Native user and getting initiated into my tribe next month and now I have to listen to my elders talk about this kid and old man even though we're different tribes, kid didn't do anything wrong in my opinion, but i have to listen to this bs either way, any ideas on how to say he did nothing wrong without sounding like an tr*mp sucking idiot?
Native user and getting initiated into my tribe next month and now I have to listen to my elders talk about this kid...
Other urls found in this thread:
>He did nothing wrong.
That just starts a whole can of worms in a land i'm not accustomed to. Talking to a fellow native is hard, they could speak for hours on 1 point, we're good at talking, but not thinking about what we're saying
Talk about how the black isrealites were calling the natives savages
Can you not explain why? He was mindi his own business when a confrontation found him. He kept his composure and caused no problems, which is the reason why there is such an uproar. He did nothing wrong and that's what bothers people so much.
Might bring that up, got any sources for that, user?
>Watch more than the 20 second video, stupid boomer
just like that
People on the reservation don't usually have access to good internet, they just read newspapers, so whatever narritive is pushed is what they believe
How would they react to a toothless, old, homeless white guy walking up to them and beating a drum in their faces? Do Indians have any empathy?
Tell them it's problematic that the black people were displaying their learned homophobia. And that the native america seams to also have picked up this undesirable trait of homophobia.
Bring a video on your phone.
They have major resentment towards whites, so this whole thing just fuels it with the narratives they believe, they'd take the side of another native even if the person is of different tribe before a white man
He didn't approach the Indian man, as many believe, nor did he bother him. His group spoke to another group, Black Hebrew Israelites, before the Indian man came up to him. Now he's getting hounded by NPC SJWs over false accusations.
If you really don't wanna hear it just throw them a half gallon of listerine and go sit at the kids fire.
It ain't that complicated, Blue Duck.
My tribe use to respect gay and feminine boys, but after the indian school debacles across the southeastern US, they learned homophobia from the white school teachers and priests
I found a good one i think i'll share if they ask for it, shows the whole thing in good quality
Do you think reservations should be removed?
Just a question, were you on my thread about Nate's dodgy record?
t. Beothuk Guy.
They learned some morality. Good for them.
So you're good to go!
This, there are uncut videos.
I would start with pointing out that the Native American himself believes the boy did nothing wrong. Then show the footage uncut, and point out that they were being harangued by the Black Israelites.
In all honesty, he seems to be bemused by the fact that a man is playing music in front of him when he was prior in a heated confrontation.
I imagine MAGAhatboy respects this native man. Native guy seems like a nice chap.
You talk like an annoying bitch. Not genociding your people into extinction was a mistake. Just listen to yourself. Little faggot Indian boy. Fuck off
Yes, actually. You have to go through too many hoops to start a business on a reservation, so the economy is fucked, alot of people see natives as lazy and drunk, but that's just the rez indians who can't get a job because the government control stagenates and regulates the ammount of business allowed there, the closest alternative for jobs is >60 miles away, so it turns alot of tribesmen to selling illegal alcohol and drugs (the town i'm visiting on the rez has alcohol banned, idk how it is for others)
No, just here from telegram, usually a thread lurker, first time as a poster. And so yea, call me a newfag like i know you guys will
They had a special place in many Native American cultures. Well, unless it's Aztec culture then GTFO as quickly as possible because Motēkwsōma would come for you.
You sound like them. You'll fit in perfectly.
What an amazing culture. Fuck off
I welcome guests. Just ignore the Newfags calling guests "Newfags".
Thank you, neckbeard for your insight, how's that big gulp?
No jokes, they had the harshest penalties for homosexuality in recorded history.
Thanks, i'll watch this when i get get some time, but i saved the link
Sounds like you need to lay off the gasoline desu
You have to be 18 and over to post here.
Costs too much, dollar store mouthwash all the way
Be honest. remind them that European Solutreans were actually First Nations. The Clovis hunters were prolly white, and the YD killed them. After the YD your Mongloid ancesters migrated over. Sites in Virginia are twice as old as Alaska. The oldest tools, art and skulls found on NA- are Europoid.
No race is native or aboriginal to this continent. Turtle island is just a religious creationism and when you force everyone else to believe your religion it is a theocracy. The Pauite admit to killing the earlier red haired Si-Teh-Cah tribe and stealing their land.
Who's land" who was genocided actually?
I gave up Alcohol. I have faith in you. Put down the Mouthwash.
Burn your community double wide to the ground while you're all inside it. Your entire existence is welfare dependence and shiftlessness.
This copypasta again, I follow Inti.
Well.played user.
Tell them they were once proud warriors, so stop being useful idiots for the jew and leave that whiney, anti white victimhood shit to nigger women.
