Stefan gets BTFO

Turns out Greeks weren’t white and whites didn’t contribute that much

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Not an argument.

Greek ain't europe

You're not white

White people are superior because they behave like white people

Greeks are caucasian, live in Europe, and DNA testing shows them to be related to ancient Iranian farmers. Probably the literal definition of "Aryan" if anything. Taleb is just co-opting Greco-Roman accomplishments to cope with the fact his people haven't contributed anything significant in the past 2000 years.

Nassim is being kinda dishonest here.
It is obvious that today the word ~white~ refers to european ethnicities. Everyone ttacking whites know exactly who whites are.
Perhaps this was not the case 2000 years ago but it is now.


Ya I pointed out the same thing and he blocked me lol

Nasheeit Taleb is nothing but a wewuzzing arab

>Turns out Greeks weren’t white and whites didn’t contribute that much
You're an idiot, but I guess that's your angle with these threads, those farmers spread throughout Europe, yea Greeks and Italians are running around with most of that farmer DNA, but it's not even a majority of their DNA, doesn't change the fact both are European. It wasn't only farmers who contributed, you have the other group that went the way of the Alps and then spread down into Italy and Greece, again to the rest of Europe too. Northern Europeans were chugging along, look at the English and the Magna Carta 1215AD, Taleb is ignorant and blinded by hate for Northern Euros. Greeks and Italians then and now are a European peoples in its truest sense.
>DNA testing shows them to be related to ancient Iranian farmers.
Related to ancient Aryan farmers? Throw in central and southern Italians in, because these groups have the same amount of that DNA from 8000BC. These farmers spread throughout Europe, not only Greece and Italy, they brought farming to Europe.

t. a literal burger shitskin

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>Europeans aren't Europeans

Turbosperg nordic rhetoric. Disregard.

>Turbosperg nordic rhetoric.
>by a levantine shitskin named Nassim Taleb

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There's nothing wrong with that tweet. Burgers and krauts desperately try to associate themselves with muh greeks and muh romans when, in fact, they were living in huts.

>let me tell you how the white race is so great, muh romans and muh greeks. Also, Greeks are not white, okay? Heil Hitler!

Nordic as in the Nordic rhetoric of the varg kiddies. Not as in the ethnicity of the retard on twitter. Please remember what goes in all fields if you're going to continue to reply to me.

The oldest solar observatory is in our country. 7,000 years old. Celtic metallurgy was superior to Roman. Franks were overall militarily superior to the best legions. If there's any "myth" then that of muh mud hut nords.


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Ever met one?

They were living in wagons and boats since they were nomadic traders. The settled in Northern Europe around 500 AD after being expelled from their trade routes by Turks, Huns and Mongols. These mud hut dwellers everyone brings up are not the ancestors of the majority of Northern Europeans. That said, LARPing as ancient greeks is stupid.

>DNA testing shows them to be related to ancient Iranian farmers
no, they're the first caucasian migration and related to etruscans, stop lying

Romans and greeks went around raping then people they conquered


>Turns out Greeks weren’t white and whites didn’t contribute that much

Turns out you're speaking the white man's tongue. (english), you're using his technology (computer)....Turns out, it's a white man's world.

Your fridge, your car, your tv, radio, phone...You can't avoid it. Public transport...Planes, trains, you name it. It's a white man's world.

Even the Higher IQed races didn't come up with these ideas. East Asians were good at copying them, sometimes, improving them. But ultimatlely...It's a white man's world.

Ask yourrself these simple questions...
Where is the African Nikola Tesla ? Where is the Asian Leonardo da Vinci ?

Everything you see was pioneered by European autists.

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>Ever met one?
Hello guest worker Mehmet.

Meds are the true master race, we all know it. Nordggers and Arabs just try to steal their accomplishments as their own.

Alexander the Great had blue eyes and curly blonde hair. If you’re going to tell me he isn’t related to the Dutch, I’m just going to laugh at you.

It has nothing to do with "we". And you should rather worry about the state of your country right now.

Of course, Ahmed.

>Alexander the Great had blue eyes and curly blonde hair. If you’re going to tell me he isn’t related to the Dutch, I’m just going to laugh at you.
>the absolute state

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I've never met one from 3000 years ago.

He's right. Nordics are worth nothing. Only meds, slavs, and anglos are capable of creativity, and a few germans by merit of med/anglo/slav admixture.


The high germanics, the blonde and blue, did next to nothing. Their historically pure countries contribute as much to the world as Japan, while England alone shames their intellectual output by several magnitudes.

Swedes, Norwegians, Finns, pure blooded Germans, are all nothing more than inbred pretty boys. The niggers of the north.
>gimme dat gold
>where tha saxon wimmin at
>bork bork bork

>The high germanics, the blonde and blue, did next to nothing. Their historically pure countries contribute as much to the world as Japan, while England alone shames their intellectual output by several magnitudes.

To my knowledge, basically ALL European nations have contributed to the modern world to a certain degree. Some more than others.
The top contributors in science & technology generally came from Italy, Germany, UK, France...And yes EVEN Finland (ever heard of the likes of Eric Tigerstedt or Tuomas Vohlonen?) ....Heck even Romanians (who are poor as fuck) also have their share of important inventors & pioneers.

>only northern Europeans are white

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always get good laughs from pathetic non-whites when they insult the master race. it’s cute!

>northern Europe contributed nothing
>as if faggot rapists from the middle east have contributed anything of value


To be fair, their moussaka and gyros are delicious.
I'm not saying we should "integrate", per se, but a *certain* percentage of them owning restaurants can't be all bad.

>northern Europe contributed nothing

The Northern Europeans defeated the Muslim armies and prevented Christian Europe for becoming subject to the Caliphate. Charlemagne also did nothing, apparently. Forget about Gothic Cathedrals and farming advancements too.

>Before 1600 Northern Europe contributed to ~ nothing.
For a smartass he's pretty historically illiterate.
Pre-1600 Northern Europeans were still some of the world leaders in ship-building, textiles industry and metalwork.
And if they were so backwards, I don't understand how they weren't just conquered by the 'superior golden-age muslims' or whatever

Also, the Vikings had the most capable military transport ships and visited North America in the 1000s.

Guy never heard of Johannes Gutenberg and the printing press in the mid 1400's?

I bet Talib echoes

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Greek here, why does everyone hate us all of a sudden?

We dindu nuffin, in all our 5000+ year old history we've been nothing but nice to everyone who wasn't a complete asshole to us, yet everyone just likes to bully us and generally attack us from all directions conceivable :(

This legit makes me sad

I'm sure he would say the Chinese invented it earlier

Literally is an argument against the fake news achievements of the "white" "man"

China did do some crazy stuff. Before Jesus walked this earth, the middle kingdom was slurry-mining salt from the earth and using the natural gas for fire to evaporate it.

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Ngl Greco, I think some are jealous. I never was and never cared cuz im a Amerimutt.

Spotted the Turk. Like a fucking sniper. So obvious.

>Defend Europe for thousands of years
>Get sold out by treacherous Christians and sold out to the Mudslimes
>Over 500 years later the same traitors call you non-white and claim your achievements as their own
My fellow diaspora, I understand all too well.

I have met one. And he was undoubtedly white.
>White behavior
>White sense of humor
>Looks like a med, a.k.a. a white person.
He was a tour guide when I went to Europe as a teen. I'm looking forward to going there again to see the countries I didn't go to last time.

this towelhead is not greek phenotypically, I am 100% certain and I am a PhD candidate in phylogenetics.

stefan is a full blown fag who mistakes his pathetic autism-cult leading life with the life of a natsoc general