Anyone else gets ADHD when people include anime characters with nazi symbolics

anyone else gets ADHD when people include anime characters with nazi symbolics.

if Hitelr lived today he would make anime illegal, anime is for retards and manchildren. like people who buy expensive motorbikes at the age of 30.

keep the swastika away from your degenrate art

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Stay mad, nigger.

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i wish i could afford a motorbike
a fast one

also we can do much worse than anime

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It’s the modern way of expressing emotions and art, by drawing funny asian girls

you know that is why we started doing it in the first place right?
because you stormniggers are a bunch of tryhard no fun allowed faggots

It's so stupid

these people praise something that would hate them and their behaviour, idiots.
But most of them are americans so it explains why they are shortsighted

>it's another Jow Forums episode of "muh vision of Hitler and what he'd do if he were alive today is the only Hitler that matters"

If you make an assessment that modern Hitler would appreciate this you are living in a fantasy

Considering the fact that people like yourself still cling to the past when Hitler himself said that when the world would know he was right, they would unite under a new banner, which you all seem to ignore or disregard entirely, I don't think any of you are qualified to dictate what Hitler would or would not do.

Dude makes a very good point

You are a dumbass if you think that modern Hitler would appreciate young Anime girls carrying weapons as a slogan.

They had modern politics and rethoric that can even be recognized today.

However you people agree with the concept but also want to reap some of the fruits of degenracy and try to play it off as "MODERN WORLD IS DIFFERENT AND WE LIVE IN IT".


Those people are the biggest degenrates, they want to be right but can't give up their pleasures to be right. So they try to engage in revisionism and smokecreens to play it off as this is how it would be.


Sssssomebody's after a shedload of nazi anime...
Whatcha gunna do wit it user???

>implying I said that or inferred it
>implying you aren't conflating something specific into a generality to support your own agenda
>implying you aren't deflecting
>implying you aren't scriptfagging
Hitler would frown very much on your dishonesty and lack of integrity.

Wow, how substantial, and the first premise is false. I only said that you are a dumbass IF you think, and then I proceeded to make general claims.
and I ended it with idiot"S", I did not mean you.

What a nice Jow Forums vocabulary it's very understandable.
What the hell you are trying to say.

not at all

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Pretty sure you have autism, OP. No offense.

Refer to the japanese army using cute anime girls for recruiting, OS mascots etc. Fuck even earth-chan is a good example. Neoteny triggers protective instincts in males which is a large reason why it's so effective

I wish it was studied more but cute anime girls are one of the most powerfull forces in the world and I'm not even kidding. We should learn how to harness it, not shun it

Also if you think Hitler-sama would not approve of the only mass produced media for young people in the world today that isn't kiked, then I don't know what to tell you. Just don't watch shit like Boku No Pico and it's awwright

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Holy shit now that is some land speed record sonic boom causing backpedaling right there. Kikenigger, you were REPLYING TO ME. It is quite clear what you were implying. Are you fucking serious right now? Let me remind you that you're anonymous in name here and your ego doesn't mean shit here. Quit being such a faggot. Take your lumps and learn from them you jackass.

Wrong. Hitler loved anime. Nips are honorary.

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I was talking to you, that does not mean I am talking about you.

This is no excuse for anything, just because there is an audience that watches anime that you wanna reach out too does not make it acceptable neither does it make these people desireable.
They are nihilists that might agree with the agenda but can't give up their desires and will continue to live like epicureans.

an ascetic lifestyle is what is desireable

naziism and anime is both gay as fuck and deserves the gas

>still can't admit it
>even on an anonymous Mongolian throat singing forum
Wew. You're a sad person.

why are you talking to me?

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You started off with an if, but then there is this:
>However you people agree with the concept but also want to reap some of the fruits of degenracy and try to play it off as "MODERN WORLD IS DIFFERENT AND WE LIVE IN IT".
Since you are replying to me and saying that, the only person you could have logically been directing that at is me, regardless of your previous 'if'.
Once again, you were backpedaling and you are a sad person.