right out of high school in the late 80's and are millionaires from profit sharing and stock. A few still work.

In white areas they're not terrible. In black areas you can always count on some hijinks.

Once I was in a black walmart and some nigger in a doo rag was raising his fist threateningly over what I assume was his crying kid sitting in a shopping cart. Probably would have been wupping that kids ass if it weren't public.

the walmart in mountain view california needs to be nuked from orbit.

basically its the personification of Trump supporters