Evolution is not a scientific theory - problem of falsifiability (Catch 22)

>we are evolving and adapting into a bright future
>turns out we are becoming dumber despite IQ being one of the most crucial adaptive traits
>mouthbreeders: "Praise thee eternal evolutionary wisdom for making us dumber in yee infinite wisdom!"

how old were you when you grow out of r/atheism and its futuristic/technoprogressivist mythology?

"Evolution is not a scientific theory but a methaphistical research programme."

K. Popper

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how should we call that entire mythology of STEM scientists? scientific nihilism?

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>IQ being one of the most crucial adaptive traits
It's not 1800s, even complete retards survive and have children these days.

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When life was a challenge of survival, IQ mattered. Now, survival is such a joke people spend most their lives poisoning themselves. Even if you are a sub room-temperature iq, survival is a joke with charity and welfare.

dumb fucking Croatian, thinking IQ has any relevance or anything to do with 'intelligence'.

Typical KEK behavior

Arabs are not welcome here.

Google’s a.i is literally stealing our iq

>IQ doesnt matter since current year

revisionism+faggot talking points=evolutionary mythology

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also you only say that because you have an evolutionary demon

Go wash a nigger's feet, christcuck.

>evolution is intelligence

croatian education much

>Go wash a nigger's feet, christcuck.

you only say that because you have an evolutionary demon

Which one has the appendix, retard?

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Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

>>turns out we are becoming dumber despite IQ being one of the most crucial adaptive traits
Physical traits are the ones to change first. And don't think that because of the fact that IQ decreased 2-3 points in some groups, thats something major on the larger scale. Imagine that there are kids that are alive right now, that are literally immune to cancer but we'll never find them because they will never show any symptoms to alert to this.

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>Which one has the appendix, retard?

explain to prove you dont have evolutionary demon

So your evidence of evolution is that we are evolving?? You do realise that evolution is just change in and of itself, it isn't automatically positive.

>You do realise that evolution is just change in and of itself, it isn't automatically positive.

read that again and notice how undefined it is, evolution is just semantics like all marxism/hegelianism

>it's semantics
No, it's literally that organisms change over time throughout the generations.
But once again a retard not understanding how it works spouting that it doesn't.

bro, do you even replicate memetically? Evolution is a thing and it works, regardless of our origins, it sculpts everything around us.

>No, it's literally that organisms change over time throughout the generations.
>But once again a retard not understanding how it works spouting that it doesn't.

exept the theory is circular and goes from present to past, unlike the principle of science which is from present to future, not that a madman obessessed with an evolutionary demon would know that

>Evolution is a thing and it works, regardless of our origins, it sculpts everything around us.

exept the theory is circular and goes from present to past, unlike the principle of science which is from present to future, not that a madman obessessed with an evolutionary demon would know that

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I don't give a shit which 'way it goes', it works. What is your alternative? God? Magic? Fuck me.

Dolphins have sonar, bats radar. Any day now we should be evolving built in WiFi receivers since that would currently help with survival. Right?

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Plastic doesn't occur naturally, yet there is a bacteria that can digest it.... I guess that was part of the plan was it? How's that 'present to past' bullshit working for you shit-lips?

>Lemark's adaptation
You really don't know how evolution works, do you?

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so faggot Imgur-tier, but still makes me laugh.

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>I don't give a shit which 'way it goes', it works.

It hasnt made any significant PREDICTION but somehow it works, sure thing.

Only reason you defend such a Catch22 theory/myth is because you have an evolutionary demon.

>Plastic doesn't occur naturally, yet there is a bacteria that can digest it

What is impressive about that? Human gut can digest metal particles already.

False premise. Evolution isn't about producing some hypothetical ideal, it's about how populations get laid and make babies given local circumstances.

>it's about how populations get laid and make babies given local circumstances.

so they even got that wrong.

if evolution idea about breeding was right, this is how we all would look like

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>The Slovenian Evolution Denier

>defending an unfalsifiable myth

pinko detected.

Reminder the Bible creation story is just a retelling of Sumerian lore, which really did happen. We really were plucked out of the jungle 300,000 years ago and spliced with an advanced humanoid species we call the Annunaki. They engineered us to be slaves and color-coded us by tier. Dark skin meant for outside work like harvesting and mining gold, fair skin meant for inside work like singing and serving. And sex of course. The original people were called the Adamu, they lived in an Aeden. Not Adam from Eden, the Adamu from Aeden.

The gods fought a war over us. One side wanted us to be self-aware; the other side thought that would be cruel since we are meant to be slaves. Enki freed us and led 1/3 of their army west, where legend has it they exchanged weapons fire all over the MENA continent. Enki is also known as Prometheus or Lucifer. The light bringer. The light being knowledge, or illusion if you're into the Vedas.