Jow Forums is a board of peace.
whites were hunters, shaman, chiefs, and sailors long before any Indian ever was. They hunted the great bison, mammut, cave bear and saber tooths the longest.
All your totems now are belong to us.
Kiddin those have always been our totems, and chief describes a european leader of a tribe, not a mongloid. You appropriated our own ancient words.
I was joking, i've seen the effect of alcohol and drugs on my family and friends, so stayed away from it, use to be a fat fuck, but been working on it, now i'm just fat, haha. Still working on getting my weight down, but staying clean is just as important
Not making the argument we did anything first, we lost the war and we got the consequece of losing our land, no one "took" it, rules of war, but thank you user for your insight
Whew had me worried then! I actually talked to a Native American under the influence of Mouthwash today. I am also working to shift the pounds.
Explain to them how the kid was like a buffalo and the elder a great wind who tried to cool off the buffalo, but the wind blew too hard and almost knocked the buffalo over. Not knowing the great wind's intentions were as honorable as the noble deer, the buffalo grew annoyed as it believed the great wind was trying to knock him over. Confused and resilient, the buffalo stood his ground like the most powerful mountain. When the great wind saw that the buffalo was growing annoyed, he changed course like the leaves change with the season, and the buffalo rejoined his herd.
Just ignore him, he's just bitter because he works for Natives at some Alaskan Corp.
The ironic thing is that white people make fun of natives, but they will go extinct through the same way.
Sounds to me like you need to get the fuck out of the reservation asap. Like, yesterday asap. And then you need to make a good and stable life out of yourself to teach these cunts a lesson.
Preferably with white folk who appreciate and value you as a person, and not as a mouthpiece. No wonder suicide rates among indians are so high. And stay off the drugs.
no words just smiles
Ps, think we got a better deal than most who lose wars, i've never complained about it
>if that was my son , id force him to kneel down and suck the jew dick
Pass the peace pipe, Geronimo
What makes it your land? Being first? If no race is native to this continent how does that work?
And if the Solutreans were first do European hunters still own it since they were first?
My land mine mine . This gets so fucking old. It NEVER was your land.
I don't live there, thank god. I think if i did i'd be stuck in the rez cycle. I'm a state away and that's why my iniation is so late, but i do have a small scholarship going for me, going for becoming a EMT, want to change the statistics rather than become one
If some of the whites ancestors are from africa, wouldn't that make them Native to africa?
Native here. If you've ever lived near the res or you got relatives on the res and you don't think it's a shame the white man didn't finish the job then you're a resnigger.
Read the war comment i made about how i veiw the stupid "our land" argument, i don't think we had our land stolen
Ive banged more squaw pussy than every other Buck on Jow Forums and my gramps was born on the same rez Nathan claims to be from. And damn Indians are the most hateful, ignorant and racist all because they think like a cult., and we like the Science.
Since Europe isnt really a Continent cant we just call white people the other Asian meat?Since they came from asia too just like "natives'
Yeah, just say “he did nothing wrong” pretty easy chief opisafaggot
Good shit my man!
If you do eventually walk on the path of the EMT, please remember to take good care of your mental health because it takes a toll in this job. Godspeed.
I think the reservations were a mistake, like i said, government control has stagnated growth for awhile, i do believe alot is to blame on the people on the res for not realizing this sooner, as now any attempt to change it is seen as "letting white people in", which i think we need for more financial growth, but a downside is blacks follow whites, and then the cylce starts again
So you're part Omaha? Besides Tlingit like Dene are different from most Native Americans, they came after the Amerindian Natives did.
Those Catholic school kids who were
defamed by the major news outlets should hire a team of kick-ass lawyers to sue all of the news outlets (CNN, etc.) for defamation of character, mental anguish, pain and suffering, etc.
I had this idea that most Natives are skeptical of, but I thought of having Native American colonies in Bolivia such as an Algonquian one, far away from the corruptions of modern society.
I as a Beothuk chap condemn CNN and co for not only casting aspersions on those kids but also for not asking Native Americans as a whole what they thought. They pretend to care about them.
Don't you have some fire water to drink before on your shift at the casino?
The problem is that the government controlled growth to a complete stop, saw that the population was growing unhappy, then threw social security, welfare, etc. us until we quieted down. I want the native population off food stamps and welfare, but it will take deregulation AND the hard work of the people, nothing is achieved without hard work
Just say you think it was a misunderstanding on the Elders part and remind them that the kids are actual kids.
I just think there is golden opportunities in the horizon. Reservations can only hold so much.
Weiss. Sure , could be German, but the Mother doesn't look German.
The rule is that 1 N instead of 2 means jew not German.
Has everyone gone blind?
Holy big nosed crooked jaw smirking putz.
He looks like he could be the late Aaron Swartz's brother.
