How should parents handle their children's internet use?
How should parents handle their children's internet use?
Internet is bad, mkay
You can't defend your child from reality.
They shouldnt. What they should do is be more aware of their fucking kids existence.
Instagram is hardly reality
remember kids, it's down the road, not across the street.
I didn't even use social media until I became 18. I shut it down last year.
Install spyware and monitor them. It's a breach of privacy but it could save their life
>Brown eyes
Hasta la vista!
ban it.
My kids always end up watching shitty minecraft videos on youtube. Honestly, i'd be prouder catching them watching porn or something.
She's white, who cares?
At least this way she didn't die from getting raped to death by pakis.
what if it was minecraft porn
>and propaganda
>are reality
if only they whored her out like those instagram cuncuns, she would have been happy and would have kickstarted her model/acting/music career
I don’t let my kids use the internet, I let them play games on the computer occasionally to teach them with how they work. I have one of those learn to type programs so they can type pretty good. They aren’t allowed to use my phone at all, and they have a Nintendo ds which I have the wifi locked. They don’t play much as I have a bunch of retro consoles from when I was a kid so they play Nintendo and Sega and shit. Haven’t really decided when I’ll let them use the internet. At the moment their only 8 (twins) but when I do I’ll monitor usage. No social media accounts as that shit is garbage. You can pick up a phone and call you’re friends. (Computer in family room, monitor internet browser, that sort of thing.)
It was Instagram's fault. Not my parenting.
Her parents fucked up her Country, and they try to blame instagram?
Well, they are. That's what they will have to face when they grow up. There is no hiding from stuff like social media and propaganda, one has to learn how to fight it.
it's a feature not a bug of anti-social media
A lot of kids can run rings around parents when it comes to computers.
Just so much more savvy.
>blame instagram
"of course it is not MY fault, not me, the parent, no.."
They shouldn't let them have one
>I neglected my children and used the internet as an automatic babysitter
These kind of parents need to fucking die.
>How should parents handle their children's internet use?
Duh... doesn't surprise me it's coming from a Nanny state's citizen.
Yes, it is indeed parents responsibility. Not the government, and not Instagram.
My son (8y/o) Is not allowed to use any type of social media outside youtube (Which history I check every day). I'll allow it until he is 13 or 14, I hope my example will convince him to not use as much or at all.
I browse this board with them and educate them on the true nature of the world.
Once redpilled, they will be untouchable by the Jew’s tricks
who are this cuncuns?
> their only 8
> call you’re friends
I bet you don't even have the decency of being a nigger. You're a white man and you wrote that. Fuck.
Still no reason to just throw your child into a sea of shit that's modern mass media and hope they swim instead of drowning.
> Russian Imperial Romanov family (Tsar Nicholas II, his wife Tsarina Alexandra and their five children Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, and Alexei)
Those were the little girls of the Russian monarchy that were murdered by the ((((bolsheviks)))). This fact is never mentioned since the ((((media)))) is controlled and will never report on their own historical crimes.
The reason the picture is relevant is because it is EXACTLY what they are doing now. They want you and your children dead, like they wanted the russian monarchy and their children dead. They need you dead to complete their hostile takeover. They are parasites.
Here's the thing. Before smartphones and tablets, the majority of normies didn't fuck with the internet at all and it was better that way because they can't seem to handle it. The most middle schoolers and high schoolers did was follow trends in their own local area, which usually originated from someone being creative with what they already had on hand. But these days, with instagram and everything else, the trends are dictated more by the internet, and on IG, there's all these women who get paid through this so they use professional makeup, lighting, photoshop -- whole nine yards and then some. So these middles schoolers and high schoolers look at this and since they don't have an objective understanding of what they are looking at, they feel down about their own appearance, thinking they can't measure up.
Killing "royals" is not murder. Murder is killing human people.
That thing that people used to call good parenting.
IMO i'd just allow some things until they are at an age where you can have a reasonable expectation of communication with them. For example things like movies & YouTube as long as it's reasonably supersized until they are 7-8.
After that point it's reasonable to expect them to have a social life that extends to the internet in some capacity which also includes the fucked up parts. It's a bit awkward to monitor everything and still respect the child's privacy. I'm considering something like a simple piece of software so i can see the websites, not the literal history but just the domains.
Try to keep in contact with the children and actually be available as a person they can talk about anything with. Drugs, politics, moral topics, anything goes; that way you won't end up in awkward situations where they pick of smoking at 10 because it's cool.
