Instead we have 3rd world slums forming in our nations. God help us
We could be living on the moon
No chance, because the moon doesn't exist.
Hahahaha that formats is awsome
Feeding nogz > solar system colonization, bigot. Remember the starving African children!
I know I want to see more
pic related
Fun fact, even though space elevators are a meme in Earth levels of gravity, on the Moon we could build one with conventional building materials. There is no reason to not make a moon base, then start mining and refining.
I blame the anglo for bringing the brown and black man his anglo tech
I seriously hope you are not thinking the fucking NASA went to the moon, that's just too stupid even for Jow Forums.
Says a kekistani memeflag.
But otherwise you are right, we all know it was nazis.
Well there is this little reason: the moon is not a place, it's not something you can fucking reach with a space rocket.
so tired of that shitty flag excuse, just remove the fucking flags and focus on the subject.
Thanks to lazy niggers
Prayers brothers! Pray and god will deliver!
Then don't use the memeflags faggot.
You are only discrediting yourself.
they're not a meme, we are just waiting on an affordable way to mass produce the advanced materials required. perhaps the meme is that we will never find a way to mass produce carbon nanotubes, in which case the space elevator is a meme is a well. but its probably too early to tell with any certainty where we will be in a hundred years with material science.
it seems likely to me that one day space elevators will exist, though im not really expecting to be alive to see it.
i dont like people shitting on humanities grand ambitions by casually dismissing our ability to build things.
Fuck you and your credit systems, stick them up your butt. Oh and btw: Fuck your fucking country as well.
>we could build one with conventional building materials. There is no reason to not make a moon base, then start mining and refining.
how is it worthwhile?
Printing money for "da juice" is more important too.
actually true believe it or not
There's your answer
you cant live on the moon, ayys
Can you give me template
>We could be living on the moon
You won't be living on the moon until you colonize the oceans and antarctica.
read "whitey on the moon"
carbon memetubes could do it but we can't make them in large quantities reliably yet
With Jews you lose OP.
Meh I give 100 years tops. Whites will learn to embrace their race And we will form and ethno state in space
Also, Opie’s pic is amazing
Whites will begin breaking off and forming Ethnonationalist colonies inspired by Fascism.
The seeds will be planted In the form of training camps for young, white, gentile males.
An intense curriculum will mold the participants into a well rounded Citizenry of tomorrow’s Caucasian utopia.
As the American empire edges closer to her death, the White American Male will pick up the pieces. Learning from history’s mistakes we will Create a new empire.
We will viciously expel any alien, foreign or degenerate influence or people from our land.
It is not out of hate of the other, but of love for our own.
We understand that the other may do everything in his power to undermine and destroy our efforts.
But we now fully understand that ourselves and the other cannot live in peace.
In an ideal world we would Break off peacefully. But we stand firm in our beliefs and are willing to kill and die for them.
We will make an initial offering of peace but we are fully prepared and ready to go to war.
They have Destroyed our civilizations, they have subverted our institutions in order to attack us from every angle, they have slandered our history And now they’re trying to turn our women and children against us.
We will secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
>Also, Opie’s pic is amazing
Seems like more of an Anthony pic...
>wanting to live in an airless rock
>Wanting to live anywhere in South America
Most resources and time are wasted on useless shit like smartphones, traveling, commercial production etc not niggas.
Could you glow in the dark any harder?
witouids not allowed in wakanda
think again
I'd rather live on an airless rock than Argentina.
>x is a problem so that means y is not a problem
why are you retarded, space travel was just a way to mass produce 3rd world slums.
You think the world would be better? All that will happen is more resources, to over extend the earth's capacity. Meaning earth will be over populated, and we will spread 3rd world to space, and make earth super rich luxury zone. Space colonies will be sweat shops.
Niggas are a miniscule part of GDP in your country.
Don't quote me wrong.
A: A scientific marvel, living in an extremely challenging lifestyle and truly experiencing what it means to be white.
B: Living in fucking south america
I'll take what I can get
he is literally triggered because he doesn't see capitalism has failed us in advancement that matter. Instead they choose the lowest hanging fruits, and give retards more computer power than the Apollo missions, as facebook machines.
Fucking saved
where is the pic of the car on the highway heading towards the moon or whatever, but it's skidding towards the exit sign about babysitting third world countries?
Tens to hundreds of trillions worth of rare metals and non-renewable resources exist just within the asteroid belt, not to even mention other planets. Space elevators and extensive space habitation will ease population burdens on Earth allowing for less crowded cities and basic shit like that, not to mention helping to safeguard the species from extinction by spreading population centers to multiple worlds. Technology built to contribute to space elevator construction will also improve quality of life for everyone, as technology built to fly the moon missions did during the space race. It's easy energy as well, the moon gets pretty much the same level of light as Earth but with no atmosphere, solar energy can be beamed from a moon elevator to stations on the surface of Earth, and a moon elevator could help create other megastructures like large habitats or an orbital ring structure.
Also it isn't a meme that can't be built on Earth, it could even with materials as flimsy as the various armarid fibers like Kevlar, it just wouldn't be able to support much more than it's own weight so payloads would have to be relatively small until the elevator is improved.
mfw the sun goes super nova prematurely
(((Manipulators of humanity))) serve God directly, and He is the Lord of Destruction, El Shaddai. That utopia was never possible - not in this universe.
>the sun goes super nova prematurely
The sun is too small to go supernova. It will go red giant and consume the earth and all the niggers on it.
Black people have literally held back White people 100 years in technological, explorative advancement.
We would without a doubt, have colonized Mars and possible Titan by now if we didn't have the monkey on our backs.
>colonized Mars
pic related