This is the realest thing I've read in a long time

This is the realest thing I've read in a long time

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can we talk about black privilege?


Hope you're joking

I never knew how powerful smirking really is. I'm going to go watch reruns of gomer pyle and practice up.

deconstructionists are the worst type of people.

Anyone remember that poo that pretended to be black just so he can get into med school? Why do blacks only need a 3.8 GPA while asians need a 4.5?

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I wish white privilege actually existed. I could use some free shit.

I love how much we are in shit skins heads all day every day. What a miserable existence.

In excelsis.

no, im serious, its time to talk about black privilege, when are we going to have a latino boom in movies, politics and civil injustices fixed?

our civilization, our rules

Not that I care about his assessment, but isn't he essentially correct? None of them matter and none of us will remember them by the time we get home.

I need a translation.
I don't speak jive.

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smiling is bigotry

What’s truly unsettling is that by virtue of being niggers, being judged on their skin color for so long, they really should know better. They should have a stoic hardness and deep awareness relative to racial-related shit. They should all have a dash of Thomas Sowell in then by now. But they don’t. They’re just fucking retarded clowns.

>niggers knowing better

Imagine being OP.

>be kid
>get death threats

so this is the fabled white privilege I've heard so much about

>when are we going to have a latino boom in movies
woah woah woah
Have you forgotten about Hector?
He's truly breaking the mold.

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>black person tries to be a Socrates-lite
>any sane person sees this as retarded victim speak

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Also obligatory "Orwell was right"

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So how about that affirmative action huh? I mean, how many mental backflips do you have to do to convince yourself that that isn't black and latino privilege? I would imagine that if the rotational speed could be harnessed it'd be enough to power all of Africa for at least a decade.

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Niggers were literally yelling cracka at him and he didn't call them niggers back. I think he should have spat at the niggers and shot/stabbed them if they started shit.

Or it was just a kid with a dickish face smirking and it's triggering people desperate for any reason to scream "racism."

Walked right into that one. But I’m serious - if anyone should understand by now how preposterous it is to paint a race with wide-ass strokes it’s niggers. Alas, you’re right - it’s because they’re niggers.

>you didn't act out like a wanted you too but I'm still going to pretend that you did

it's funny how niggers have no clue not everyone is as dumb as they are

>standing and smiling while white
i seriously hope you guys don't do this


preference in college admissions
preference in govt hiring
preference in PD hiring
preference in private sector hiring
cannot be fired for incompetence
preference in promotion
accorded inviolate freedom of speech
priority in EVERY SINGLE aid program
priority in scholarships
black only scholarships
the whole of institutional bias tilted your way

so, yeah, not only preference, blatant and brazen and aggressive preference.

and still you caterwaul about like children screeching for muh gibs, muh rites, muh repariations...never taking any responsibility for your actions, deflecting blame and projection hostility.

black privilege is real and it's disgusting.

end racism now.

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1984 and Brave New World are really all that you need to read to understand the modern world. That said, as you know, niggers don't read.

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I know that this post won't be noticed and Jow Forums won't care because the niggerbloodlusthate is on, but not all blacks believe and agree with this. The better educated of us who have had white friends since babyhood know very well whites are the most sympathetic and protective of races towards us, and we do not support or condone the harassment and harm of these children.

They literally did nothing wrong. This was a Kobayashi Maru scenario from plan to finish and what I am witnessing as a black Republican in America makes me sick to my own vitals.

Know that we, the suburban blacks, are with you. You'll know us by our intelligence and diction when The Day arrives. We'll be fully supporting the white side if you let us. That side is the real America. You are family.

Be strong. They and Latinos (ahem * cough * "Indians") are out to destroy you and America. God bless us all.

what do they wish he did? totally submit and show that injun his asshole?

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Serious question: what real difference does it make for american whites to start shooting instead of smiling at this point?

yeah, almost forgot about the ridiculous ubiquity of blacks in media.

Black people are so jealous and insecure.

I have no criminal record and I won't respond to D&C bait, thanks. This is a non Talmudic thread.

This guy legitimately took the time to write this garbage?

The left is seriously tripling down on a literal nothing burger.

Its a shame trump cant get his shit together and run the government. We could have a 1000 year reign of right wing politics.

You may be a good one, but realize your people are literally a scourge on this country brought to us by ships owned by jews. If you want to do good, spread the message of anti-Judaism to your urban brothers

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Underway quietly, but underway, even as of this morning. Thank you.

blacks are completely obsessed with race. they carp and whine about a post-racial society, yet their every thought is tethered to race. it's a monomania taken to obtuse extremes.

it's racist to not punch minorities now?

>be white
>grew up dirt poor on a council estate
>both parents heroin addicts
>given absolutely nothing in life, everything I have I had to get myself

I get it, white privilege is having the ability to take responsiblity for yourself and not rely on others. It's like a passive racial ability in an RPG.

