/ptg/ President Trump General - Politically Incorrect Facial Expressions Edition


>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
DAILY SCHEDULE twitter.com/POTUS_Schedule
WH Public Pool: publicpool.kinja.com/

>Pres Trump/VP Pence @MLKJr Memorial 1/21/19
>Don Jr on FoxNews 1/21/19
>SpiceDaddy on FBN 1/21/19
>Giuliani on MtP 1/20/19
>WHVideo: Pres Trump/VP Pence @MLKJr Memorial 1/21/19
>TrumpTweet: 2 Years of Accomplishments 1/20/19
>VP Pence on FtN 1/20/19
>VP Pence on FoxNews 1/20/19
>Pres Trump Statement on Wall/Immigration Deal 1/19/19
>Pres Trump Swears In New Americans 1/19/19
>GOPAd: This is Fake News 1/19/19
>Pres Trump Statement before departing WH 1/19/19
>PressSec Sarah on WattersWorld 1/19/19
>DepPressSec Gidley on JudgeJeanine 1/19/19
>Pres Trump/VP Pence/2nd Lady @March For Life 1/18/19
>VP Pence @March For Life Rose Dinner 1/18/19
>VP Pence on EWTNNewsNightly 1/18/19

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Other urls found in this thread:


I love Trump and I hate Jews.
If you don't know about the Jews yet, check these out

Start with these just to get your feet wet
>Adolf Hitler - The Greatest Story Never Told
>Europa the Last Battle
>Mein Kampf Volume I & II - Adolf Hitler

After you're done with those, Read this next.
Required for anyone trying to understand history and geopolitics.
>The Revolt Against Civilization: Menace of the Underman - Dr. Lothrop Stoddard

After that, read this as it explains so much about what was going on in the 1960s
>White Power - US Commander George Lincoln Rockwell

Highly Recommended Supplemental Redpill Material:
>The Turner Diaries - Dr. William Luther Pierce
>American Dissident Broadcasts - Dr. William Luther Pierce
>The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
>The International Jew - Henry Ford
>On the Jews and their lies - Martin Luther
>Sun and Steel: Art, Action and Ritual Death - Yukio Mishima

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Any tranny ban salt to be had?

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Уaйт пипл лмao


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fuck off with your off-topic spam, nigger

ayy lmao to you too

I believe it

We're at a stage where the President is defending a High Schooler from attacks by the Media

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kurai molu

You're going to call me a Jew for pointing out that site is ridiculous, but I don't care. That site is ridiculous.

It's a fugged up world when a smiling white American teen can cause pain. We will have to smile bomb the left.

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Got my foreskin caught on my zipper
What do?

you didn't forget did you user?

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antisemitism won't make america great again

This triggers the niggers

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> United Korea won't be pro-china. Koreans are one of the racist east-asian in asia.
Korea has historically been pro-China anti-Japan. If they even want to unify, they need Chinese approval. Unified they would be economical and military threat to Russia and Japan both.

In 2018, the Military Whitebook of South Korea removed references to North Korea as "enemy", erased references of Japan as sharing their values (Democracy) and prioritized technological cooperation with China.

but basically the region probably needs fair and reciprocal trade and downsizing of political and military issues.

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best timeline


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Stop being a retard with zero mindfulness?

does /our boy/ have a twitter?

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Undead and demons have always been weak to holy damage. THE EMPEROR PROTECTS!

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Answer the question
What percentage of federal income tax is paid by the 1%

NATO was a success because the bribe all his allies to stay within U.S defense and influence sphere. If Abe can't upped chinese bribe then his plan are going to fail.

What if the people on welfare just use community gardens and rainy day funds to wait Trumo out?

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>sam Hyde
Why did he killed all those people?

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>antisemitism won't make america great again

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I agree tho....

You're right, it is a ridiculous site.

All the democrat hopefuls have made a pilgrimage to Iowa, Im not sure that they will take it but they've had tremendous succesd there. The media is attacking the remaining republicans and democrats will use it as a base of operations in 2020 likely. They seem very confident in that and the dragging shut down and tariffs continue to harm us there.

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You literally get kicked off of welfare if you have savings. It's a terrible system.

>Chappo blows wide open that he paid off a former Mexican pres (that was in office at the time) 100 million bucks, while in court under oath
>thinking Pelosi, Schumer, et al haven't been receiving money from the cartels
>these goblin hordes are a distraction and time-sink to border patrol, cartels can't deal with a wall
>cartels holding Dems hostage by threatening their families, etc

We should expose this, then hang those traitorous fucks before we invade Mexico and reduce it to ash, on our way to Venezuela.

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I doubt very many will have such things.

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>planning ahead
>farming without a white man whipping them

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Because "Mang fuck dis shit I buried a bucket last week and still ain't no chicken tree come up."

The Emperor is with me! I shall not fear!

Trump isn't even capable of making twitter threads

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I'm gonna go out on a limb here, in 14 years in the Army, not once have I heard anyone say, "You know what we need? A bunch of faggots pretending to be women so they can get their dick cut off and waste years of time being useless to the Army to try to recover from a 100k surgery billed to the US citizens with a 40 percent suicide rate that costs US taxpayers another half million when the faggot suck starts his M4." I have never heard that. Not once.

Whole Fresh load of it. Transgender Salt.
They can cry if they want to but not in the Military!

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Yup. The system was designed to be a one way trap and to encourage dysgenic breeding. Kill the whole thing and go back to charities providing for the truly needy.

He's right. If you have over $2,000 in the bank, your benefits stop. It encourages niggers to keep spending like niggers. The Democrat Plantation meme is real. They want to keep them broke more than conservatives do. Capitalism allows the rare exceptional nigger to succeed.

