The ethics of doxxing aside (personally I'm against it), why is pic related true...

The ethics of doxxing aside (personally I'm against it), why is pic related true? Why are white nationalists so afraid of being "named" or "exposed"? Why not be proud and honest of who you are? Aren't you tough macho guys?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Some people actually have these things called "jobs".
Sorry if the word sounds foreign to you.

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The thing is that they'll call you ""far right"" if you're not for quasi open borders though.

If you publicaly take a political stand, like attend a political march or speech ... you are public. That’s not dozing. The fact is no one that attends a Bernie rally or Woman’s March or even Wall Street protest is afraid of the connect to the event or their name attached. It’s only you right wing faggots. Why are you so scared? Why don’t your want to be associated with th epolitics you espouse?

Yeah, your ideology is repulsive in any democracy, to any moral citizen. Youre cowards.

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Imagine my shock.

Which indoor shooting range (aka synagogue) do you attended (((OP)))?

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I would lose my job as an engineer working in a public research university with a cucked admin.
But the wind is turning, and soon we won't have to hide our opinions anymore.

You sound far right to me desu. You clearly make a value distinction between people and put them in a hierachy, and then you want do destroy those that you deem to be lower on that hierachy. You are far right; please post your adress on the Antifa twitter account so that they can take proper measures.

damn comrade lookin /fa/ af

Nobody's going to try to get you fired, and ruin your life for attending a Bernie Rally or Woman's March. If somebody attends a moderately Right Wing rally like Patriot Prayer or what have you. Then the basement dwelling cretins that inhabit the left will cry in outrage at an individual's employers and try to ruin their life. Personally I think you and your ilk should be purged.

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Even more rare than the rarest Pepe: finding an antifa who is not a middle-class white twink.

Because this happens when you commie scum know where we have a beer then go home, unaware who sneaks up from behind.

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Cunt, you hide behind a meme flag

>extreme left: kill all racists
>moderate left: all white people are racist

Those events are paid for corporate America. They dont want dissidents.

Employing a few tactics used in a formerly fascist nation, does not make one right-wing. Commies get the rope, socialists do too and that includes NatSocfags. The Constitutional-Republic and its staunch Nationalist people will not abide these tards much longer.

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>why aren't you proud of being a communist? It's 1950s America, you should come out into the open with your beliefs. Why are you afraid of being labeled a communist?

It's called being dissident. It has nothing to do with what the actual beliefs are, only that they are opposed to the status quo.

>far left
lets kill all of the rich people
>moderate left
lets tax all of the rich people
>idiot centrist liberals
lets create a focus group to determine how many black employees are optimal for corporate image and donate $1000 to an inner city school after making them pay $10,000 for a new computer lab

Thats Afd they are controlled opposition anyone who bashes Islam and doesn't mention the root cause of open borders the Jews is a controlled opposition

people should just man up and face the heat that they are pretending to face on the internet.
Just saw that all of the Third Rail Podcasts were pulled because that Spectre guy got doxed and now he does what a coward does trying to hide when its to late already.

Just like the Trump administration.

the guy was a communist himself so thats Karma at work for you Boomer

not as effective as...

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of coarse couldn't be otherwise

People can be destroyed, but ideas can live forever. I would rather participate as a part of an idea than put myself out there to be destroyed.

>come out as a marxist
Everyone sucks your dick and society panders to you

>come out as a fascist
Lose your job and friends

as it should be

Conflicting programming, see they believe the current system is good, and all these liberals and SJWs are a threat to what would be a nice and happy america if only they would stop trying to ruin it.
They do not realize the two are linked, that the one causes the other, and so while every other kind of radical includes a desire for complete shift, they are afraid of rocking the boat too much, because they still want to like the boat. Anything then that directly threatens their ability to stay where they are comfortable (their jobs and social reputation) is a major threat.

honestly, I think everything you posted applies to far left, but they're collectively such an ideological mess that it comes across as a gradient

Its spelt doxing not doxxing, thanks Gawker for the misleading spelling. Hope their families get killed.

It's not true. After getting doxxed people have nothing to lose and can go even further to the right.

And you get to bash liberals just as hard. You really should try it sometime :^)

So then you agree you aren't actually fighting against the system, you're for it...

Everyone is afraid of being doxxed, including leftists that think it's a good idea.
The amount of times that leftists have managed to get themselves doxxed and the times they've turned on one another are far too much to fit into one post.
Actually, you couldn't even fit it in one thread. You'd need a general posted every day for a week to cover the sheer amount of fuckups on their part.

