Social Media Executives deserve the Death Penalty

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this unironically, they are fermenting civil war which could kill 100 million and destroy 100 years of development in north america

all fake news, deep staters, globalists should be put in prison for life or exectuted desu

this except not glowing and by a duly elected and then self-appointed dictator with a heart of gold.

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Yup. They are using their platforms for SOCIAL ENGINEERING from the top down rather than letting their platforms be an open uninhibited place of sharing idead.

>free speech platforms inevitably move right wing
cant have that..
>push thumb on scale

>right wing
are you really still thinking in terms of right vs left? Grow up.

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right wing as in natural order fuck face

>right wing
>natural order
Those two things aren't the same. You're trying to perpetuate a false sense of duality because you're a brainlet.



i think jack is just trying to stay alive

That's his own fucking problem. He reaps what he sows and him trying to stay alive now only ensures the death penalty later.

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When they kill the truth and promote lies, they're traitors to all civilization. They should be tried for treason.

Then he'd better start repenting, because if what he has helped create does end our civilization, God may forgive him, but the survivors won't


I don't get this. Twitter is not forcing anyone to post antiwhite messages. I think it's good that we can now see what people think and who is who.

>Twitter is not forcing anyone to post antiwhite messages.

That would be fine, but say anything condemning the sacred nigger and you will be banished. Fuck Jack and Fuck Twitter.

100 million people: Yes

100 years of development: No

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It's either them or us, for sure

Twitter must be destroyed

No you stupid kike faggot. Social Media is the only reason this false flag psy op got exposed. SOCIAL MEDIA IS NOT THE PROBLEME. THE PEOPLE MANIPULATING SOCIAL MEDIA FOR SELFISH GAINS ARE THE PROBLEM.

If Social Media existed in the past WW1, WW2 and the creation of the Federal Reserve would have never happened.

Need some kind of war. A real war not these unseen wars that the news won't cover anymore.

Children who were born after or were very young have no idea what it is like to live in actual fear. I remember being afraid of a nuclear weapon being used by the USSR not being cyber bullied or whether muh gender was whatever.

My parents generation was afraid of being shipped off to Vietnam or that their brothers, boyfriends, sons, or husbands would be shipped off.

Before that Korea, WWII, WWI, etc...

These were genuine fears not: Someone might be mean to me on the internet.

Sure we have a problem with mass shootings but you pile them up and you have a month in Chicago.

People live in a world where their genuine fear is that someone won't be nice to them and it has made people sick.

I say bring on a new World War or Civil War. Maybe we will get a couple generations that are not complete pussies.

>born after the Berlin Wall fell

GD moron that I am.

Someone should whack them.
Yes I am calling foir violence

>Need some kind of war. A real war not these unseen wars that the news won't cover anymore.
>reddit spacing
There's a war coming you inbred kike. The entire world vs Israel. Are you ready for that war you fucking bitch?

>calling for violence
Jow Forums is a board of peace shlomo.



fuck you and your damage control
>It would appear as though 830 El Camino Del Mar quietly sold for $9,990,000 last month with a listing that was “withdrawn” a week its before closing and unreported on the MLS.

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>They are using their platforms for SOCIAL ENGINEERING
You don't have a single fact to back that up.

>rather than letting their platforms be an open uninhibited place of sharing idead
Its their service, their rules.

>Its their service, their rules.
Does that extend to bakers? Or should they be forced to serve fags

Hopefully an Iranian kills your family kike

kek you idiot, normies are normies, no matter if theres real war or not, they behave like idiots no matter what




No torture?

I'm disappointed in you, user.

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When will these sociopathic cucks stop ruining beards

Except that is exactly who it applies to idiot.
Private property is the foundation of our economic system.
You are all fucking retarded.

>I remember being afraid of a nuclear weapon being used by the USSR
Go back to facebook boomer faggot.

He looks like the soiboi version of Mel Gibson.


but they are making billions $ a year off ad's/clicks.

They and the media are traitors

and certain users should be tarred in the street.

Do something about it cuckface. You know you won't and you're some shit talker on the internet.

I'm sure Mueller has an indictment waiting for Jack. He did open up his entire platform to Cambridge and Black Cube.