>A Taiwanese woman known for hiking mountains wearing only a bikini has been found frozen to death in a national park.

>Gigi Wu, 36, who called herself 'The Bikini Hiker' when posting about her climbs on social media, had embarked on a solo hike through Yushan National Park.

>More than a week after setting off, she called a friend on a satellite phone and said she had fallen down a ravine.

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>women are the future
Proof that the end is near

Attention whoring killed the women. Sad. Women need serious help

Social media was a mistake. The lengths girls go for validation is crazy. They freeze to death or get their heads chopped off as the price for showing the world how caring and perfect human beings they are


I'm making that face where it's like I'm pretty fucking disappointed but not capable of investing any genuine emotional energy because I've come to expect this sort of thing and at this point I'm actually just waiting to die but I've got about fifty years left of this shit and I don't have a reaction image to use

What a dumb bitch.


When I think about her my dick shivers.

>going to dangerous spots by herself in a bikini

low IQ at its finest

I feel u leaf bro. At first I felt ANGRY at women fir being superficial morons but now I realize it doesn't even matter. If there's hope out there its got to be real love bigger than all this craziness

Fucking kek, the irony.

Gigi wu lad

Why was she doing this? Some march for breast cancer type shit with a twist? She had to know this would eventually catch up to her

Meanwhile Jow Forums incels can barely even get out of their computer chairs, let alone climb a mountain naked.

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Do we have nudes?
Asking for a friend

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

staged. he didn't die

Get out mike

Lol this is how I play Skyrim now! I modded it so its a stupid gaggle of stupid sluts hell bent on "making it" so badly they can't figure out how under equip they are to survive. They end up just getting fucked to oblivion by everything because they are so weak minded they can't think more than 60 seconds without needing dick and attention and can't seem to keep their clothes on or win a decent fight. Plus I added survival elements so they freeze to death.

This is actually my fetish.

I too have a friend who would like to see nudes
Preferably of her body when they found her.

Wu do the voodoo like you do

Women are fucking retarded and will do anything for a social media like.

She died doing what she loved - being an attention whore. Gonna fap to her ugly bugface now. It's what she would have wanted.

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>More than a week after setting off, she called a friend on a satellite phone and said she had fallen down a ravine.
I dont know why I laughed



You are Chinese and you hate an independent Taiwan. Taiwan no. 1 forever!!!

I would think if nothing else this story is a cautionary tale about the wisdom of climbing mountains naked.

Oh, come on. With this kind of story, if you a make remark on her gender is just gonna make you look like an incel. Surely men are more into adventurous risk taking so some guys must have done this before.

Climbed a mountain in a bikini? It's sad she died so unnecessarily because she was dressed so very inappropriately for the conditions of her location - because she was attention whoring off Instagram and using a gimmick to garner attention tat ultimately led to her unhappy demise. It's funny because of the irony. Like a fire eater starting a house fire, or a faggot bleeding to death out of his ass because he inserted a watermelon.

This isn't funny at all you jaded fuck.

This girl had some balls and deserves tons of respect but at the same time she had to have known the risk she was taking and decided it was worth it and paid the price like so many adventurers have done.

I've backpacked the Rockies, Olympics, and Appalachians. I've done every bit of hiking I can without being rich.

Taiwan #1

this is not politics.

lol same

No no it was the patriarchy user...

news is perfectly allowed on Jow Forums newfaggot



> meme flag
> projecting

political news.

>deserves tons of respect
Let's not go crazy here on user.

hide the thread and fuck off

say no more

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Rip American hero

Of course it’s sad when people die, but she played stupid games and won stupid prices. What she did was just as (if not more) dangerous as the people who climb skyscrapers without safety equipment for likes/fame. It’s not like she was a firefighter or a soldier. She didn’t put herself in these dangerous situations to help other people. She did something extremely dangerous to feel good about herself the same way morbidly obese people eat food to feel good.

I wish I could see her thoughts as she was freezing.

