Does Jow Forums like crypto?
Does Jow Forums like crypto?
It's hard to trust something without a creator. That makes absolutely no sense. The theories around it are crazy.
It most likely came out of Israel as a testing ground, single world government currency test bed.
They'll never sell us on the idea openly, but the hype for Bitcoin proved all they need to do is deregulate, slow it's growth a bit, allow mom and pop to invest and they'll drag the entire world in to a single currency. Smart.
Also wtf is your flag / country. There's a lot of you today. This is a raid or Intel gathering.
I prefer to invest in currencies that aren't buoyed up by illegal drug sales on the dark web and fly-by-night spivs looking to pump and dump.
No but we rather make off-spring with fertile monster girls compared to filthy roasties with the taint of niggers, now go ahead and make 'em gene-vats and sell us some of those.
So you're telling me you like ((them)) to own your currency?
I do not enjoy adrenaline rides.
I don't like the idea of my savings going up in smoke because:
>a hard drive failure
>a nationwide blackout
>an EMP
>the government simply declares it illegal
That said I'm waiting for it to go down to $500 so I can buy in
Our central bank is unironically owned by the people.
Implying Bitcoin, which has no known inventor.. isn't (((them)))
10000 LINK
This is all you need to become fabulously wealthy in a few years.
It is a grave mistake to equate crypto with Bitcoin.
One has a tremendous future ahead of it, the other not. Guess which.
>crypto threads on Jow Forums
>biz fags still think they are early adopters
biztards from 2016 got rich while you polaks were still fappin to hitler
When everyone was talking about it and GPU prices went full retard I knew it was too late to go in.
Did they at one point force it super hard in Republika Hrvatska too?
Janez, slovenia is balls deep into crypto.
I love the memes tho
Just advice from a ex-polak, stop lurking this board and join the new financial revolution.
Its spitting ((them)) in the face.
Look at venezuela,syria and other shitholes where inflation hit hard.
Nothing is owned in democracies. The central bank has as its only job to print money so that they get resources without taxing, which is a bit harder to do and they also give money to banks. Also to finance the retarded social programs.
Nothing of that is possible with Bitcoin, it makes socialism impossible. This is the thing if you claim to our yourself, otherwise you can be just as disposable as the men that die in war for no reason because a politician told them to do so.
It's dead now man -90%. You'd be mad to buy now. The normies know its a scam. It's over.
pick one user
t. Juden Shekelberg
One declined in 100 years. The other in 1
wow, good post.
Wrong board
> t. mad commie loser who discovered he cannot rewrite the blockchain to make social changes
Yes, it's burned with a lot of electricity, impossible to change it. Suck it.
Like a nice big cock in ya mouth?
I hope you get to your senses in time
Distributed Ledger Technologies are to the Banking and accounting industry what the automobile was to the buggy whip industry.
Just wait for 'Fractional Reserve Coins'. That's when the real magic happens.
>muh central bank monopoly money
Real money that is impossible to see, steal, tax or corrupt? Whats not to love? If wage slaves could get paid in crypto they could free themselves.
15k link
2 eth
Linkies are going to make it
Crypto is a unstable joke currency. Way to violate to be worth the time or implementation.
based finbro
USD looses 2.5% every year in inflation, btc has only gone up in value in the last 10 years.
See you at the 2020 yacht party
Let’s spend billions of dollars in energy on something worth nothing. Yeah, fucking hate it.
see you there fren
>wearing pants
Value is subjective, fat burguer.
Can't wait for THE crash
max 2 years
Gold is used in industrial applications and is mailable and lusterous. Crypto derives it’s value from burning oil.
yes but liking does not mean trusting. I believe it'll our future unofficial worldwide currency but it has to first mature and stabilize. As long as speculators are the majority of capital holders, it won't be taken seriously by average working class people.
fuck bitcoin, currency for pussies.
old Jow Forums did, nu/pol/ AKA, right wing reddit, hates it because they're big daddy jew analysts tell them "it bad buy gold"
We used to, a lot. I remember. One thing nu/pol/ should like about it is that it makes the NWO currency phoenix scenario impossible, I think this is the main reason the creator leaked it to the public, they knew it was coming so they gave the public a head start.
vbucks is the currency of the darkweb now.
nolinkers and swing linkers dead by 2025
Gold can not be used to transmit, secure, or store data. Crypto does this, and almost everyone in the civilized world has a fucking computer in their pocket.
In the last twenty years, digital information has become an indispensable pillar of our civilization.
That's not a fad, it's not going away.
You basically just admitted that you don't understand Bitcoin.
Underrated post
POL not willing to put their money where their big jew hating mouth is.
Biz and smart pol got rich 2017. It's down 95% now and you still don't get it? While at the same time crying about NWO and illuminati.
This place is such a dump.
Listen, when enough energy to power New Zealand is used for monopoly money, that’s a significant problem.
You think most of the value is derived from anonymity. I disagree. I don’t think enough people in the world care that much, except for degenerates.
All that needs to happen for cryptos to rule is that USD and all other fiats collapse, which is inevitable.
As long as fiats are strong, crypto is only good for black markets.
It doesn't matter what normies think of it, they will jump the boat if they have to.
Don’t care about your flat earth videos.
It’s so worth it.
Anonymity is likely valued by many people but you have to consider how important immutability is.
Tell me you're so concerned about energy consumption that you're willing let a small, unknown group of shareholders determine the value of the world reserve currency.
To many poor slavs have bought in to try and get rich quick this alone tells me not to buy in
Dude, you are seriously overreacting. You actually think fucking Bitcoin is the final word in all of this.
If that were the case we'd all be typing into Commodore 64's right fucking now.
the idea is nice on paper but as long as it coexists with fiat currencies, 51% attacks are not just possible but inevitable, this is a problem that has not been yet solved.