The god Enlil (pretty much Yahweh) told the Adamu to leave Aeden because they had no use to them as sentient beings. Slaves are no good sentient. They warned the women that child birth will now be tremendously painful. It was not a punishment, but a consequence, since the gods would instead reproduce us/themselves artificially with machinery. By disobeying Enlil we lost the privilege to live in Aeden and be taken care of.

It's not a bad thing necessarily, just us becoming independent.

Also, forgive reddit spacing, but all of our world myths and religions are based on this battle between Enki and Enlil. We lost all the context because we were wiped off the face of the planet FOUR different times. Air, fire, ice, and water have all exterminated us.

We didn't *suddenly* learn how to plant seeds, domesticate animals, and create civilization. That's PREPOSTEROUS. We've been modern for 300,000 years and had higher IQs back then. We inherited civilization from the gods.

The gods bred with humans before the last great flood. This created... [1/2]



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Based Croatian!
Exorcise these fedora demons!
Slay them all with your based epistemology!
Free them with your unfaltering logic!
Be blessed!

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If you honestly think this is an argument you don't know how evolutionary biology works.

If high IQ individuals and societies are willing to subsidize low IQ individuals and societies with resources, then being low IQ is a solid adaptive measure.

Evolution doesn't prioritize humans becoming better, it prioritizes spreading your genes as much as possible through reproduction.

>This created...
the giants and demigods and pagan gods of old. Descendents of the god Poseidon (Enki?) ruled the continent/islands/empire of Atlantis up until ~12,900 years ago. They had spread all over the Earth, with Hopi Indian lore mentioning them as residing in America before they even crossed the Bearing Strait.

There is evidence of these giants, but it is all suppressed by the Smithsonian, elites, and government.

Some say aliens are top level secret clearance information, because perhaps they still rule this Earth. And evidence points to there, perhaps, being dozens of races carrying out genetics programs here on Earth. They have no interest in interacting with the public; most of them that is.

Life is going to get super interesting when academia has to acknowledge everything I just said. There's a lot more to it, too. These Annunaki were real as DAY.


jokes aside, even by your pics estimate, it isnt enough to prove evolution fales, you just add billions of years and do some revisionism. rinse and repeat.

>Evolution doesn't prioritize humans becoming better, it prioritizes spreading your genes as much as possible through reproduction.

so what are the prediction if any? By any logic currect adaptible traits should be enhanced right? What is the next adaptibleTM event? People living shorter lives? Homosexuality since overpopulation? Mind you, homos are already arguing that. Reminds you of some form of religion? Start with pan-.

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>says science is not science by quoting science he does not understand

the power of ignorance, people.

Designer babies will make IQ differences moot anyway. We need a great cultural shift in values back toward morality and pragmatism. It's coming, as it always comes in cycles of growth and decay.

Question is, will we choose to cultivate ourselves? Or will we take a passive role and let AI/death mold us into whatever makes it out next? Personally I'd rather have a say in how I'm molded, so I'm cultivating my morality, character, and spirituality. And no, that doesn't mean anything about acknowledging SJW values, which are terribly, woefully misguided and inadequate.


Our government denies God as Creator, which is the cause of the explosion of faggotry.

See Romans chapter one.

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only a madman obessessed with an evolutionary demon would not understand the basic epistemiology I argued for

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Evolution is a faith-based belief system. Deal with it. Unless and until they create life in test tube, God is a mandatory ingredient.

Ignorance is what stops you from realizing the Old Testament is all based on the Annunaki and was all real as day. Evolution brought us only so far; we were spliced 300,000 years ago which is when we "suddenly appear."

Though there are OoPArts that suggest some form of humanoid existing here as far back as 1.5+ million years ago. Which was probably just their species astroturfing.

Otherwise "we" were Homo Erectus until suddenly we weren't.

Seriously look into suppressed archaeology and academia. It's no joke it's not woo. (((They))) REALLY don't want us to know or change. They love their little hamsterwheel wagecuck eaters.

Evolution is just pantheism with scientific mumbojumbo speak.

>Seriously look into suppressed archaeology and academia

I know a few thinkgs about ancient archeology, people who build Sachsahuaman had technology we can only dream about today.

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>Evolution is not a scientific theory but a methaphistical research programme
I mean he’s right the theory of evolution says that we originated from a single celled organism and this cannot be proven unless an organism evolves into a human being. That is not the say that the process of evolution is a myth or false because that can be easily proven.

