Do you really believe you have the moral authority to infiltrate, subvert and destroy various nations?
A question for Jews and Israelis here on Jow Forums
One man's subversion is another man's progress
The left loves us because we lead leftists/feminist/weed legalization bullshit. You just see your righttard side of the story
thats a fucking dumb ass waste of time question OP. Does it matter?
But do you think genociding people and destroying their nations is moral?
It is important. Maybe they have a moral case to genocide us. In which case, all the power to them. However, I want to hear it.
Wrong question. They don't believe in moral authority.
It's not about having moral authority to do so. It's about advancing Jewish interests, which is always moral for a Jew.
Yes. Especially GOYIM. HAHAHAHA death to goyim!
There are 100k abortions in Germany every year you idiot
How is this Jews' fault
Your day is rapidly approaching kike.
Of course, goyim aren't equals
Many of whom are polish womens who come to Germany because it is illegal in poland
Why does Indonesia care about this?
>At the forefront of countering that trend is a little-known network of volunteers, many of them Jewish women, who are motivated by their faith and commitment to the idea that women need to be able to control their own reproductive choices.
>According to most interpretations, Judaism views abortion differently than Catholicism or conservative evangelical Christianity, which both consider conception the start of full personhood. In contrast, that status isn’t conferred until a baby has begun to emerge, according to many decisors of Jewish law.
How do you even make this comparison? the holohoax to legalizing cannabis? Dumb.
>Many of whom are polish womens
lol retard polish women go to czechia for that shit as germany is tripple the price
Haaretz is like jewish counterpart of NYT or WaPo (those are jewish too, but they're really americanized).
So it's obvious Haaretz will promote anything which is leftist, so to them, even judaism can be leftist, like to European leftists, christianity can be leftist.
Why do I care about this? Because it's why Europe is dying, because people live immoral lives you dumb Teuton. Read some Robert Spaemann
>Many of whom are polish womens who come to Germany because it is illegal in poland
Why did those kikes on OP pic harrass those good Germans with their kike star? Did they want to provoke, start a fight or something?
Are you a Jew in Indonesia?
>the chad catholic Zoomer
so why his face?
Do you wanna know the truth?
Got a quote?
do you feel guilty for eating meat?
if not, that's how cutdick brain damaged jews are raised to think of anyone who isn't part of their organized crime syndicate
Also, they're not semites