Donkey Kong 64 Stream from Hbomberguy Raises Over $340,000 for Trans Youth

Donkey Kong 64 Stream from Hbomberguy Raises Over $340,000 for Trans Youth

>we just want equal rights, we dont want to influence kids you bigot
Go on any mildly popular website and this shit will be celebrated there. How the fuck did reassignment for children become the new norm?

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Gamergate BTFO


Reminder that that charity apparently is already misplacing funds

>American males play video games to get baby dicks cut off
what the fuck yo

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That is a lot of money for charity

>leave a tip
holy fuck my sides.

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Isn’t donkey Kong 64 completely racist depicting niggers as monkeys? The DK rap. Monkeys being lazy etc.

Thanks for ruining an already shitty game even more

I pray for trannies to commit more suicides

so does all that money go to a suicide prevention hotline?

Sure, you could and I would say you probably should interpret the game that way because it would be funny to watch triggered lefties get triggered over something inconsequential, but remember it came out in the late 90s/early 2000’s. Rap was “kewl” so everyone tried shoving one in to their IP.

340k is not a lot of money. Remember the gofundme for the wall? The got like a million in one day

Thing is this is for kids who are ‘confused’ , so this money will go to the (((councillors))) who tell 7 year old little timmy What their dyke single mother has been force feeding them.

Let people do what they want with their life you freak op. Nobody makes threads about your poor hygiene

>be trannies
>speedrun for cancer research money
>embezzle almost all of it
>be cancer
>stream for transgender money
I hope he gives it to cancer research.

I'm sure the ceo is grateful for his pay

kYs cancuck

Why does the kike media only talk about charity streams for hbomberguy and not the one pewdiepie did for Indian 9 year olds?

dk64 is such a shitty game. of course retard millennial born in the mid 90s love it.

>muh europoors

americans are so fucking vile MAGA BASED

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What the fuck is a trans charity? sounds like a scam.

>Throughout the course of the stream, Hbomberguy was joined by the likes of Ocasio-Cortez, Chelsea Manning, Doom and Wolfenstein creator John Romero, Jim Sterling, and Donkey Kong 64 composer Grant Kirkhope, who even provided listeners with a voice clip of DK saying “trans rights, okay!”
I always knew Romero was a faggot but this is a new low

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>Meanwhile my charity streams to help build a new church in my town remains unnoticed

Just burn it all.

The Left
>stream to raise money for penis harvest
>be praised
The Right
>stream to raise money for cancer babbys
>get kicked off jewtube

Transwomen are women
Trans rights are human rights

He is British

Trans aren't human.

Trannies arent human

WTF is Romeo even doing nowadays?
Carmack was working with experimental aircraft iirc

Trans charity? It'll end up just like that tranny hotline charity that got a bunch of celeb attention.

people who pay others to play video games are worse than cucks who pay to have their wives fucked

Stop being so hateful.

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Thats several reasonably priced homes in afforable neighborhoods, but sure lop off your dick

Because science shows the benefits of it in league with not being totally discriminated against and shut out of society.
commence your ree-ing

It’s just a children’s cartoon game

Why would she go on his stream out of all the people? He's not THAT famous, is he?

Isn't that usually called GDQ?

What is it with retarded speedrunners and marathon retro players and transexualism? Is wanting to cut your dick off and talking like Heath Ledger in Batman synonymous with the sort of autism required to play N64 games in current year?

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From the charity's website

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You know what's even more beneficial? Not indoctrinating kids into degeneracy.

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>tfw I want to get a girlfriend just so that I can secretly wear her clothes.
It is more of a novelty than a sexual thing at this point, but I am afraid something has awoken inside me.

Easy. The Wealthy and their belief in Market Fundamentalism.
>Market fundamentalism (also known as free market fundamentalism) is a term applied to a strong belief in the ability of unregulated laissez-faire or free market policies to solve most economic and social problems

Oh, you're a bot.

As a tranny, choosing to be trans would be stupid.
If you think girls have it easier? You're neckbearding it and need to get out more.

Can't wait to throw him off a rooftop.

Until trump comes out and makes it illegal trump is in on it. Its child abuse and the ACA is a terrorist organization.

post your science. post it so I know who to laugh at.

name one thing wrong with this without projecting your own sexual insecurities

> when you own the conservatives by donating to a charity run by a woman who cut her own son's dick off at 16

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Better a russian bot, with a cold metallic exterior, than a liberal zombie, with rotting teeth incapable of penetrating metal.

But yeah women have it easier.

> when you own the conservatives by donating to a charity which was told to stop abusing children by a judge

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I'd like a source on that too to be honest. That's absolutely horrifying.

>He has no style, he has no grace

Then stop being a tranny or kill yourself. Now

>trans youth
ah yes, pushing mental illness on kids and telling them to cut their dicks off. the modern left needs to be bludgeoned before it goes any farther

That won’t even pay for one third of a single sex change operation.

can a post-op tranny have a child? If not, it's not a sex change, it's a cosmetic surgery.

Do increased suicide risk, fucked up pubertal development, STD risk, pedophiles in the tranny circles and CUTTING YOUR FUCKING DICK OFF count?

