She's right. You literally cannot argue against this

She's right. You literally cannot argue against this.

Attached: ad.png (589x424, 24K)

literally who

Except that isn't the case at all. Literally building a strawman and taking things out of context, then exaggerating for comedic effect. This is not an argument. This is childish dribble. and exactly why anyone with a brain doesn't take shit like this seriously. SAGE.


wtf you can use a computer?!

>Literally building a strawman and taking things out of context, then exaggerating for comedic effect.
How so?

You can end all these capitalist ads targeting women by removing yourself from the voting group

So women have to look good and men have to change the core of their being. That's fair.

Tell women to stop being cunts. Let's see that commercial.

random twitter whores are not a valid reason to make a thread. These cpaste threads need to be banned already

If you women could stop being whores a little bit and maybe stop aborting children and claiming false rape, we can make the world a little better.
-Dawn dishsoap

Maybe women should be resisting the ad jews also?

Women respond better to guilt than men, which is why women’s adverts have always shamed them into buying products, because women are naturally insecure.
Men don’t give a shit, so when they tried the shame tactic, they got backlash.

It’s shit like this when they believe that what works in getting women to buy something works for men, proves we are different, but fuck it. Double down and give men shit because we don’t enjoy being spoken down to by a company effectively begging for our business

Wait, do they love or hate corporations. This is sending me some mixed signals.

>woman gets insulted
>men gets insulted
>fuck off m8

Ads for men
>be strong
>dont complain
>die for your country
>go to work
>support your children and wife

>look good

>women as a whole being too stupid to see that they’re being socially programmed by the ad Jews
>men as a whole seeing that the ad Jews are socially programming women to associate white men with rapists
Maybe women should stop being so dumb idk.

women are retarded. it's best just to ignore anything they say.

>how so?
Like this you absolute nigger

so women are lazy cunts that are subservient because they wont just say 'fuck you' to the advertisers? maybe females should be less agreeable
also this

Kek Men see bullshit and pushback immediately. Her little list just proves how kiked women actually are.

Ads targeted at woman always show the to-be-sold product in a way that implies that the user's sexual market value will rise by using it. A girl applying make-up > gets a chad by her side etc.
They don't tell you to do anything, except buy the product and be more attractive.
If you, as a woman, weren't so focused about your sexual market value, you wouldn't give a flying fuck about any ads (like many of them actually). If you do, and then blame the advertiser for coercing you into changing yourself, that's just stupid.
The difference is, that the gillette ad basically tells you "If you don't do XYZ, you aren't a real man". Which is very in line with traditional male-targeted advertising. Gillette just made XYZ into inherently stupid portrayals of a "good man".

>helping no one

There's not 1 single female that's happy. Looking attractive for males and getting a mate provides long-term happiness


Pick one.

Does somebody have the Barbie vs He Man picture?


nobody forces you to buy that bullshit

She's an inch away from seeing that all ads target women as consumers and dunk on men to appeal to women.

Wtf are you talking about?

U remember a couple of years ago some fat bitches were complaining about the beach body ready add in subways or someshit. Fucking cunts like these are always complaining about muh false beauty standards all the time, the only difference is that you bitches literally do it all the time so society sort of just tries to tune your nagging asses out

Its funny.

The things women are suggested to do (shave, do makeup, just not be fat, smell nice, so on) are all readily available, achieveable and simple.
Yes, the list is longer, but all items are ACTUALLY able to be accomplished.

For men, it is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE to do the following unless you are BORN GENETICALLY ABLE TO DO SUCH:
>be 6 foot
>have perfect BMI to height
>be SHREDDED (impossible for some without life altering steroids)
>make 100,000 a year (impossible for most without 5-8 years of college)

>she right
the absolute state of women

i cant believe a woman doesnt get it. women buy makeup and clothes and shit to compete with other women. they push up their tits to tell other women "i have bigger boobs than you bitch!". there isnt some secret conspiracy by old white men to objectify women, there are teams of world class psychologists who are aware that women are turbo NPCs and will not deviate from the herd and spend millions of dollars convincing the herd to wear their shitty clothes and makeup.

Yet women still do the shit that these ads push
It's a problem of womens own making. It's not mens problem that women are too weak to push back against an ad.

Why didn't women speak out if they're so hard done by?

You dont need any of those to fuck.


Attached: Da Rules.png (607x788, 446K)

ever read propaganda! by edward bernays? you should. the entire feminist movement from the 1880s till now has been one giant advertising campaign

add is for what sells. if women didn't buy what's in the adds then there wouldn't be any adds like that. women want to be degenerate since that's what they really value.

>beatings is the cure

Expectations of women:
>don't be fat

Expectations of men:
>don't be fat
>work out and build muscle
>be tall
>have money
>have high-status job
>be interesting
>have cool/exciting hobbies

Is she saying that men should have spoken up for women, that women can't defend themselves? It's like women are worthless stupid doormats who do whatever the TV tells them and men stand up for themselves, absolute shocker tbqh fãm.

True, only if you want to fuck 8-10s will you need some or all of those.

Other then that there are plenty of 5-7s that will give it up if you are at least presentable and have stable income, but just fuck them don’t ltr. Idk for how much longer though the smp has hyper inflated the value of pussy so much, but like every bubble it’s got to burst sometime

Attached: 7ADB268C-7AAE-4A16-9026-D17614AB03B3.jpg (403x577, 62K)

>Expectations of women:
>don't be fat

And they fail at that

We've been improving the lives of everyone for the past few thousand years being the savages we are.

Now everything's crumbling because we are appealing to their ideals of "being better".