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Well considering you are overall the exception to the rule...

Black ego so fragile

Current Year: the rise of the weaponised Smugface

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based and redpilled

>you and 10.9k others
you're not even trolling. you believe this shit.

>I made a blog post about a simple smile
>I'm not the sensitive one, you are!
The lack of self awareness in the left is nothing short of astounding.

>This is the realest thing I've read in a long time

Then maybe you should try living in reality sometime?

why is he writing "you're a target because I got my bullseye on you" isn't that condradicting all the other things he said about the kid?

This is the truth right here and I hope white people wake up to it.
>>White people are evil just for existing

find pictures of prominent leftists and put these kinds of quotes on them
>this is the smirk of a neonazi

weaponized smirking

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>you don't have to victimize me because i've already victimized myself in my mind and now i will blame you for that no matter what you do

You played yourself.

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It's a psy operation. A black Republican youth named CJ was the person who began gathering and compiling the names of leftist guilty this past weekend. I hope the white race will see through this (((pawn moving by hands above))) and pass the test.


agreed. but this is Jow Forums everyone needs to get shit on & roasted, it's a bonding experience.

Not really wrong

As a White Male I don't care about colored people or their problems. I think about them only in the context of protecting myself from their violence and overall niggeroty.

Also they actually do smell bad

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I’m pretty jealous. The media never took me this seriously when I was 14.

we can and will accomodate @ 2-3% black in the New America. and you, my friend, will be welcome.
>inb4 muh le based black man
yes, he is based and he's superior to @50% of whites. i'll take based blacks over tatted up gastropods touring walmart aisles in carts any day of the week. i want my country to be vital and dynamic over and above all other concerns. does race correlate with desirable charecteristics? yes, yes it does. are there exceptions to that rule on both sides of the racial divide? yes, there absolutely are.
Clarence Thomas

>If you do nothing and are white you are a racist
That's what it comes down to.

they think theyre cute

They are trying to make you angry enough to lash out and attack Le Eternal Nigs to start an attempted civil war-race war so they and the feds can isolate you, round the white race right of Che up and finish you off. Educated blacks can see this and hope for the best. But I'm fairly sure the real enemy are going to win. If you think "some" = all, you're thinking same way their other pawns right now are.

BKA, leftists.
Good luck and God bless us all, and America. Logging off Jow Forums for good, because frankly soon we all had better. Just an fyi

nigger I would rather side with spics than your lot, as a white and native combat vet from a long line of veterans I find the fact you even think that brazenly offensive to the point that your wooly scalp would be decorating my belt if you had the nuts to talk to me like that during war apeling

If you read his original post you'd know that he is aware

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God bless, fren
see you on the other side.

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They can read so much from a kids awkward smile, it's like they're psychic. The kid didn't even have to commit a crime, the crime was already committed in his white, entitled mind, and POCs of colour can sense it.

Ive been gathering names, pictures and personal info of people like this for the last few days. I'm gonna post their info on the most extreme white nationalist message boards I can find. Whatever happens, happens.

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LET it go man. You lost this one. Plus they were kids so even if you were "right" it's pretty distasteful

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Imagine how retarded the average nigger must be that tens of thousands of them considered this post worthwhile

Here comes the fun part.

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God bless you, chocolate man.

>It's totally a (((psy-operation))) to totally discredit the media and the left and wake white people up to the unwarranted hatred for them goy. Sandmann is a jewish crisis actor

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it exists. aside from preferential treatment in many areas, they get way more gibs than whites. they're responsible for more crime, yet it's glossed over or ignored. if whites stopped paying taxes, most blacks would starve. they're already getting "reparations."

>"Why don't you smile more user?"
>Smiles in politically incorrect context while white
>Tracked down by woke journalists
>Hunted down by angry niggers
>Lynched for your disgusting hate crime

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I have learned white privilege is a real thing as a light skinned Asian and always appreciate that it is extended toward me in most situation. Especially when there are niggers and spics involved. Thank you white peoples.

What's wrong with that attitude? I owe you nothing and your past, your age, your gender and your power shouldn't matter because both are humans and we both have feelings and the same rights. What if you are a native american? Does that give you power? What if you're older? Do you deserve my respect more than you respect me? Fuck you. I don't know you, I don't care about you.

Why instead of trying to feel superior to me, why instead of trying to make me feel guilty of who I am, why don't you try to be my friend? Allow me to care about you and I will listen to you.

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No nigs. And no you because you a nig lover. Bye bye

I am King Nig Hater. No one compares to me.

Oh look, an Uncle Tom house nigger.
Just kidding.
Don’t touch my bike faggot

Sorry m8, but Ungubu scored a loverly goal and we couldn't help ourselves but rampage.

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even black people know it

>Oh wait a minute... I'm white!

lol woah nog got trigered real quikk