>“In the early afternoon the driver of a passenger car tried to breach a barrier and enter the premises of the Presidential Palace. He has been incapacitated,” Lieutenant Colonel Bogdan Piórkowski, the spokesperson of State Protection Service (SOP), told the Polish Press Agency.

Some guy just tried to ram his car through the gates of the Presidential Palace (like our "White House" I guess). He even smashed into a police officer to do it.
This comes in the wake of a recent assassination of the Mayor of Gdańsk which was conducted by a supposed paranoid schizophrenic.


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Well our country is retarded since beggining of XX century. Nothing new, Grzegorz Braun is the only hope for Poland

Did someone said enrichment?

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sorry kurwa, i had a little too much zubrówa and accidentally steered to the left

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i hate polak poster so i hate the entirety of poland too, i hope you die

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I bet that if you have a terrorist attack you will have protest to defend muslims.

>assassination of the Mayor of Gdańsk which was conducted by a supposed paranoid schizophrenic
Wasn't that guy who got unjustly imprisoned by pigs working under that mayor?
Regardless of his reasons he's probably most based man in whole Europe right now.

thats a weird way to spell death squads and football hooligans purging non-whites throughout the entire country

Lol nothing will happen I can put my head on the line.

CIA coup incoming

Next time don't do holocaust and bad things won't happen to you.

well fuck you too.

Romania why do you get so angry all the time?

Oh my god its the FUCKING JEWS I BET

Because life suck and I want to die in a happening.

How does it feel to be FILTHY FUCKING RICH?

any pics of the attacker?

Another kike zoomer pissed off he couldn't be on the judenrat


Next time *DO the holcaust[...]

was the driver a shitskin or not?