All of those are kinks in the transgender community though.

Nice legalized under aged child exploitation

> At the centre of this debate is Mermaids, run by Susie Green. Her """"""""""""daughter"""""""""""" had full gender reassignment surgery in Thailand — the op took seven hours — on """"""""""""her"""""""""""" 16th birthday because in the UK the minimum age limit is 18.

> """"""""""""Her"""""""""""" mother re-mortgaged the family house to pay for the treatment, which cost tens of thousands of pounds. At 18, Jackie returned to Thailand for breast augmentation.

> As a 12-year-old, """"""""""""she’d"""""""""""" been accepted onto a U.S. programme run by Dr Spack, who prescribed blockers to delay """"""""""""her"""""""""""" male puberty. She also took female hormones to help develop breasts and hips.

Like he’ll. Japs were making fun of dumb nigger stereotypes when they made that game. It’s racist as fuck.

The Cure for cancer is already discovered. Medical industry is suppressed it because it will not produce the profit.

>Do increased suicide risk,
not real if you control for other factors
>fucked up pubertal development,
not real
>STD risk,
not a strong enough reason
>pedophiles in the tranny circles
not real
not a problem

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I believe it

Everything you said is wrong. Impressive

(((Dr. Spack)))

>(((Dr. Spack)))

What a huge surprise that is

For such a tranny advocate you sure don't seem to know shit about the crap you're supporting.

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What is this american obsession with cutting mens cocks off?

This seems completely organic and not fake in any way.
>Evidence suggests that four in five pre-pubertal children diagnosed with GID do not go on to experience the condition in adulthood. Of those who fulfil the criteria for GID at puberty, one in five becomes happy in the gender they were born.

>Dr Spack admits: ‘When young people halt their puberty and take cross-hormones for a few years, they are likely to become infertile. You have to explain to patients that if they go ahead, they may not be able to have children. When talking to a 12-year-old, that’s a heavy-duty conversation.

>‘But if you don’t start treatment, they will always have trouble fitting in. And my patients always remind me that what’s most important to them is their identity.’

Our forebears knew where to draw the line.

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jew greed.

The charity and the streamer are both British.

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>Something compells me to wear clothing created by man
>It's a natural feeling to wear things that happened after nature
You're just perverts. Quit your bullshit. It's not a mental illness, because most of the things you indulge in, make up and women's clothing, is a man made concept that you indulge in because you're a pervert.

he's british retard

Charity to push these kids to suicide that much impressed.

Got thats so fucking hot.

I hope he sucked daddy's dick for practice.

I don't like HBomber, but i can't really fault him for supporting charity.
Just wish he chose a better trans charity, this one apparently is kinda sketchy.

Reminder that trannyism was invented by John Money. A man who forced a boy with a botched circumcumcision to become a woman.

>During his professional life, Money was respected as an expert on sexual behavior, especially known for his views that gender was learned rather than innate. However, it was later revealed that his most famous case of David Reimer was fundamentally flawed.[13] In 1966, a botched circumcision left eight-month-old Reimer without a penis. Money persuaded the baby's parents that sex reassignment surgery would be in Reimer's best interest. At the age of 22 months, Reimer underwent an orchidectomy, in which his testicles were surgically removed. He was reassigned to be raised as female and given the name Brenda. Money further recommended hormone treatment to which the parents agreed. Money then recommended a surgical procedure to create an artificial vagina, which the parents refused. Money published a number of papers reporting the reassignment as successful.

>On July 1, 2002,[17] Brian was found dead from an overdose of antidepressants. On May 4, 2004, after suffering years of severe depression, financial instability, and marital troubles,[18] David committed suicide by shooting himself in the head with a sawed-off shotgun at the age of 38. Reimer's parents have stated that Money's methodology was responsible for the deaths of both of their sons.[19]

>Money argued that media response to the exposé was due to right-wing media bias and "the antifeminist movement". He said his detractors believed "masculinity and femininity are built into the genes so women should get back to the mattress and the kitchen".[20] However, intersex activists also criticized Money, stating that the unreported failure had led to the surgical reassignment of thousands of infants as a matter of policy.

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Why old nintendo games and trannies always go hand in hand?

Japs didnt develop donkeykong.

Honestly trans youth is a deprecating asset and with the extra medication costs compared to regular youths he'll be hard pressed not to lose money in the long run.

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>communist/lgbt subversives worming their way into yet another susceptible and wildly popular form of entertainment

I'm done, Jow Forums

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If it's a trannie it will kill itself

Gamers used to belong to a social group... called GAMERS.

Since gamers were destroyed as a group (by women, of course), now they have to find another group to fit in with that's as autistic and socially inept as they are: transgenderism.

Sadly this cunt is from this Septic Isle. He was a regular brit/pol/ poster at one time.

Cope posting projection. Fucking you, leaf cunt.

>but I'm afraid something has broken inside me

He could’ve raised $340k for st judes or some crippled veterans charity but instead those hundreds of thousands are going towards cutting dudes dicks off

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There is no place for bigotry in gaming.

Double Yikes!
Triple Yikes!

I'm out!

why is donkey face there