
Hi. I wanted to tell you that I have been observing at different times of the day how your toy flag was constantly watched and protected by no less than 10 individuals. But, I mean really watched. Any damage was repaired almost immediately and in coordination. Far from congratulating you, I tell you that I find it extremely pathetic. How is it possible that there are individuals so utterly lacking in personal and productive life to be able to afford to sit on their prominent fatty butts for 24 hours a day patrolling a digital banner in a pixel art game as if it were a real military mission? . Of course, if it were a real military mission, clearly, the will would not be the same and the necessary guts would not exist directly. This makes me want to investigate and interfere more in the United States as a society. How is it possible that from a group of such gross and self-centered individuals, so rude and over-estimated, come people like Noam Chomsky, or Kuhn? These people (you, the gringos) literally, in a great majority, should not even know, for example, which countries your army is invading at this moment. Not even that. The level of alienation and existence-within-a-bubble they have is surprising.

It is frightening for someone who still believes in humanity to appreciate as young as you are kept calm with sugars, saturated fats, pornography, fantasy conspiracy theories and a huge cheap pride like the one that takes you to invest your time and effort in defending layer and sword a video game.

Keep painting your ridiculous flag with colored pixels while dying of obesity and diabetes. Meanwhile the world happens.

You are unpleasant.

Attached: 1548107058135.png (847x602, 47K)

Other urls found in this thread:

what is this

Attached: 1523521799353.jpg (1000x750, 180K)

Stay mad, nigger.

Attached: argentina is white.png (968x649, 977K)

Stay mad faggot

u lost bud

If you were a little more cultured, you would know that this absurd war, in fact, was started by a drunken general who was in the position of head of state thanks to a military civic coup framed in a US coordination within the "Condor" plot. , at the regional level (Many neoliberal coups throughout the region, hand in hand with the Yankee embassy). All those 18-year-old boys who drowned did it because of the same shit.

what game is he talking about?


user we just keep a bot running and masturbate
top left corner is where the flag was
I think most people were using scripts and just filling out the captchas for it 2bh

You actually came here to call them on it.
Must have bothered you lol

still looks fine to me

Attached: wat.png (1814x821, 95K)

It's still ok to kill Jewish and israeli children.

When you make hard-to-detect damage, it is no repaired quickly. So effectivelly, there it is a real group of fat americans patrolling the flag.

yeah wtf

Attached: fucknazis.png (187x131, 4K)

Attached: download (9).jpg (296x170, 8K)

It could be people who are at work who have it in a different tab or second monitor or something.
Why does it have to be "fat americans" lol?

Attached: Canteen_-_600fff.jpg (480x480, 28K)

"A second study from the National Center for Health Statistics at the CDC showed that 39.6% of US adults age 20 and older were obese as of 2015-2016 (37.9% for men and 41.1% for women).[16]"

I prefer to have a higher index of miscegenation but a lower body mass index. You diabetic fat whales.

Attached: 4inchEFP_-_600.jpg (600x726, 150K)

Attached: 6inchEFP_-_600.jpg (600x726, 123K)

Shiiieeet, OP mad A F!

Attached: YourPost.jpg (498x400, 25K)

2bh I sometimes would "patrol" the flag for like 5 minute intervals and I run a 7 minute mile and bench over 2 plates

I loft in between shitposting.

Agreed... I changed one pixel on the upper cross to (((GRAY))) from black. It was instantly changed to black again...

That's some strong autism right there. That and you're wasting your life lol.

>what is a script that multiple people run

he cute

I made that nose under the flag. Thought it would dissapear in an hour and now it has been there a few days. I feel proud with my creation.

and its not even a Hakenkreuz, just a Balkenkreuz

How could you lose pixel canvas, pol?