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BREAKING: TRANNIES BTFO: dailycaller.com/2019/01/22/supreme-court-trump-trans-ban/

/ptg/ in a nutshell

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He probably is, but he enjoys people kvetching about him not as they thread his twatters for him.

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Korea was occupied by Japan in WW2 and China is controlling NK today. I don't think the koreans will be fond of foreign entities controlling there countries.


they are doing just fine, they make more than you do off the gibs

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Grassley is better at twitter, desu

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I wasnt ready for this

is that SS next to him? Do SCOTUS have SS protection?

Was time immigration long game more about replacing blacks as a labor force?

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based, Nixon knew what would happen when Jews made porn legal. Tax the degenerates

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>was time
was the*

Hellspawn can't be too bad if they have their papers in order, right?

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US Marshals protect the federal court system.

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Taught them the word macro?

Continuing on from last thread, at the beginning of Winter Soldier you will see a poignant microcosm of race relations and shifting demographics. After Captain America laps the jogging negro several times, the spiteful minority responds with a passive-aggressive reminder that Cap is old, out of touch with this strange new world, a world that the negro thinks he will inherit. But rather than lashing out, Cap reminds us how to respond to these kinds of attacks by befriending the jig and making him his sidekick, so as to constantly remind him of the innate superiority within the white, Christian, traditional American soldier and patriot.

You guys realize that if this shutdown really does last over a year (current vegas odds have it ending at january 2020), trump will ABSOLUTELY not win reelection

There is no way the average american will actively vote for SHUTDOWNS

yall are fucking retarded.
There is a limit to how long stalling gets trump.
He needs to let go of the wall and make it a 8 year promise for his next election.

those who ingest such redpills rarely are

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No, just permanent, sustainable, ignorant of US law and governmental procedure underclass that would vote for those in power that appear to be sympathetic to the goblin's plight and give it gibs.

Who is in the bed?

How many people would actually read Trumps tweets if it weren't for the leftists spreading them?
Not only do the leftists spread his tweets, but they never shut up about them. A tweet that otherwise might have a lifespan of a day or two gets recirculated for weeks.

they didn't attack Kavanaugh for his life as a judge
they went back to his highschool days and had him explain fart jokes with the threat of ruining his life forever.

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>Korea was occupied by Japan
Exact reason for their anti-Japan attitudes. It is flaring right now in the reparation issue too.
> don't think the koreans will be fond of foreign entities controlling there countries.
They might not, but they have to ask if it's Japan, U.S. or China. and historically they've been fine with China. Half of the Korea hates U.S. (North), and all of Korea hate Japan.

Makes them have to read more and look closer.

It's to replace anyone who can possibly rise up economically and replace them with dumb, illiterate slaves.

whites need to collectively take a few months off so blacks realize how good they have it

whites and blacks were better off with slavery, blacks need the structure and a firm hand to thrive
>vid related

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> that image.

America is a communist country.

Corn man is so corny

If the shutdown lasts a year the gibs niggers will be dead, employed, or flee the country.

Grassley's tweets will one day studies by historical scholars

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Trump is the proverbial sore in their mouth that they can't help but keep tonguing even though it brings discomfort.

>AHA, stupid Drumphflzgpop, you mis-spelled a word, now I'm gonna spread your message across the internet to show what a dummy you are!
He plays them like a fiddle.

Carlos, I will slay you.


I live in Sacramento, I memorized it as Florin Perkins Coi pond (used to be a private fishing hole out that way, and there's Florin-Perkins road) So now I never forget "Perkins Coie" And yeah I believe it since I heard George Webb talking about it for more than a year?

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That’s why he was the first one they fake newsed, he opened the floodgates or the “Watergate”

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Korea hating US and japan does not matter. They will not have foreign entities control korea and china is one of them.

it depends on how much computation power / time is available to you and what you want the code to accomplish. morse code is just a form of substitution cipher, where a string of dots and dashes is substitute for each letter. another way of seeing it is if you represent 1 for dot and 0 for dash, each letter has a corresponding number code associated with it
the thing is morse code is only code in the loosest sense - if you want to transmit messages between people while trying to prevent interception, morse code alone doesn't hide anything you're saying
an example of a code that masks the actual message a bit more is huffman coding. each letter is assigned a binary number based on its frequency of use in the message. the way it is set up is more frequent letters have less bits in their number, so it compresses the amount of space needed to store the message
decoding the message is far harder than it would be using morse, unless the frequencies are sent ahead of time, so the method isn't exactly useful for regular use between people, but it demonstrates that there are other forms of character coding that have use. computer science and information theory have come a long way since the time of morse

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The local communist radio station KPFK spent the whole day Monday saying how much MLK would have approved to immigration. He never lived to see it destroy the back dominated drywall business in Los Angeles.

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Find them
French them
Feel them
Fuck them
Forget them

Where's that picture of Chi-Hero in a MAGA hat?

All he has to do is say something moderately controversial at the end to ensure the media reports on it to all their brainwashed viewers too

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>they're still just calling him a rapist
>even with zero evidence
>even though all the "witnesses" Ford named denied her story
>even after all the other "multiple credible accusers" retracted their stories or were proven to be liars
>they still fucking call him a rapist
hang them all

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sorry i don't maga hat my bois

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Learning about Marxism made me an fascist desu

>Our Economy is Strong and getting Stronger! Hope the Fed decides to leave interest rates where they are--but you never know with these kikes, clipping coins is in there genes!

How long do you realistically think the shutdown will last for?
What was the previous longest shutdown?

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Dropping some knowledge here
>Blue counties have a lower median age then red counties
But red states have a lower median age then blue states
>All states where liberals aka white democrats outnumber conservatives have more white deaths then births
5/6 New England states, Maryland, D.C, Hawaii, California, and Oregon