You're a racist and it's time to admit it, white man

You're a racist and it's time to admit it, white man.

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Wait a second, isn't this guy dead?

And that's a good thing

Nope. Still fucking kids like a madman

then what? so we all admit we are racists, then what?

Sadly no.

Then we cleanse the country, and Whites live happily ever after.

Has Joe forgotten that he too, is a WHITE MALE!?

>You're a racist and it's time to admit it, white man.
When have we denied it?

didn't exactly pick the best time to try this did he

You aren't wrong.

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Yes, yes; we're all racists because we don't want our property values to plummet, our schools performance to decline to unsalvageable levels, our wives and daughters to be assaulted/raped, our sons murdered, etc. Well, if wanting a quiet life where I don't have to worry about Juan or Tyrone or Muhammed getting uppity, so be it; call me a racist. But it's hard to take anything Liberals like Biden say serious considering they live in multi-million dollar gated communities with armed guards protecting them 24/7.

No that was John Mcain

There rasicm everywhere not just America, it’s part of life

I’m definitely a racist.

Well the Supreme Court is ruling on affirmative action this year so that’ll go a massive way to finally destroying it.

Racism is the ultimate enlightenment, because it is awareness of the very real fact that whites are better than niggers in every way. For too long, the word "racism" has had a negative denotation, but it is actually a positive one. Any white person who is not a racist, is bluepilled. Scientists have proved that whites are genetically superior to blacks.

Literally the best possible outcome. Of course, I’d purge all the retarded white leftists as well.

Fuck off, pedo Joe

The reason you don't live in a multi-million dollar gated community is because you're a dumb racist. You had all the systemic advantages of white privilege, but you were unable or unwilling to use them to get off meth, get out of your trailer park, and move to a coastal city to better yourself.

Racism is simply being aware of race and selecting accordingly. Discrimination is literally the foundation of choice. Do anti-racists oppose choice? Whether or not hatred factors into it is mostly irrelevant, but given the current threat that mass immigration poses to White countries, I would say hate is not only a natural but an essential survival mechanism. Removing the non-Whites from White countries is what will make racial harmony and stable diversity in the world possible.

Diversity + Proximity = Conflict, and politically correct garbage won't change that. It just leads to incompetence.

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>coastal city
You mean the ones white people are fleeing from?

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K I’m racist so wat

I never denied it.

I thought he was dead. Digits for a dead creepy joe Biden.

As long as joe admits he like to sniff little girls

yes i m racist but that doesn't mean i do not have human decency unlike the leftist i'm still able to show kindness even to people i do not like now what is better being hypocrite and act as if we all equal and support all degeneracy or be honest and still act like decent person

White America: Joe Biden 'has to admit he's still a childfiddler'

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Someone needs to put a black dildo in his face and if he refuses to suck it means hes a racist.

I mean the ones that generate all the wealth you flyover rubes rely on to buy your opiods and meth. Face it: poor white people are genetic trash, and we'd all be better off if you scumfuck racists were dragged off to extermination camps and gassed. Just image, 3000 miles of unbroken forests and prairies from Portland to New York City without a single pickup-driving, inbred white bigot.

Uhmm.. Yes?

What's wrong with being a racist? All niggers, sandniggers, Jews and spics are racists too. So why can't whitey also be?

Racism is in group preference. Racism is controlled by a hormone called "Oxytocin", and it's present in all humans. It's needed for survival.

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>You're a racist and it's time to admit it, white man.
Yep. That right there. That's what made me racist. Anyways thanks. It's kind of freeing.
I also became a mysoginist, a homophobe, a transphobic, and some other stuff I forgot.
It's really fucking fun. Have some.

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>systematic racism
You mean affirmative action?

If my options as a white man have been distilled down into "commie" or "racist nazi," then Heil Hitler, gas the kikes, race war now. Better dead than red.

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well put

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Pedo biden

Systemic racism against whites, yes he's correct

> Humans are the same as (two different species of) single cell organisms
This is the mighty power of Jow Forums's knowledge of biology and ecology.

Yes joe I am a racist realist, and no i dont care. Also joe needs to admit he is a serial child rapist because he is

Joe Biden the admitted Zionist can rot in Hell.

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>food is so cheap that anyone can afford it
>food comes from red states
>hurr durr red states don't create value because it don't do the economy good
>muh snapchat update is super-important to the economy
>what? no, I'm not an innovator that creates value. I just take the credit because I live in the same area
>the chaos created by an unprecedented pace of technological development is leaving rural areas behind? it's obviously their fault for existing lol

this is what you sound like