Left attacking schools now.
What do you mean all school shooters are leftists
There has to be some deeper reason for the Jews to have such a strong desire to murder these children. What could they be hiding?
The left are so butthurt they'll kill kids. Well done faggots.
This whole thing is really blown out of proportion, even for the left's standards. Is the news trying to cover something up again?
wtf I love catholics now. Fuck off OP.
Maybe just testing the waters
Their foreskins.
I don’t know if it’s worthy of all your excitement.
Time traveler said it would happen
twitter needs to be shut down, there employee's and CEO's should be killed.
If anything happens we know who to go after. This is pottery.
>school shootings bad, we need gun control
>attack schools, butn them down with the kids inside, punch them, and feed them into woodchippers
>Alex Jones is slandering Sandy Hook survivors, sue sue sue
>slander innocent bystanders and ruin their lives. I don't care that the video shows they were showing restraint, and they were actually being harassed by the black israelites, they're white and smiling. REEEE
we're breaking the programming
CNN and other "news" orgs are responsible for this. The correction and full video of the "incident" WAS posted... deep in the editorials or broadcast at 3AM.
Talking heads need to swing.
Quick, ban guns before these kids all die! Kek.
jews are insecure faggots who probably got picked on by preppy chads in high school and they're still ass blasted about it so they're taking out their anger on these kids. fucking lunatics.
These dumb cunts are playing with fire going after these kids.
Check your white teeth privilege.
Sad to see that the Injuns have devolved from proud warriors to a bunch of SJ faggots. 7 Capchas for these words of wisom.
Typical Jewish hysteria thread. saged and bye devil
Caananism, some of them are victims and perpetrators of that great wickedness and abomination, and need to repent.
Local news as recently as last night ~6:30EST was still reporting the version where the injun was harassed, no mention of the niggers, etc.
They are not "peaceful" and never were. Leftists are the most violent group in history and always have been.
They couldn't resist. A story like this just after the gillete ad would've been the icing on the cake. They fucked up.
What a complete and utter PR disaster for the left and media.
I'm love every minute of it.
Why don't we organize a mass card-sending campaign supporting the school / these kids?
NPR this morning had me screaming at the radio so badly I became concerned I might pass out and wreck my truck so I had to turn it off
Jews are eternally vengeful for being conquered by the Greeks and Romans who they see as all Europeans. As long as white people exist Israel is threatened
This. These kids clearly get along really well with one another. It was actually pretty wholesome that these kids were having fun in such a large group together. The fucking spiteful pricks that the media Jews are couldn't let that slide, they had to make it seem like they're a huge group of smug Chads who get off by putting other people down.
Reminder that the black Israelites are completely at fault and are suffering no repercussions.
Well they're made up of primarily minorities and the criminally insane so it's not hard to see why
NBC slammed the students in the video to start the segment. They just can't help themselves.
I know right you think trannies would have the balls for that ;)
Best. Year. EVER.
Does anyone know how long it took for the school to take down their cowardly apology to the native activist off their website? I assume it's gone but the whole site won't even load now.
the jew media has tried to keep black israelites off the radar as long as they could, but THEY COULD NOT BE CONTAINED
They're trying to do to America what their ancestors did to Russia one hundred years ago.
I fuckin love Sam
trying to distract people about mueller shutting down that retarded buzzfeed article that got everyone in a fervor
I hope they do blow it up, providing that the kids have all been evacuated. It will show everybody the true face of the Left. Some will refuse to see, but many will not be able to help it.
The media is going to take as many cheap shots at those kids as they can. I can't even hate watch CNN or the rest anymore. It feels like my head will explode.
This fucking cunt is really the worst, which is why this meme is so great.
Americans take politics far too seriously
And who won according to them?
Think we can get some of the MAGA biker gangs to head up there to protect the school like they did Trump on inauguration day? Modern day cavalry.
Attacking children is the ultimate declaration of war.
Do you think liberals would put up a memorial on the site of a catholic school?
Did they take it down? I don't they've said anything since that disgusting statement. It feels like the lawyers swept in and told them not to do anything.
That might just start the civil war.
Nothing’s going to happen
Thank the likes and their melting pot shit stirring
Samuel O Héide
All those beautiful Communist countries with their mass grave memorial parks sure are a testament to the left's peacefulness.
Look at these triggered crybabies.
shut up ahmed you faggots still have fist fights in parliament
>"i know you are but what am i!"
the ultimate liberal comeback
Point well made.
He didnt say but
< this was also my thought, they wouldnt put up a monument to a dramatic defeat
The exact same day high court allowed Texas to defund Planned Parenthood because they sold body parts.
>Flexing against the conditioning
You wish I'm a liberal.
To summarize.
>They lost a lot of traction with abortion recently.
>Buzzfeed went full retard.
>RGB is dead and will be most likely replaced by a CATHOLIC woman.
>Gillete united males while trying to create a distraction.
>The Smirking kid backfired right after buzzfeed while trying to make CATHOLICS look bad.
>Failed implementation of consent being imposed on Children was memoryholed along the time Gillete ad struck.
>Canada tried to shut down the opposite media but didn't jew it right and is backfiring.
>Druglord admits benefitting globalist in a non aggression pact with Mexico that could involve the Clintons.
>Canada launched a direct attack on Catholic education by trying to shut it down under progressive guidelines.
>liberal states tried to do this too but it was exposed and it's quietly backfiring.
The jews just keep naming themselves. And this is just January.
I know I'm going to be called a glow nigger but someday we're going to have to accept the fact that violence is the only way to defeat the left.
I think the left in general is becoming so. They want to assault and murder innocent kids.
What a friggin busy year already. Gees.
Prove it.
This made it all but certain. The left wanting to kill us is not a meme.
hello fbi
You're right and wrong. You're right about the violence being the solution; but we don't have to use it to defeat them
>InB4 the twist is that they kill each other over their own ideals.
Quality vid from "boring" Tim Pool, way to go
hello cia
Oh look. A rightoid calling for violence.
Screencapping this.
But I thought only cis white male rednecks threatened schools
>Talking heads need to swing.
They do, because apart from brainwashing, the only way to get a liberal to believe anything is to scare the shit out of them. If they won't wake up and behave like rational human beings out of common decency, then they must be scared straight, before they begin murdering us. Well, more than they already do. En masse.
Let's encourage them.
This is it. Leftists confirmed terrorists now. The civil war is finally beginning.
Rumor is that Trump has his next supreme court pick ready and that she is a Catholic.
Not under attack. Just false threats.
The fact that you right wingers get so mad over this stupid shit just proves you're just as big SJWs as the Left.
Need a safe space there Trumpie?
Take off your trench coat, wash your acne, join the football team, and go to a party.
Also, Japan will never love you back.
I just sent this image to my wife, let's see how she reacts.
Reminder school is gonna blow up which will start a new and better civil war
>Samir Al Hayeed Will keep getting away with it in your life time
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
>"i know you are but what am i!"
And it's a quote from a pedo, how perfect
>saying mean words
>burning a school with kids in them
this is even you incredible dumbfuck
Do you not understand the irony of accusing a group of being two faced when your side litterally has pedophiles and rapists and you claim to be on the side of "good"
This but unironically, you cant compsre physical violence with mistaking made up words