They've created life in test tubes before. Namely bacteria, but it's all pretty simple. Organic compounds form RNA on their own. Set to bake for a million years and something with four legs will crawl out.

But anyway human cloning has gone on for nearly a century. I believe in the soul but the God most-high isn't necessary for us to come into existence. We could exist in a reality where God isn't even born yet.

The Sumerians were right. The gods who made us were just advanced people, like us. But I think the Vedas were also right, that the Brahman or Law of One is the true one-God we keep calling Yahweh or Allah, but technically speaking Yahweh is a war god within a Babylonian/Israelite pantheon. He was never a creator god, but a desert war god.

Christfags and evolutionfags are both kind right both kinda wrong. I'll be reminding people of this every day until society catches on. We KNOW where we came from, but people don't know who to listen to because they don't like reasoning or corroborating evidence, and sulk back into the god of the gaps.

The definition of evolution is that species mutate every time they reproduce, some "mutations" adapt better to _insertcurrentenviroment_ until this enviroment makes favor some of the mutation and other mutations are less favored, with time the "better adapted" mutation prevail and with more and more cicles the specie completely change or "evolve"...
This has been demostrated lots of times in human history, we can even with just a few generations change the look of any species, for example the dogs and the different races.

Now to the point:
>IQ is lowering
Thats because of evolution, the mutations we as humans have allowed to prevail are essentially anything, we dont depend of nature to make the selection anymore, so we allow every mutation to live and to reproduce, with time traits as IQ are less important to survival, I dont think it will be completely lost but its clear that with intelligent people dont copulate as fast and as numerous a less intelligent people, this makes that low IQ is almost a requirement to procreate making it obvious that there will be more and more low IQs and less and less high IQs in the world, not going all the way to 0 IQ but maybe to 80~90 points and stabilizing there, if technology keeps its course the IQ level could drop even more as its becoming an unnecesary trait for reproduction and survival

>That is not the say that the process of evolution is a myth or false because that can be easily proven.

Its a myth BECAUSE it cant be proven by any empirical form of hypothesis testing. Its unfalsifiable.

>with time traits as IQ are less important to survival

on what basis do you say that? By the same logic you can say that health isnt as important - you basically throw all sociobiolgy in trash (which you should btw).
Or you can even argue that living long isnt important? This is all historiosophy/hegelianism.

>psychometric meta-analysis reveals.....
INTO THE FUCKING TRASH IT GOES.Gtfo with your pseudo-science.That shit holds the same validity as astrology.

>we are becoming dumber despite IQ being one of the most crucial adaptive traits
No, evolution has no direction. The dinosaurs were here for 160 million years, and still exist in the form of birds. Evolution is about survival, and intelligence is not needed. If anything intelligence seems to be destroying us.

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what is wrong with meta-analysis and psychometry you evolutionary demon obsessed mong?

Yeah there is no reason we couldnt evolve into stupider beings in modern civilization. Evolution is no God-hand guiding force it just states that whatever genes find a way to be passed on more frequently will be expressed more frequently.

IE stupid people knocking up lots of sluts breeds more stupid sluts who are viable thanks to inoculations, antibiotics, SNAP, WIC, government assistance and general dysgenic policies.

If we let stupid people and their stupid children starve, they wouldnt be able to pass on their "stupid genes"

You're so dumb, so dumb explaining this to you is futile as you wont understand. I'll give you some advice though, stick to the bio-genesis problem then you'll btfo the atheists. Those faggots can't explain that.

Darwin's theory is 'The Origin of Species' not the origin of life. Lurk moar faggot.

The fuck is this? Does it deny vestigial organs? Does it claim christians dont have vestigial organs??? Vestigial organs are pretty hard evidence in favor of evolution....

Good science proposes alternative theories.... I'm all ears...

>what is wrong with psychometry
Not a science.It's as accurate and scientific as throwing tarrot cards.Fuck right off.

>Vestigial organs

No such thing. Vestigiality is no1 premises that shows evolution is just semantics.


>Good science proposes alternative theories.... I'm all ears...

Hey faggot, is your evolutionary demon obsession a scientific hypothesis?

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>Evolution is not a scientific theory because it is not falsifiable.
>Here are things that prove it false.

You are a moron either way, but unless you decide what point you are trying to make, there is no point in showing you where you are wrong.

So, the size of the universe is inversely proportional to the number of holocaust victims.

>Shoulder dicks.

Bats also have sonar, they do not have "radar," since they do not emit and detect radio waves.

