Living with parents

I'm 36, divorced and living at home with my parents. Should I just kms lads?

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Nah bro shit happens. So long as you don't let depression and substance abuse keep you there you'll be fine. Not the perfect life, but some people don't get their act together till they are old and wise. Think of it this way, it's only up from here, so long as you are willing to work to make it a reality

Fuck no you're living the dream, enjoy easy street nigga

Same thing happened to me at 36. Jow Forums got me through the worst of it. Hang in there kiwi bro.

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Honestly man, it happens. Look around the world and look at most of human history. Extended families lived under the same room for years. The decadent norms of the past 50-60 years were an anomaly. Don't be so hard on yourself and try to get back on your feet.

Nice trips,
Hell no! kill your ex as revange and then kys if you're gonna do it, or..... go out like anders breivik and destroy many leftists leaders/ future leaders.

Patiently rebuild, improve and enjoy. 36 is nothing.

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I’m 28 and love with my grandparents. Grandma makes me tendies and sloppy Josephs. I’m finish college and also divorced.

Just bring some pussy home and pound it. I’ve brought home 18 year olds to my place and smashed her brains out

Im almost 50, feels bad bro.

Sounds fucking based.

Cheers bois

Eh, who cares where you live.

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Do the opposite.

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If you were in USA maybe, but you are in the last bastion of Western sanity in the world.

Gym tan laundry till you make it

39 here, counting down the days towards wizardry.

I'm not even hideous, but somehow women sense my virginity and are repulsed.

I can't get with a prostitute for religious reason, and also because it doesn't really count if you have to pay her.

You need to get a job. It doesn't matter which one. Regular work will get you out of the house. Keep you active and interacting with others. From there you can start getting your shit together again.

No. You should see this as a rebuilding phase. Hit the gym, get some guns, and read siege. Nigger

My uncle did this. He did carpentry but for some reason never had any money because he and his wife spent like degenerates. So even at age 60 he still lives with our grandmother. He did move out briefly for 5 years, but the rest he's been at home and he's okay with that.

You should do whatever in your power to change your situation. It is easy to get too comfortable living with your parents

no kidding my boomer aunt whos 65 has a $2k a month pension and she was a fucking cashier at meijers, those times were the most decadent of history

No, living with your family, especially if you are not married, is normal human behavior, as is inheriting the house when said parents die.

You kill yourself when life gets hard. Just keep your nose clean and enjoy the neet life. You can literally improve yourself in almost every way with this kind of opportunity. Or just watch movies all day and get high. You're in a position to do whatever you want...within reason of course. Still need money for there things

Terrible form

ITT r9k

The black pill is never the answer, unless the question is "what do the Jews love".

Gary Chynne would not be impressed.

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Nah user come play WotLK with me instead.

Give that man 100 good boy points.

Checked for correction!

No. My life fell apart a few years back and me, my wife, and my kids had to move back in with my parents.

My father had cancer, so I got to spend more time with him before he passed. It's crowded. That sucks. It is also more natural for a human family to stay close. Historically, poor people did this time, so it was normal. Multigenerational family life is stressful in ways, but also, you have more people to help just hanging around.

While I was broken, I spent time studying the Bible and got right with Jesus. I suggest you try that before suicide. Learn the Bible in 24 Hours by Chuck Missler is a good guide to get started.

Hang in there!

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Way to shill for the kike on a stick.

pick yourself up.
you still have maybe 50 years left.
are you going to spend the rest of them mopping?

Are you fucking serious? Are you really a virgin? My advice would be stick to your religious beliefs pal, because if you start on prostitutes now, you will spend all your spare cash on it for the rest of your life.

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Warmane gang gang

Never. I am sorry you are going to have to walk a long hard road but killing yourself is never the answer. Be strong and you can and will overcome anything. There is a lack of info about your situation but as long as you are trying to get back on the horse and out on your own and not just being a leech on your parents then it should be fine.

Most importantly. Be thankful how blessed you are that you have parents that are keeping you and make sure THEY know that. Do everything in your power while trying to get back out into the world to make their lives easy and better.

My nigga

Kys easiest way. Wtf is the point of living if you have it hard? Just because people tell you to keep going? No, life is only for those who got it good. Kys nigger

says a kike