Libs still lying

Libs still lying

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All this needs to be saved. It will all eventually bite them on their cocky ass later

this guy should stick to booze and drugs...

They are absolutely seething

"Hate" is newspeak for "disagreement with a communist faggot".

Why does he draw them to look like chinks? Am I missing something?

Somebody draw him slitting his girlfriend's wrists and send it to him

Isn't it funny? It is absolutely a-okay to do racist, dehumanizing cartoons of whites. But anybody DARE to post a happy merchant and you are an antisemitic Nazi unperson.


Attached: David Icke was right all along.gif (480x270, 2.69M)

>whitewashes injun
Literally shaking rn

The herpes and syphilis is clearly finally drilling holes through what's left of his brain.


how is it racist if its another white person doing the cartoon

This guy really went off the deep end after his girlfriend "committed suicide"

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Is Jim Carrey secretly the spicy keychain artist?

Til that Jim carrey likes zappa

Jim carey's career literally started because he acted like a retard in movies. That's his go to style, a literal retard. Only retards would take anything he says seriously.

Jesus christ it's almost uncanny

The object does not change its properties on the person doing it. Likely a Jew would still be persecuted for antisemitism, if he posted the Eternal Jew and agreed with it online. As a matter of fact both Halsey English and Laura Loomer have been kicked off Twitter for anti-semitism.

i thought that was elizabeth warren


The man literally has a bunch of STDs, and they are making him go insane.

He also talks like somebody who takes too much acid.

Fuck this leaf faggot

Is that Hillary?

I forgot all about that meme.

Attached: the ol' spicy keychain.jpg (845x1036, 242K)

the eternal jew is racist though, calling someone a snake and drawing a shitty cartoon of them isn't

Hey, but she wrote "a damaging note" to him, she deserved it.

Just watch and smile, maybe smirk a bit. This is their cryptonite.

Jim Carrey is a washed up faggot

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Must be surreal to be that kid and have Jim Carrey immortalizing your visage in a portrait

why did he whitewash chief stolenvalor?

>this guy should stick to booze and drugs
He ran out of girlfriends to kill with those, this is how he now expresses his boredom

He just distracts attention from the journos.
> those fags would think the Aids Jim death is a bigger platform for the message
t. anglo

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I wonder if we can make Jim Carrey go completely off the deepend?

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This guy is so broke that he's resorting to doing shit movies and tv films with shit, unknown trash tier french kike film makers because nobody wants this cunt anywhere. "Kidding" let me laugh faggot


Jesus Christ

Where's the lie? It's undeniable they were mocking the indian guy.

>conversion failed

comfy it wont take much now. hes so heavy with guilt

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when are they going to learn the conversion techniques arent exactly working? wololo!


Nigger, what do high schoolers not mock? 9/11 was a day-one joke fest. Do you think walking into a crowd of them making a scene like a common attention-seeking whore will be any different from 3k people getting pwned by Jews?

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man i watched some of the video where chief moonshine is bamging that drum and chanting
just made me think how the colonists reacted. the smug must have been overpowering

Yes, and? Why weren't they going after the black guys actually harassing them instead of the lone indian guy banging a drum and chanting?

Gen X telling us to live in a multiculti shithole while they grew up right before the disaster struck, epic

He was so afraid to make the Indian dark at all lmao he’s one of the good ones who went astray

>Gen X telling us to live in a multiculti shithole
>Gen X
>multi culti
you're way off base here what are you smoking/not smoking senpai
GenX was born into the chaos and darkness, already chafing against indoctrination and the "message"
youre way off

The glow in the dark false-jew niggers were away from the crowd. Chief Talking Bullshit waltzed into the middle of them.

his Indian looks white

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This cartoon IS objectively racist.

>Where's the lie? It's undeniable they were mocking the indian guy
These kids are a bunch of sheltered private school Christians, they probably have a huge sticks up their collective asses. There’s no evidence that they were actually mocking him in the video, besides. But even still
>mocking some stolen glory alcoholic treefucker who is banging a drum in your ears
>bad under any circumstances

>cocky ass

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Either you didn't actually watch the video, or you're just trying to spread disinfo kike. The feathernigger went up to the kids.

look magepede if you havent noticed this isnt about the truth fuckhead.

Here's what Carrey had to say about pedophile Roman Polanski:

Attached: hollywood pedophiles versus america.jpg (720x673, 159K)

That portrayal of a Native American is pretty racist. Can we report it for hate speech?

Gen x was way more white and didn't grow up traumatized by the 56% face

Literally unhinged. My god :)

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They were, also using bots on Jewtube to pump up support for the lie.

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>it's okay when wh*toids do it

Gen Z literally had PTSD and that's why they're acting like this. Dios mio

>be me
>public elementary
>white is a minority
tell yourself whatever you want I bring inconvenient truths. I've been filled with disgust and rage since an early age. I'm happy to see comrades coming to the cause.

There would be so much lols. Do it for the lols annon.

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roll for Carey to hang himself on the hollywoo sign

So did I at first.


This. It's just about time to start hanging these faggots.

Again, so what? He walked up to him and they hooted and jumped around like niggers.

Hilarious how the right is too pussy to owns its actions, yet it thinks it should dictate the actions of the whole country.

you guys are straight pussies who can't even stand up for what you really believe.

at least liberals do that.

kys flaggot. JIDF must be putting in the second string for their bathroom break or something

>calling someone a snake and drawing a shitty cartoon of them isn't

So the merchant meme isn't racist?

> Jim Carey
> opens trash can
> discards

How does Jim Carrey still act like he is more morally righteous than anyone after giving his gf permanent STDs and aiding her death?

The kid looks chinese.

Why do they all look like chinks?

is the middle one george soros?

So is Jim Carrey still in that "radiant love" cult or what?


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Of all the hollywood fucktards that I'd like to meet in a dark alley, Carrey is the one I'd beat to death. Deniro, I'd just rearrange his face. Yolittledonnie would get chicken winged and a knife up his asshole, but that Canucki faggot Jim Carrey? Kicked to death.

that gif makes my little brain do big brain things

Kinda reminds me of those Japanese paintings from the 1700s

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It is the same with all moral grandstanding lefties.
The virtue signaling is something they do BECAUSE they are so loathsome themselves.

You have to imagine what it must be like to live in a world of normal people when you are a backstabbing sniveling lying coward. It looks to you like everyone is just really good at disguising their immorality... and when you look at normal people, you think that they are covering it up just like you cover up your own.

i hate comedians especially the basedmale ones like this. they suddenly think they're oh so revolutionary, wise, witty, and special fuck off
also his drawings are so ugly shows his lack of unaesthetic and beauty. didn't he give his girlfriend herpes? which made her suicidal in return. doesn't seem like a nice and kind man to me desu

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Ultimately the leftist hates himself, and this drives his hatred of his fellow man.

I don't think kids today would give a fuck about Jim Carrey.

And rightly so, this guy is completely looney and kids should already know that celebrities are the same thing as the nobility of back then who also frequently went crazy.

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the celeb fascination peaked with millennials its all down hill for those directly before and all that come after

Someone should remind Jim of the time he gave his girlfriend STDs and drove her to suicide.

I think it's been declining since Marylin Monroe

>Ron Perlman
>Chris Evans
>Jim Carrey
Anyone else?

havent seen dickbutt in a while

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According to his now dead girlfriends text he was a cokehead and also into prostitutes.

isn't that guy a known child molester?

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Basically all of (((Hollywood))) has a seething hatred for straight white males whether they publicly announce it or not.