Reminder for tommorow

Attached: you gonna get penced.png (881x780, 608K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: Mike Pence envisions a world free of faggotry.jpg (1180x842, 71K)

Just ignore the canadian

Attached: Pence sees a fag way in the back.jpg (1170x780, 71K)

Attached: Homosexuals thwarted in effort to blind Mike Pence with unfettered faggotry.jpg (400x300, 50K)

Attached: Pence nods in approval.gif (307x292, 2.69M)

Attached: Mike Pence describes size of dildo found amongst possessions left behind by Barack Obama.jpg (1067x600, 55K)

Attached: pence appeared evasive when asked about the pride parade that was destroyed by a lightning storm.jpg (1200x630, 55K)

yes, same group as this:
For new thread explanation on shills:

Attached: 1547285303522.jpg (1024x768, 104K)

Attached: Pence replacement.jpg (682x729, 52K)

Pence should command the South American Theatre and Trump the Asian Pacific.

Attached: q4_spear.jpg (1078x1360, 285K)

Hell yeah

Attached: PENCE.jpg (960x543, 83K)

Attached: Pence lightning.jpg (1536x960, 333K)

Attached: pence lgbt meet acdc.jpg (400x300, 166K)

Attached: Mike Pence lightning.jpg (1024x781, 119K)

quick rundown: possible huge happening tomorrow, with the potential for a lot of dead commies

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-01-22 at 2.12.27 PM.png (608x697, 454K)

Attached: Pence Raiden.jpg (600x549, 53K)

Attached: Pence delivering medicine.gif (260x183, 904K)

Attached: pence degenerate.jpg (480x276, 18K)

Shut down day 33

Attached: download.png (274x184, 3K)

Attached: Mike Pence.gif (414x382, 3.07M)

Bright future

Attached: Logo-Orange_1234_mediatheque-lightbox.jpg (700x700, 147K)

Attached: Pence bearing witness to complete stupidity.png (716x404, 319K)

are we penceposting?

Attached: pence_smaller.jpg (3499x2760, 468K)


Attached: ax033-63f3-9jpg-416bce4ca29077b7.jpg (1024x683, 102K)

I am. Almost out though.

Attached: pence repent.jpg (379x379, 19K)

Attached: executie-ceausescu-evz.jpg (800x672, 93K)

Attached: Mike Pence Dojo.png (636x576, 21K)

Attached: Pence fruits into vegetables.jpg (1200x630, 63K)

Reminder to ignore the canadian cuck.

Attached: j9m9zglzekpx.png (800x800, 199K)

Attached: pence gender identity.jpg (684x1344, 140K)

Attached: Pence sees degeneracy.jpg (1200x675, 195K)

Attached: pence you know what to do.jpg (465x361, 19K)

let me guess, the commies in nyc and cali are going to be all cunt hurt on twatter
my utter fucking shock

Attached: no donald thats gay.jpg (800x500, 76K)

Attached: Mike Pence Cold And Cruel.png (1000x510, 550K)

I hope you saved pp for that partial mob

Attached: lel.png (216x245, 42K)


Attached: pepepencecover45.png (720x340, 95K)

Attached: the_gay_scourge_must_be_wiped_out_wherever_it_is_found_Mike_Pence.jpg (885x516, 36K)

Typical kike loving neocon behavior.

Attached: mike pence vp.jpg (1600x668, 63K)

yours is better than my low-effort one

fuck it, let them go to venezuela and enlist in the war as counter revolutionaries

Attached: IMG_7116.jpg (4032x3024, 1.9M)

Checked, funny that both of the tranny shills last thread were canadian, truly the worst the west has to offer.

Attached: 1543674365709.png (728x5203, 559K)

Attached: wisy-rose-f-kyliebae13-name-a-more-iconic-trio-ill-6823288.png (500x827, 188K)

here, have another low-effort OC

Attached: pence_yaranaika.png (630x354, 166K)



>what's funny is you fantasizing about peoples not having the same opinions as you as being an organized groups of tranny shitposter
i'm pretty sure i'm a lonely fucked up quebecois just hating the jewish world order and their groupies

Attached: 89080.jpg (746x599, 154K)

Is that real?

they plan to do it with Bolsonaro in return for pumping money into that shithole privatizing assets, wait for it

who are those 3 ppl on the top pic?
i'd assume they're celebs, a girl band possibly, but i genuinely do not know

Nevermind, it isn't.

Attached: 1544305977962.jpg (1242x1876, 469K)

Jesus Christ c*nadians were a mistake

He should be outed for not wanting to fix the economic problem due to hurting Chavez legacy. Moron.

Left is Kim Kardashian


Attached: Screenshot at 2019-01-22 14-28-30.png (479x352, 131K)

Hell yeah, get'em outta there and install that Rothschild Bank

Your country is infested by trannies, no use in denying it.

Attached: 1543673271135.jpg (760x993, 309K)

pic very related

Attached: i-have-only-made-one-prayer-to-god-oh-lord-make-my-enemies-ridiculous-and-god-granted-it-voltaire-ge (640x577, 43K)

Please save my country Mr.Pence

That black man legit looks like they chopped his legs lmao

So how bad is the Anti-American sentiment there?

Do you guys prefer the Chinese?

Attached: 1542012098872.jpg (288x358, 46K)

i like voltaire
not too sure he would like your kind tho
i don't deny it i'm the canadian from the others thread and i'm not part of anything i just like politic and i defend my ideas the place was never meant to be a circle jerks of zionist cuck sucker so i do my part

Attached: 5325235.jpg (548x350, 38K)

Astroturfing again Cambridge Analytica?
>wtf, I love (((US imperialism))) now

Dunno found it on joogle. Good shop if not. Tried to find out 4 u...Used on various sites but can't find source


Attached: its scared.jpg (1017x715, 69K)

Day 33 double trouble

You’re blessed by God to not have your mind poisoned with the knowledge of their names.

Attached: 1542892189991.jpg (680x979, 111K)

>So how bad is the Anti-American sentiment there?
non existant. Only chavistas get into the "fucking gringos" game
>prefer the chinese
Are you retarded? Not even chinese people like themselves

>Having a neighboring country in the brink of collapse is good for you
>1 post by this ID

Not that bad, just some commies sucking for some gov money and nah we hate chinks here

>we be da world police
We should fix our OWN problems.
Americans couldn't care less about what happens in South America or any other third world shithole.

Attached: teenagers-drinking-milkshakes-s597x597-416719-1020.jpg (597x597, 67K)

yes, goym. disregard the world, only send scheckles to israel

We who? Show flag or everyone will disregard your opinion, since there's no evidence that you are American, and therefore you can't really speak for Americans.

I agree, but nations are on our side of the hemisphere actually have a real chance to affect us, no?

Especially with China fucking around with them and getting them in loans and debt traps.

its the canadians from the tranny discord


Attached: venezuala 1.jpg (1029x331, 53K)

Attached: VENEZUALA 2.jpg (1050x276, 50K)

Attached: 1541388609566.jpg (571x571, 111K)

Attached: 1538426970131.jpg (500x312, 52K)

Attached: 1543795626903.jpg (651x659, 61K)

Attached: muhsocialism.png (622x432, 195K)

Attached: 1540180832528.jpg (648x907, 193K)