Wow that is one ugly fucking face, I'll never understand with NEETs on Jow Forums considered Asian girls the master race. Without cosmetic surgery most of them look like this busted fish-face bitch

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This is so sad I know I didn’t know her but I feel like I could’ve helped her if only I was there in her life *sigh* I’m a really nice guy and sometimes I hate it when women turn me down for assholes they never realize how sweet I am and how I can treat them like a queen and give them anything . If I was in here life I would give her everything and she wouldn’t have had to do this but she probably would’ve rejected me for some asshole with biceps

The body looks good, but she's got the typical Chink pig nosed face.

bingo. a waste, since she she looked literally half her age

>I feel like I could’ve helped her
Yeah, by bending her over and putting the fuckin' coals to her. You're such a fuckin' simp.

>deserves tons of respect
no she doesn't. she put the lives of her rescuers at risk just because she wanted attention. anyone who lives near mountains knows you have to respect the weather. the majority of people who die on mountains are retarded. knowledgeable people who have accidents are the minority. she is to blame for her actions and she deserves no sympathy. she wasn't empowering or doing anything worthwhile, she was branding herself and it killed her.


don't you have an English class to teach, davido-kun?

>Wow that is one ugly fucking face, I'll never understand with NEETs on Jow Forums considered Asian girls
Okay, you fuckin' simps. Here are the three types of Asian faces: (1) Pig Face, (2) Fish Face, and (3) Moon Face. Careful with the gook bitches, too, because they love plastic surgery.

it's kind of poetic

based nip

Waiting for my coworker to pick me up

Nature 1 - Sandniggers 2
Lift your game nature, you weak cunt.

Wai Yu Stin Ki Pu

Pretty sure he isnt trying to look like he died, just looks like he accepted his fate

This is exactly like the hiker dude a few years back, ALWAYS, FUCKING ALWAYS hike, climb, and scale with a buddy. I first learned this as a fucking tiger scout, you'd think anyone into hiking would know the importance of having another guy who can get help if you fall.

you're a white dude in japan. the loss of a random chink thot is of no consequence to you either

Goddamn she's ugly as fuck

There's a difference between having the balls to do something and stupidity. Someone who scales Everest with all the required gear and perfect weather has balls. Someone who does so knowingly under shit conditions against the advice of guides and gets himself and his team killed is stupid. This woman is the latter.

Nothing to see here, folks.
God is just on THOT patrol.

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what a “cool” woman

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Calm down.
It's called social darwinism, it's good for the gene pool.

Spiritually, he did.

Mom let the hyaena use her computer again.

This exact thing happened to me. Its not funny amd it can happen to anyone. You'd be surprised how unstable a wheeled spinning chair can be. People have died.

do you think the helicopter fucked the body when they first found her and left her there? A lot a famous frozen cold mountains have frozen corpses rotting on the side of the hill and nobody touches them for some reason lol

>I dont know why I laughed
...bcoz psychopath, maybe?


Do you feel the same about every male daredevil that died doing something dangerous?

That explains why she hasn't come over recently. Don't feel bad about cheating on her now.

ive been doing this whith rape ahmed stories. poor girls but i cant no more

based highIQ trad asian

Same, except heart problem run in my family. I'm hoping my heart gives at 27 or 28. This is all too tiring.

This. People doing stupid things also put others at risk.


Thank you nature

But feminism told me clothing was a tool of the patriarchy....

the longer you look at this image the more retarded it seems


Play stupid games.
Win stupid prizes.


Jesus, I just finished watching this scene about 30 minutes ago. I had to look twice to see if it was really from True Detective.

but muh based chinks

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I thought east Asians were supposed to be highly. IQ

Straight w*ite mens and misogynist snow took another poor innocent victim

It's a particular kind of feel, my dude. Like the facial expression equivalent of an indignant shrug.

You boys would hit that little Chink. You're all sick.

I wouldn't be surprised if heaps of people here also go /out/. Euro mostly, probably introverted, and is more self-sufficient; I bet it's so.

It's far more fun and peaceful than what most people do in the cities and suburbs.

Hate what u cant have i see

>Do you think the helicopter fucked the body
Listen shitlord I sexually identify as an attack helicopter and such disrespectful stereotypes of my people will not be tolerated