People are assholes, more so are children since they don't keep track of what their actions actually mean as they're just pursuing momentary gratification. Honestly there might be a market for psych people to go over children's private data on social networks as an actual part of being a psychologist. Introduce the child to the psychologist as well, that way they have another person to talk to and the parents don't have to be that invasive. For example if a child is talking to their friend about how they kicked the shit out of someone or similar the parent would go to a "marriage counseling" session with the child and get things sorted.
After a certain age there's really no point of in-depth monitoring. It depends on how mature the child is but something like 15-16 is a reasonable point. Maybe still keep the domain list thing but it'd likely be useless
Keep in touch with the children throughout and it'd be a good start at least.
How come when a kid kills themselves the parents do everything in their power to blame EVERYTHING except themselves?
She used instagram while her parents ignored her.
Who's at fault? Chances are, her parents are not much more mature mentally than she was.
>Breaching a childs privacy
Before they are 18 they don't have any privacy desu.
They aren't owed any privacy if they haven't earned it.
"Our daughter suffered from depression and we weren't around or competent enough to have a grasp of what was going on in her life so we'll blame a faceless social media entity for her death."
Lazy victim mentality by the parents. Probably why their daughter turned out the way she did. Also saw herself as nothing but a victim.
Social media isn't reality. Its 99% people faking what they're really like.
Seriously everyone does it, its why I deleted all of them except an unused instagram account I have. People fake what they're really like, then in real life they're completely different and boring because they can't fake as well as they can online.
So many times I've taken a girl out because they seem cool and fun online, yet in person they're dull and boring as fuck.
by having a loisence
Parents just don't understand any of it. They might have a Facebook to keep in touch with family and friends. They aren't using it or experiencing it the way people under 30 are. It isn't on the parents. It's on the children.
>14 year old
>looks 22
Uh guys....
I've also noticed that I can have much better conversations with people because I'm not hooked into their life on a daily basis. Before I'd have nothing to say/ask because I already knew they had been on vacation or whatever. Now I can honestly ask them, "So what have you been up to?"
not giving girls a damned iPhone or tablet, with controlled/censored internet at home pc
is it really that hard to understand? fucking subhuman chimp IQs voting in my country
funny you say that while defending communist jews
woman peak at 14-15, after that they keep the same until they start degrading, so yeah, any 14 yo can look like any 20 yo
killing royals ((empower)) the rabble and the horde in order to institute a ((((bolshevik))) totalitarian state that has now moved to Wymerica and is doing the exact same thing they did 100 years ago, except this time its all WYPYPO
I mean it's true if you don't mind losing the child's trust forever which will only lead to bigger issues, especially if the parent is the "I AM RIGHT. YOU ARE WRONG. LISTEN TO ME OR I'LL YELL. NO TALKING!" kind.
Also it's not that hard to get around things like that. Assuming technical illiteracy you can get on the internet from somewhere else. Friend's phone, a random internet caffe type thing, etc.
Other than that based on the spyware you can just use a different network to go online - suckbucks, neighbor's wi-fi, buy a sim card to use for that, etc. You can also use a bootable usb to get onto the internet.
To be honest to most parents right now things like spyware that actually works and covers a majority of cases is beyond them anyway so it's a moot point in a majority of cases.
They should pull all of the Jews out of silicon valley, set them on fire, and then post it online.
One of the many reasons why I’m sometimes thankful no decent woman will have me or have my kids
Most Americans are too autistic for the basic config settings in the router let alone parental controls and keyword blocking
How about actually be good parents and talk to your children frequently. If not Instagram then she would be writing depressing and suicidal shit in a diary. Was she playing violent video games? The parents should blame that too.
You guys are fucked
I’m gonna an hero and leave a note it’s because of everything I read here. Jow Forums removed.
yeah but it wouldn't matter if they didn't buy stuff they don't need in the first place. A girl without an IPhone can be completely healthy and happy, and it only gives her the chance to whore around. Buying it in the first place is the mistake.
Have they kicked up a fuss about it?
Germans on Instagram bullied her and called her a beady-brown-eyed anglo.
Restrict internet access so that the only site that works is Jow Forums
>but Dad I need to do a research paper!
Historically Jews are behind every great evil
>it is for biology!
(((Franz Boaz))) and his disciples undermined the scientific method and pushed the untruth that all men are created equal, denying what biologists have known for centuries. What good is science if you can't publish findings that go against the narrative?