How are we lads?

Popular Sydney fast food outlet closes after video of rats emerges

'I was wrong': Man apologises for violent carjacking of elderly man

Subcontractors working on multi-million-dollar security upgrade for Parliament House left unpaid

AUS/POL Pastebins. 5NXqdmJFFgm/PvBusZeo7Y8mYLWtJQ/f

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Other urls found in this thread:

>fuck off we're fu--

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Australia isn't even real you dumb fuck

How Malcolm Turnbull's political demise prompted a change in asylum seekers' fortunes

Tasmanian family crams two adults, five kids into two-bedroom unit amid housing crisis

Aiia Maasarwe's sister calls out violence against women in emotional Instagram posts
"A little girl with BIG dreams, that how Aiia was," Noor Maasarwe posted on Instagram alongside a painting of the words "Dare to dream", which was done by her sister in 2014. "She was living a dream in Melbourne, a dream that ended up being [worse] than a nightmare." The body of the 21-year-old Arab-Israeli student was found by passers-by near a tram stop in Bundoora, in Melbourne's north, shortly after dawn last Wednesday.

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Whats for dinner cunts?

Chinese Crime Family Baby Milk Theft Network Caught. Nine + Seven News

Aboriginal Family Rampage IGA. Shop Owner Seriously Charged.(WA) Nine News

Another beautiful 28 degrees summer day with the sea breeze rolling in.
I heard you faggots out east were boiling.
West Australia best Australia cunts.

r8 my sunflowers lads

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There's only 2 states WA and pissed

Refugees are welcome to inhabit the entire yellow area. BYO infrastructure

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I have been reading about the Aussie animal farms that were doxxed by vegans who justify their website by stating that it is important to know where your food comes from and how it is processed.

Christ, we have some real fucking idiots in this country.

Anything we can do to support Aussie animal farmers even more? Count me in.

gay grow some spinach or something


Lucky for you, I'm trapped inside with both my printers going, it's like 35 in here and my aircon has failed.


It's time for everyone's Daily Reminder that Boomers are scum and everything wrong with Australia.

Also another Reminder that Unchecked Migration is Generational Genocide.

Waiting for mommy to go to sleep so I can get a burger. Maybe Whataburger.

so do you reckon they'll tax us to bail out the housing market and greedy criminal as fuck boomers?

Yeah it's fucked. I think the only things that can help is to find a political party that hates these people. Basically liberal democrats shooters Fisher's or any right wing party that's not the status quo.

They won't bail the people. ...we need to do what Iceland did

Not bad 6 out of 10 so far but they can become 10s looking healthy, but I don’t like piles of stuff in the yard mate, keeping your yard tidy separates you from the lowest of life forms

I'm more concerned that the farmers will face raids by vegans who decide it is a good idea to 'take matters into their own hands'. It'd severely damage the economy and take an item like meat away from the general public for their own interest.

yeah maybe but the people are just as bad as the bankers mostly, they just couldn't give a single fuck that they are making people homeless like this family in TAS and doing all sorts of major irreversible damage

Yeah it's a open secret that the boomers think that they are going to get their children to pay for the upcoming bailout.

It's really horrifying how they think that they can lump their debts onto other people and believe it to be "fair"

its all of my housemates stuff, no idea why he doesnt keep it in the garage t b h

yeah im kind of jelly i might move over there WA cunts seem pretty good

....lfillers of the Sacred Prophecies and weilders of the mighty sword Shytpostyr.

Meat pie and vegies and a Kirin

Nah fuck farmers, they steal worker wages, cut down all the trees ruining their own lands and get millions in handouts from the government while getting a free card to bitch about how poor they are.

Not to mention most are boomer scum.

I might hate vegans, but I hate farmers one hell of a lot more.

