The Shutdown was planned, Trump wants to end federal employment

Trump and the Republicans could have easily passed a bill for the wall in the past two years.
They waited for the Dems to take the house, shutdown social programs, blame the Democrats, and then dismantle all federal level employment.

And that's a good thing :^)

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damn straight brotha

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To top this off, the last food stamps were just given out earlier today.
And they won't have any for black history month.

>Tfw people have to get off their lazy fat asses to get an actual job.
Can't wait for the food stamps to end

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well they should, because they got Feb's stamps too. But there's a good reason they don't normally pay out two months at a time, because niggers can blow through two months supply of chicken in just a few days

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based and redpilled

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t. Delusional retard

Is he going to fire them or what

You wish lads.
The G.O.P will cuck & not back him.
Allsup did a vid citing legislation he could invoke for the wall all along.
He may have backed himself into a corner her lads

And what makes you think that?

trump cant plan out hours ahead let alone this idiotic "EBIN 4D CHESS" bullshit

its not going to happen you insufferable ancap idiot. now fuck off back to your autistic mind prison.

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Can’t wait to see all these gubment workers suddenly competing against cheap illegal labor. Welcome to the club.

after 35 days, he has the right to lay off the workers

>its true because i said so

>muh intergalactic master plan

for fucks sake enough already

Right and his supposed tripple 12d water polo super secret master plans are?

The better way would to have the heads of all the federal agencies get notified they have to to cut 50% of staff by end of week. All saved money goes to paying off debt and oh-yeah... social security is now 75 and welfare benefit is 3 months and then graduates to zero over six months. Last thing... when elected to federal office once voted out/retired you get a generous pension for life but can hold no other paying position during your life.

All welfare is paid back over 5 years and if it is not you are permanently sterilized.

>800,000 workers
>300,000,000 population
>Less than one third of one percent of population
Flush em

You are 100% correct OP. Realized this when he was talking with pelosi and the molachian jude schumer. Get ready for the shills to talk this down!

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Gee what is wrong with this picture. Even in the worst of Commiefornia Clinton only garnered 65% of the vote. So do you honestly think he is going to let all these DC rats just walk back to their old jobs? Why would he? He doesn't even half to do anything. In a couple of months they will have to file for unemployment to survive. Doing so will end their employment. You watch. He will recall those deemed important, and the rest will have their positions eliminated. They will not be fired. Their positions will simply vanish. Do you believe this was not planned? You live in a dream world.

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>It’s not going to happen because if it was I’d poop my pants
I can’t even tell you to cope because I know you won’t be able to when it finally dawns on you that that’s totally what’s happening

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all those fat worthless she-boons will have to get real roaches scattering when the lights come on.

>less than one third of one percent
Still too many

>Trump wants to end federal employment
I wont be convinced until useless DHS employees are walking out of the building carrying cardboard boxs

Interesting theory. Personally, I think he didn’t do shit for 2 years because he is a pussy. Everyone is entitled to their opinion though.

is anyone here hungry?

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Stop user I can only get so erect. But then I'll just get blue balls because let's be real; he's not going to fire everyone. He's just not.

you were saying?

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He won't need to, user.
No one is going go keep working for free :^)

I didn't realize it was that bad.

Yes, that is exactly what is happening. What's really funny is those that doubt this narrative will keep walking into the traps. You can't detect what you don't think is there (until it's too late). Fucking great show, honestly.