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>Aren't you tough macho guys?

hard to be tough when you lose your job and literally cant afford fucking food because leftists cant handle anyone having a different political opinion and jews have utterly destroyed any ability to start a small business

So let's dox everyone who works for (((the guardian)))

And i think his chart is stupid and the left wants to sieze the means of production and abolish property and wage labor, and anyone advocating taxes is simply a filthy liberal capitalist porky enabling shill.

So what happens if this kid gets doxxed, and as a result gets murdered? The left will very obviously rejoice publicly. What do you think would happen?

thats not what the writer of the article or what OP was saying you dumbfuck libertarian

no thats total bullshit
what i said was correct
you have american brain rot and dont know what politics are

liberals are not left wing they are right wing. they are pro-capitalist.

the fuck are you talking about
cultural approval means literally nothing

there isnt a single relevant left wing government in the world today

democratic socialists are still left wing theyre just moderates

I agree taxation is pointless and you might as well just kill all of them but those people do exist as a moderate left

yeah that would fucking rule dude
pick up driving thumbs with eagle tattoos would make a ton of awesome videos where they record themselves screaming in their truck while Jow Forums would lose its shit

>there isnt a single relevant left wing government in the world today

Is this the new way of saying real communism has never been tried

not its a new way of saying the cold war was disastrous for workers movements and has yet to recover from it

Because the far right is the oppressed underdog that runs the risk of loosing everything if it's discovered that they hold illegal opinions.

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Doxxing is effective against everyone though. I could doxx one of the faggot leafs in this thread, tell his country about how he has slaves in his basement and they would at least probably pay him a visit.

Stale pasta nigger. Write some OC if you're going to shill.

DPRK is the savior of humanity, do not believe any of the propoganda, great comrade un will have portable nuclear generators and solve all the worlds energy problems soon, this will finally allow small scale socialist states to prosper and resist the globalist banking boot that crushes upstart nations.

of course communism has never been tried, before you can do communism you need global socialism, which has not yet been reached.

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Potato detected

lol because it always goes so well when we gather in public with (((our))) Dodge Challengers

but the right controls all the money, power, governments, media, markets, etc.

the only thing the conservative right wing doesnt control is popular culture which they constantly cry about and is the reason why they consider themselves to be the underdog. theyre not actually the underdog. they have literally all the power in the world. its just that people fucking like them and it makes them feel saaaaad :( so they make themselves out to be the new punk rock underdogs

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watch out guys, some intellectual powerhouse just showed up!

why don't you accept that blank slate is a false worldview and make up your political ideals from there

Same reason you kikes use meme-flags i suppose

>but the right controls all the money, power, governments, media, markets, etc.

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Im not afraid to show my racism towards spics, I'll do it in his brown lefty face.

Jesus christ this is typical "everyone who isn't communist is right wing"

How delusional do you have to be to think the right controls the media

>uses meme flag
>asks why people are afraid to let their personal info be released to public
kys, fucking moron.

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they do
what institution of power does the right wing neoliberal disgusting octopus not occupy besides being cool on twitter?

>Why would someone be worried about being attacked by commie degenerates?

capitalists own the media

You have been lead to believe something that is not actually left is left, so the fake left and fake right can bicker openly and make you think political things are happening, when in the end its all just porky putting on a show.

It's not an effective tactic, though. The impact of the tactic has been very close to zero, if anything doxxing multiplies your opponents by producing additional personal outrage with which to recruit new followers. The only actual appeal for the transgressors is to feed your their own side's zealotry by offering them a sacrifice.

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>further radicalize white normies
>give them no option but outright revolution

Yes, it is effective.


no thats literally how that works dude
left = socialism
right = capitalism

thats how the political spectrum works
thats how politics works

The right absolutely fucking controls the media. its owned by a handful of companies that control something like 90% of american media. Giant corporations are not left wing and never will be. Look at how the "left wing" outlets like CNN or MSNBC cover somebody like AOC. theyre trying to slander and destroy somebody that is totally moderately left wing and benign. They fucking hate the idea of socialism and try to bury it at all cost.

I'm proud and honest when it doesn't risk me losing my entire future as a software engineer because most of the software companies blacklist anyone right of Lenin if they let it be known, just look at what Google did to the guy who sent nothing but scientific data.

also antifa are soros funded controlled oposition, soros is still a nazi, a member of the nazi controlled shadow government, which sounds good until you realize if hitler was serious and the good guy they would have returned from antarctica by now and not let things get the way they currently are.

if its bait then you should easily be able to answer the question

which institution of power in the world does the right wing not control other than culture?

When you are weak and your enemy is strong so not offer battle.
When your enemy is weak and you are strong..