I understand was there once to, leave it be not worth stating a fight over but it’s the best way to kill an eski

we will definitely pay for a bank bailout
im just thinking they might also tax us to give gibs to people that took on too much debt

yeah they are a truly shocking pack of maggots, but i think gen x and y should take a lot of responsibility for not fighting back

Ok so this is going to sound really be it. Let the attacks start. It will address some real issues. Most likely the farmer if cornered and confronted with violent activists one of two things will happen. One he gets beaten to a pulp and because a victim making the activists look evil. Two he shoots at them and becomes another David Dunston. The more David Dunstons the better. The way I see it the quicker we get our gun rights and self-defence laws back the better. In both situations the police response time will be horrendous. Finally to be honest I think what's happening in South Africa will happen here. Yes the Black's don't have the numbers but there are plenty of white communists that will push their cause.

that eski is well rooted now :(

Really need a root desu lads

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I honestly don't have answers. I think there are people a lot smarter than me. And they haven't got any answers. I think it has to collapse and Start again to honesty fix it


Degenerate scum

Then time for a clean up house mate Bros, can’t bring ladies back to a shithole

Have you ever had a vision of a timeline that didn't come about? I don't mean imagining an alternate past either. I had this vision of a future, could see all of the major important events in my life between now and my death and I knew with absolute certainty that this is how my life would play out if a certain event in my future went a particular way.
But it didn't, and now I'm lost in the dark uncertainty of an unrevealed life, left to mourn a future that will never exist. The good times, the bad, the hardship and heartache, and joy and love... All of it that had been revealed in my mind that will never be.

Have you ever had that?

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It's not degenerate enough if I can't get a shag through it.

Found some shockers today, didnt bother taking a screenshot of the bird but you can imagine what she looked like

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>wanting to root au pairs
Hello Peter Dutton.

Jesus christ how many different ways did she write "I like socialising"

Fuck women are boring

That is 1% of the farmers who get shown on the news, who are boomers or chinks.

>Aiia Maasarwe's sister calls out violence against women
Got to love how it's now just violence against women now, thing is if you actually bring up the extremely high rates of sexual assault and violence against women in Aboriginal communities and actually try to get to the root of the problem, you will be shouted down by the left for being racist.

Typical communist wanting the country to starve.
What do you have against food?

went on a date with a girl from highschool, her husband has a girlfriend, and she wanted us to fuck at her place, her husband was home, and her kids, fucked up i walked out. shit is getting out of hand mate.

keep posting twitter girls, I'm intrigued

'share my values' 'willing to challenge their own thinking'. fucking hole, agree with me is what that translates to.

currently planting my third batch
previous 2 died
sunflowers are pure kino


This has to be bait. I grew up on a farm. 1 no hand outs. Absolutely nothing. My old man's dead now but fuck I never saw him growing up he was always working. When he died I think he had like 50k in his savings. I remember that I will never forget how that made me feel I was like you work hard your entire life and save your money tighter then a Jew and that's all you end up with. So mate I can tell you now first hand most Family farms are struggling. Think about it this way every industry gets a pay rise every year or so. The farms are still getting paid 1940s prices. And their cost of production has skyrocketed. Most Family farms don't employee anyone because they can't afford to

>au pair
you better have money user ha ha those are the classic eyes of female entitlement

Baby Boomer scum who wants to keep getting away with his scams.
How about trying to not screw people over and they might hate you a bit less?

>previous 2 died

How did you manage that? Its almost impossible to let them die

Cooked myself in the tin shed I work in and made myself crook

Got union delegate training coming up. Am I being a shill going and going to the delegate forum or is this the only way I can have a say in politics in the union and labour stronghold I live in? Havent got any other Avenue for my plights and that of the like minded young people to be heard

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he chopped it up and smoked it through his bong, I tried to get him to stop but he wouldn't listen!

Does anyone know how farm or agricultural subsidies work in this country? Do farmers get much? I thought it was just a tax break during draughts and shit

Move to venezuela, they have already implemented your socialist utopia.

I know

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please keep posting these abominations


They won't help you user, they just spent the last 30 years selling everyone born after 1965 out.

The current "hurr you need to join up for the future" push is about boomers trying to make you fight for their payrises, once they have those it will be "lol there isn't enough money left and too bad user, you've missed out".

pls boomer, you don't fool me.

So most farms are unprofitable businesses propped up by the government is what you are saying

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Fake farmers like shitcunts in orange or other rich regional places gets substantially more than the poor cunts working hard and scrapping by

Farming subsidies are a big, complex and unfair thing

When the fuck is it gonna rain cunt holy shit. Gonna have to get some ripoff cunt to come fill my tank up with some disgusting chlorine and floruide loaded shit soon.

>So most farms are unprofitable businesses propped up by the government is what you are saying

>B...Bu...but its only socialism when anyone else gets a handout!