>women fsll for decades of marketing
>men dont even fall for one commercial

Says a lot about women

Always funny when stupid as fuck feminists still buy the pink razors for almost twice as much.

>Look better by using our products
>Look better by using our products and stop being a disgusting fucking human being

The difference is those things actually help woman while the gilette ad actually doesn't help men or helps women.

Attached: 1546998729761.png (400x388, 107K)

Seething. Ads targeted at women are pretty cancerous.
Not defending gillette here, just saying if there were less of those ads, youd have less slags and those with/without makeup pics.

>be this
>be that
>do this
>do that
>and here is the specific product we make to help you do it

>don't be a dick, whitey
>also buy our deodorant

>Be hairless, you fucking monkey
>Look younger, you old hag
>Be pretty, you ugly duckling
>Get thin, fatass
>Dye your hair, it looks like shit
>Push up your boobs, tsurupettan
>Lose weight, fatass
>Makeupmakeupmakeup, uggo
I must have missed those ads

literally i can tell what propaganda you have read
literally Hitler
literally my autism is showing

The fuck I can't

I mean this only goes to show that women are intellectually inferior in that they not only put up with this shit but actively reward it given the current state of the Cosmetics industry.


False equivalence, dumb whore. Those that you mentioned are not trying to lecture you or shame you, they are trying to sell you a product, that the vast majority of women want and need to get more pretty. The second one is a moral lesson, nobody likes a holier than thou corporation telling you're a piece of shit, show me the benefits of your product and why is better than the others in the market or fuck off.

>listening to any advertising and letting them form opinions for you and manipulating your mind to buy things you don’t need but feel like you should buy.
>repeating this every day until it sticks

Jow Forums """"""MEN"""""
>dont work out
>talk shidd onda web
>dont look clean
>fugg da army lol
>kids and wife are for normies

Fierce Slayer Reddit Woman 1Goddess
>desperate for survival in a world of rapists while trying to reach and inspire that one man who knows his true destiny
>willing to demonstrate pure love on a livestream in the free proud sacred female form, offering holy vaginal power blasts at her rapist neet viewership to collect the shekels of life

Lol exactly, they dont even have the self awareness to see that their own examples prove they are impressionable retards.

>WG is nothing serious goy

This is shit b8

>1 post by this ID

Most advertising is based upon insulting the customers.
>You smell. Buy our deodorant?
>You have a pizza face. Buy our acne products!
>Your cunt is nasty and drippy. Buy our pads!
>You are a stupid white person. Buy our cars!
>You dress like a dork. Our clothes will make you cool!

>Bluepilled: REEE MEN'S FAULT!
>Redpilled: Women are the ones tearing down other women
>Blackpilled: Companies are simply creating controversy to drive sales

Think a bit deeper, lads.

Attached: NAP.jpg (800x800, 105K)

Beauty standards for women are just you just have to stop eating everything in sight and as long as you're not deformed or something you'll get laid.

For men you have to go to a gym 4 days a week to get muscular

Then you have to make a bunch of money

Then you naturally have to have a big penis

Then you have to make a bunch of friends

Then you have to buy a girl dinner and charm her and listen to her just talk about what a stupid princess she is

lmfao why I'm gay lol

Attached: gandy.jpg (1600x1037, 313K)

Stop evading my spam filters you kike shill

Attached: 1523727756312.jpg (1156x2031, 1.1M)

>You smell. Buy our deodorant?
this is fine
>Stop hitting on women and raising your kids how you want to. Buy our razors?
this is not

op is a faggot

Attached: goes in the field.jpg (400x600, 56K)

It's funny because the ad was targeted at women because they do most of the shopping. *rimshot*

GOD > Man > Dog > woman

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lol also make the least money

Heyyyy husband can i have your credit card to buy a bunch of shit


We evolved masculinity to keep women in line and be able to say no to the credit card sometimes.

She just gonna find some beta and have an open relationship while using his credit card

Nobody is telling you to do this, but if you were to not do any of these things then no one would want to date you. It ain't the ads, its the standard of what western women should look like.

But women should be feminine, pretty and clean. That's literally what a woman is supposed to be. An attractive person who inspires the pride and love of her man, and raises his children well.
A man is supposed to be masculine and not a pussified faggot, someone who earns the bread and defends the hearth and home and builds the community.
Pussified faggots and bloviated landwhales are crimes against nature. All those ads literally celebrated and encouraged women to be their womanly ideal.
But why am I surprised? This is clownworld and you're a memeflag kike.

>women cave into advertising and purchase said product
>men shoes not to buy a product that demonizes them

Thats the thing, real men don't give a shit about the ad. Real men don't fucking shave.

The whole ad was targeted at women to begin with, and the only people crying about it are emasculated men.

False equivalency pilled

>Be hairless

Attached: image.jpg (600x450, 32K)

I can. If woman don't like it they can all organize and boycott. But they like makeup and push up bras

But those adverts just show good looking people. They don't show a big fat hairy slob who gets shamed by "better" women and told to sort herself out because she's an embarrassment. They don't show a close up of a woman's cellulite and ask the audience "Women, is this really the best you can be?"

So its not the same at all as being called misogynistic sexual abusers. Fuckin dumb cunt.

typical ancap niggers

The opinion of women about what makes a man is entirely worthless and can be safely disregarded at all times.

So she is saying that they were weak enough to submit to the media standards so men should do the same and meet what medias dictate for them without complaining?

Message to women:
>With proper grooming and our products you will appear more attractive.

Message to men:
>Stopping being shitlords! Down with the patriarchy! REEEEEE!

Totally the same guys.