Working white men are the only people keeping this shit show going lol

Doxx away comrade

My countries entire government.

>jews own the media
Fixed that for you.

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>meme flag
>bullshit topic
>daring to fuck with user

i'd say you got all the pre-requitetes for a good old fashioned swatting. you should probably be hiding unedr your bed before we do something stupid.


I imagine this is something a communist Alex Jones would say

The media routinely show antifa in a good light and any right wing rally as "extreme far right"

Canada is capitalist

>right of Lenin
You are only furthering the programming even if you gest. Lenin would not have allowed identity politics of any kind, nor would he have allowed that company to exist.

The left is finally catching on. Good for them.

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>tech companies
>left wing
pick one and only one

>conservative right wing doesnt control is popular culture
neocons control the evangelical bible thumping culture or "muh freedom" culture which is an hyperindivudalist
But the liberals control the mtv culture of faggotry and trannyism etc which is another hyper individualist culture
The problem with you is that you think that American culture is just single soul. Its acutally divided now the synthesis of this two cultures are gonna be either You dickskins or us

It is standard socialist doctrine that violence with out purpose, or non violent protest, are useless. A real socialist either revolts or waits. Anyone you see in the streets is a liberal.

That's just cause you are so far left they are on your right.
They are on our left so we can then the left.
You can't assume yours is the only perspective.

nobody shows antifa in a good light. actual socialist leaning media outlets arent even that hot on antifa because the left really has a trouble creating an imagine that doesnt scare soccer moms

>Capitalist = right wing

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Canada is a mixed economy just like China and others

Sounds like one culture to me; individualism.

It's a weird situation because 'right' can refer to either nationalists or corporate supremacists. That ambiguity didn't matter too much a few decades ago, but now the corporate crowd hate nations and borders because they slow down the race to the bottom on workers rights.

thats literally what the fucking political spectrum is

what the fuck are you saying

name one economic difference between democrats like clinton and the republican party. they have the same economic policy

wow we got a fucking nerd here
mixed is still capitalist

capitalist = right wing

Right so everyone who goes to protests waving marxist flags are controlled op, but you and the one other communist in this thread are the correct ones

Is this a bait? you literally have to see the huff post, vice and other news media on how they portrayed you as innocent dindu nuffin souls after charlotsville ffs

it is but it differs in nature apple and orange are not the same but they are both fruits

because americans cant understand politics or a political spectrum. they think there are 2 political possibilities in the world

normal people would say, paleocon, liberal, fascist, maoist, marxist leninist, democratic socialist, socdem, etc. but americans are stupid as fuck from decades of corn syrup so they need everything to be left or right like their fucking hands so they cant remember which team theyre on.

>no one that attends a Bernie rally or Woman’s March or even Wall Street protest is afraid
I wonder why...

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>pick one and only one
Maybe that old distinction is a bit obsolete?
Left/right originates from the French revolution, where the monarchists where sitting on the right-side of the "hemicycle" at the house, while the republicans sat at the left.

I have a hard time believing that tankists care that much about 10-year-old drag kids. Maybe we could find common ground? We kill the degenerates, you get to kill all the Jewish porkies, we have an economy with cooperative institutions and small private businesses, among civilized white people, and we're happy forever after.

wtf? Pretty sure doxxing is effective against any type of person. Nobody wants a mob after them and the people they know.

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mixed is capitalist? wtf So mixed nigger with jew is still a nigger?

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as a generality what i said is true
antifa gets a lot of bad press

>wtf? Pretty sure doxxing is effective against any type of person.

leftism exists in its current state because the more evidence there is to prove racism is fair, the more social credit a person can get by denying it.

its inherently positive to their identity given they live in a pozzed diverse hellhole like most do

>everyone who goes to protests waving marxist flags are controlled op

Non violent protests have never been effective, this is why the education system always stressed how great and enlightened they are, so people grow up and think thats what they are supposed to do.

A socialist would not protest in this way unless they thought societal collapse was imminent and wanted to try and make a presence known in the hope that they could guide the revolution (socialist revolutions do not happen, revolutions happen and socialists salvage them).

As a revolution can not happen in the west prior to absolute collapse, and we are still a good ways away from that happening, nobody in those protests are socialists, or very few. Maybe if a protest happened right outside my house id go check it out and see whats up, but i certainly wouldn't be one of the retards making a scene.

except fascism is a revolution of the aristocracy and is basically a reactionary police state designed to fight a war of total elimination against workers movements and socialism

those are fucking liberals
stop lumping leftists and liberals together
they fucking hate each other