I love your posts, although I dread waking up the day I see "nursing home massacre" on the news and see you being put into the back of the divvy

Forgot mfw

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There is no other form of politics in my area though. Let's be honest the Liberals think working class like me are scum. Labour is no better but I feel like this is the only way, the liberals dont even run candidates if it is a byelection in my area

fucking lel

Day of the pillow when

>says the sperg trying to get on DSP
Shouldn't you be going now? Another boomer just ordered some uber eats

I do the only subsidies they get are for diesel. Because the tax on fuel is ment to pay for roads and agricultural equipment mainly works in paddocks. Their isn't any hand outs as such but if they they can apply for low interest loans of upto 100k Is the all they can get. They can't apply for doll or things like that because they have asset's. In rural areas they average around 10-14 K in shire rates. It's not like America where they heavily subsidie farm's so there is no food shortages and to keep agricultural manufacturing going. Australia is survival of the fittest. They take nothing from the government but the government takes a lot from them. If you're a farmer then the climate un bull shit is your enemy. The government has basically taken private property rights of farm land I mean if you got a tree on your land and you want to cut it down its your land so do it. But here in Australia if you do that then you get fines or jail time

The only question I would have: Will she bring a girlfriend.

I'm starting up a website that allows straight men to swap pairs of speedos. Its called I'd like your input guys. Unwashed speedos from other men but zero gay shit. Looking through a range of hosting options right now. Maybe even a rate me system for bulges.


Week off, I was earning enough money that I was able to afford a small holiday.

Suck it wagefag.

How many of these are troll profiles?

What country are you living in?
Farmers who mismanage their land go broke.
Farmers who know how to keep land healthy and thriving and producing water are all multi millionaires.
Shit i know a farmer who flies to the AFL grand final in his helicopter to watch the game in his private booth.

>the only subsidies they get are for diesel

so just like the mining industry

That isn't a moment of dread user.

A lot of people seem to forget how many jobs these farms create. Mechanics, truck drivers, fitters, factory hands etc. are all involved somewhere along the line

>Shit i know a farmer who flies to the AFL grand final in his helicopter to watch the game in his private booth

the potato dude who hires chinks?

Your daily reminder that our farmers export 70% of their produce, driving up domestic food prices, and then get Aussie taxpayers to subsidise them when times are bad.
Food prices in this country would literally be 50% cheaper if farmers weren’t cunts.
t. ex-farmhand.

>All these farmer defenders

Must be busy down in the LNP shill factory.

Fuck mate, I made it my goal just to swipe only on fat girls and they're literally so fucking lazy to get out.

they don't need to sell it as being fair, we'll get robbed blind (probably by fleecing our super or something so it won't hurt as much until boomers are too dead for us to rise up and murder them for it) to bail them out and they'll justify it to themselves saying it's to save the economy (for our benefit, no doubt...)

No they make a living but they are not Rich. If that makes sense. I never went hungry as a kid so it was pretty good. They run their own business they way they want to. They don't ask for hand outs or expect other peoples money. Aussie farmers are not your enemy

You seem upset, Have you tried pulling the stick out of your arse and worrying about your own life?


i always assume that means they're turned on by things cooked in pans (and will eat far too much of said things)

oh that was for

Nah they'll go for increased taxes on income, they need our super to loot for their retirement.

The only limit on boomer greed is how much money is left in the piggybank to steal.

Cop choppers been circling my house. I'm scared everytime I hear a car outside.

This is not wrong at all, but what the fuck are you going to do about it exactly?
Got a plan for us?

Because you get it dirt fucking cheap all year every year. They get no subsidies. You deserve to starve with your attitude. You claim farmers want Gibbs well that's a lie. They don't want anything. But you you think it's your God given right to have cheap food. Well if agricultural produce went up with all the union pay rises across the industrys then you would be paying 10 times as much for your food. So you better thank got the farmers haven't started their own cmfeu and held Australia to ransom

Going on another adventure in the Blueys tomorrow.

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Maybe don't grow weed in your back yard, they use satellites to check these days.

Thank god once the boomers die we can bulldoze the war memorials and ban ANZAC day. Fuck the digger faggot boomer cunts. Burn it all. Change the day to a multicultural festival.

So you milked cows?

That is a lot of rope, what kind of party are you planning?
I imaging it involves abseiling to your rape dungeon.

>Got a plan for us?

Yes, it's called non-participation - its where we refuse to make more money and buy shit and pay as little income tax while seeking to take advantage of the same handouts the boomers are abusing.

The more of us draining the system combined with less input will crash the system and take the boomers down with us.