Two whites give birth to a white child.
Two blacks give birth to a black child.
Black and white give birth to a brown child.
Therefore, traits are hereditary. Imagine all couples being that mixed race, for instance by killing all pure-bred children. Humans would 'evolve' to be brown. Sometimes a mutation occurs in a gene. Imagine the very same selection applying to that gene. You have, again, evolution, and it can lead to anything at all.

It's not rocket science. It's very simple logic applied to hereditaribility, really.

based. the appendix is very important as it contains a backup of your gut microbiota

the gut is responsible for about half of all host defense (immune) response

let a jew remove your foreskin, appendix, tonsils, and lymph nodes; and pay the price in antibiotics dependence is a time of increasing resistance

thank you (((witch-doctors))) for improving health according to the precepts of your pre-rational sex abuse cult

and there we have it boys and girls, the mind of the retard. Fascinating.

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>No such thing. Vestigiality is no1 premises that shows evolution is just semantics.

You've never heard of these guys then. Flightless bats. They have wings (ish) but they don't fly. Add that one to your homework assignment.

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This guy gets it. I got into an argument about evolution with my old roommate and he claimed he won cause I couldnt explain exactly how bees evolved. Some people just can't wrap their head around the concept.

My sides, they're gone.

Jewish Poison

Creation and evolution are not mutually exclusive user. Stop reading the bible as if it were a science or history book. Only retards do that

Forgot to delete my trip


>let a jew remove your foreskin, appendix, tonsils, and lymph nodes; and pay the price in antibiotics dependence is a time of increasing resistance

they also used to remove wisdom teeth which they claimed its vestigial. ABSOLUTE FUCKIN MORONS. evolution=charlatan medicine cashmoney

>>Here are things that prove it false.

only an evolutionary demon obsessed person would claim that pointing as historiosophical nature of a theory is a form of its empirical falsification.

you havent answered my question or defended yourself against my accusation which tell me you are evolutionary demon obsessed...unless offcourse you want to talk epistemiology to prove that you dont have evolutionary demon obsesssion.

>They have wings (ish) but they don't fly. Add that one to your homework assignment.

I have ears and I dont fly.

>wisdom teeth

what are current vestigials on humans?

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Yes, they are. Provide 2 of your best examples of macro-evolution. Very simple request that no psuedoscientist will do. I am prepared for and ex0ect either structured lying or avoidance and deflection.

you never really understand something until you can explain it
some jew said this i dont remember who

Vestigial organs exist, I have given an example.
What is your alternative explanation?

if you really want to dig deeper get familiar with philosophy of science, only basics like Popper, youll see it. Evolution is an epistemiological shitshow.

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It's not my job to convince you user as we are not close kin. Feel free to continue in your foolishness.

>evolution = big bang

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You never really own something until you understand it.
~I said that

A wing is not an organ.

>IQ being one of the most crucial adaptive traits
This isn't true

I have actually studied this out and have extremely based academic scores. If you want to cower from the topic, avoid the thread.

>Evolution = always getting smarter by my arbitrary metrics
No, nigger. Evolution simply refers to the observational fact that living organisms genetically change to adapt to their local environment over time. That doesn't mean that fish will one day be writing computer software.

Seriously, allowing boomers to leave facebook was a mistake...

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The Theory of Evolution as of to-day encompasses everything from Big Bang to Stellar evolution to abiogenesis to speciation.

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Provide 2 examples of macroevolution.

>Vestigial organs exist, I have given an example.

I say God made them with wings for the bants. By your own logic, reptilians shouldnt have vestigial fingers since they cant do precise tasks like humans can with fingers.

All attempts at claiming vestigial parts on humans were rediculous and resultes in amputations of perfectly healthy organs. Its all hegelian semantics.

>>IQ being one of the most crucial adaptive traits

what is it then? Is even living longer adaptive? Or should we start questioning semantics like marxists/hegelians/evolutionists always do?

>That doesn't mean that fish will one day be writing computer software.

but that is perfectly thesible with evolution.

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>The Theory of Evolution as of to-day
Nope. Sorry brainlet, you're wrong like usual. Evolution is about adaption; it says nothing about origin of matter.

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LOL what kind of quack made that image? That would require gene splicing or many hundreds of thousands of years of selective pressures.

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Yeah no kidding, the elites are basically trying to push our genitals as vestigal organs.

The Theory of Evolution

Go ahead and look that phrase up, kike.

>That would require gene splicing or many hundreds of thousands of years of selective pressures.

Human toes are considered vestigial body part. No joke.

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Living longer is now meaningless because we live far bast our fertility. I imagine this is because of huge amounts of immigration and otherwise increasing non-white populations combined with a move toward a welfare state. It's a much more reasonable explanation, plus we know dumber people have more kids now, it's just the truth.

What?! What about balance?