And notice how quickly the Blackface photo surfaced?
Casinos pay well, but none on my rez, they see it as a place of, idk what they call it, but sin basically, kinda ironic seeing as how we have wannabe gangster teens walking about and stabbing each other over alcohol and weed. However, i think casinos work well when intigrated into the reservation well, seen them really liven up the local economy and well being other tribes i've visited
didnt even the drum-veteran in the video say he did nothing wrong?
So just standing and smiling is considered a hate crime
I'll do my best to help you. Luckily I know your native language so that should be beneficial as well.
First as a good gesture, gift the group some firewater. This usually helps calm the indians.
"Me thinkum big about this long. I have discussed with the Mighty Thunderbird and Crafty Raven high in the skies. Chief Squawnky walk to Little Brave with banging drum. Thisum be no good. Little Brave look Chief in the eye and smile. He no backum down. Bear tells me that boy, he do nothing wrong."
Yea, but everyone wants to see white people burn, i have nothing against white people, i think they're under attack and it's obvious
Natives came after the other dozens of races of natives and that makes them all native ethic indigenous americans?
Cool story bro. But in reality no race is native to North Americ I dont care if 3 billion chinese come over.
crossing to another continent does not create a magical new race of humans.
Thanks for posting. Abusing others, and being abused, is the cornerstone of Jow Forums. It builds a thick skin, teaches you that words are just words, and how to appreciate a good insult. More importantly, it's essential to not being a pussy. So don't let it get to you, you fucking newfag.
Remember, you're here forever.
This is nothing but more blame and hate Whitey
Where do the Métis belong then?
>It turns out that Nathan Phillips is raising money with the help of a major big-money left-wing operation, and has a history of appearing in the press claiming to be a victim of anti-Native racism.
>As Fox 2 Detroit reported, an Ypsilanti man says he was trying to teach a few students dressed in American Indian theme party about respecting Native Americans. Not long afterward, Nathan Phillips said that an interaction with party-goers and students turned ugly.
Nathan Phillips says he was out for a noon walk on a Saturday in mid-April.
He walked by a home where he saw Eastern Michigan University students dressed as Native Americans.
"They had little feathers on, I was just going to walk by," Phillips said. "A group of them said 'Come on over, come here.'"
He says he walked over to the fence and saw roughly 30 to 40 students involved in a theme party.
"They had their face painted," Phillips said. "I said what the heck is going on here. 'Oh we are honoring you.' I said no you are not honoring me."
It was a statement he says they took offense to.
"Then started whooping and hollering," he said. "I said that wasn't honoring, that was racist. Then at that time, it really got ugly."
Phillips says he was bombarded with racial slurs.
"(They said) 'Go back to the reservation, you blank indian,'" he said.
One student, he says, threw a beer can at him.
"If I would have stayed where I was at, it would have hit me in the head," he said. "I backed up and it hit me in the chest."
He had seen enough at that point and says he called the police.
"By the time police got there, it was like there was no party there at all," he said.
Phillips filed a report with campus police who tell FOX 2 they are investigating the matter.
>Additionally, Phillips starred in a 2012 Skrillex video called “Make It Bun Dem,” in which Phillips does some spiritual warfare connected to a violent attack on a police officer.
Phillips is not simply a random Native man who was accosted by “racist” MAGA-hat wearing teens, as the mainstream press has reported. He is connected to leftist activists who donate large sums to leftist causes.
“[Phillips] is a Vietnam Veteran and former director of the Native Youth Alliance,” according to Heavy.
The Native Youth Alliance appears to be a standalone entity. However, as BigLeaguePolitics' Patrick Howley points out, the larger well-funded Native Youth Leadership Alliance - which told us that it is not associated with Phillips - is currently promoting Phillips’ fundraising campaign stemming from the incident with the Catholic teens. The Native Youth Leadership Alliance (NYLA) is a non-profit organization that is funded by the same far-left power players who are often involved in bankrolling leftist causes. The organization’s funding partners include the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and the Social Justice Fund Northwest.
And now, he is personally fundraising off the mainstream media's misdeeds...
It's just the tricks of the (((Long-Nose Tribe))) again. They just want absolute power, Whitey is in their way.
You have Jow Forums but no google?
i think i smash dog humper for light brick and trade for fire water
" Initiated into the tribe"
we know OP is complete bullshit. You would have been born into it to recieve the free healthcare, school, BIA grants and gibbs.
Maybe your getting initiated into MS13.
>t. user who doesn't know what he's talking about.
He's been adopted by the Soros tribe.
With black isrealites harrassing white kids at rall in my search history (((they))) will take notice of me
hope you get some. until then ive got some spare blankets id like for you to take
Just delete the search history (But don't lose the page).
Highly recommend these.