>Correction: Earlier versions of this story incorrectly said that Native American activist Nathan Phillips fought in the Vietnam War. Phillips served in the U.S. Marines from 1972 to 1976 but was never deployed to Vietnam.
Washington Post (Correction at end of article)

Attached: Nathan Phillips ‘Was Never Deployed to Vietnam’ - WaPo.png (818x421, 87K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Didn't he actually say he's a Vietnam vet out loud during a CNN interview?

still a marine

still stolen valor and lying

More than you have ever done jose
Mutt retard

So was this guy. Guess that means all the liberals crowing about this chug's service have to respect the commie puncher too.

Attached: a marine.jpg (474x267, 23K)


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>I was a Vietnam veteran Marine Recon Ranger

>well actually, I was just a Vietnam veteran Marine

>well... actually.... I was just a Marine veteran

What else is he going to do all day. Drink alcohol like the rest of his kind
Good for him at least rising above the rest of his kind

antifa can suck one

Keep covering for this leftist sociopath


Ahahaha what a shitshow

Still a Vietnam vet, regardless of whether or not he was in Vietnam while supporting our efforts there via active service. And I’m on Covington’s side.

still served

This is an indigenous american, a founder of america. Have some fuckin respect

Didn't watch but others said he did and everyone reported he was.
Someone linked an older video of him at some community center thing going into detail about losing his friend in Nam and other shit. I watched a little but can't find it in my history (must've watched embedded)

Yes he did.

Attached: lying sack..jpg (1847x833, 595K)

Stolen Valor of claiming to be a Nam vet negates that

I said this on several threads, he never served in the Nam. So why is he using his phony war service to exert influence with groups of war Veterans who did? Status. He lied.

>Still a Vietnam vet
>regardless of whether or not he was in Vietnam

Attached: brazil.jpg (534x500, 74K)

And the Bezos CIA Outpost is still propaganda.

Literally founded nothing. did Indians sign the Declaration of Independance? did they contribute in any way to the building of America?


:Leftist activist that wants open borders and communism.

So he lied about being a vietnam veteran and he lied about them chanting "build a wall".

why would he lie about something so easily disprovable? oh, right, because he's a dumb brown savage.

He didn't show any respect to the Trump supporters, so fuck him.

Can't deploy if the war is over.

Didn’t do shit. Lmao fuckin loser

literally every single aspect of this story is crumbling

Pretty hard to sign something when you are slaughtered, raped and enslaved you fucking scum

>never stepped a foot in Vietnam
>a Vietnam vet
wew, you're a dumb one ain't ya?

status: bad ass

I heard he's just some fucker who lives in his car.



There are no more Israeli flags in most threads. Only days ago, they openly flaunted them. Their tactics have shifted back to memeflags, but mostly VPNs and kikes outside of Israel. You can be sure to find them when you look, and you can be sure they will come in threads about Christ. Copy, paste and revise this if you'd like.

Attached: 20190116_185943.jpg (704x1010, 315K)

He said he was a Vietnam vet on NPR.

Attached: Untitled.png (1840x782, 1.33M)

And just like that, a glownigger actor lost his job as the token injun needed to make white teenagers look like the New KKK.

He's a vet, but not a vietnam vet

just sticking to old nomadic traditions

So no, then?

There is a video where that native fuck says he served in Nam.
He's a big fucking liar. It's one of the lefts interviews.

Attached: 1548083283518.jpg (553x750, 316K)

You can tell them because they refuse to say his name. "Jesus Christ is the son of God"

He joined in 72, they left is 71 you fucking brainlet

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Twitter tried to cover this up

Great we now have WaPo to confirm what we already knew. They must be 100% positive to say this given it's against the narrative. Faggots can't claim fake either

US involvement ended in ‘73
“You fucking idiot”

Memeflag posts about meme flags


Bad ass how Brit Bong? he fucking picked on a 16 year old, brings his little leather drum up to me, I will knock his remaining five teeth out.

Also, Jesus Christ IS God, but to be fair, so am I and everyone else.

If its not my opinion, it’s the Jews! I’m the person advocating most(within my frienda and family) for removal of persons(all) from occupied Israel, yet as a poster on a Mongolian basket weaving forum, you’d know me better than I.

>a Vietnam vet,
Vietnam Era Veteran
as opposed to Vietnam War Veteran

My dad was in the navy from '57 to '61. I suppose that makes him a viet nam vet too

>This is an indigenous american, a founder of america.
Ummm I was born here, and therefore am indigenous as well. But my fore fathers are one of those who actually made this into an actual unified nation.
The man is a Senator Blumenthal when it came to the war. Also note that Nathan has established a go fund me college fund after this claim to fame. Though I think he is way to old, and stupid for even remedial courses. He already has his but hurt socialist degree down.

This. "Era" was unstated but implied. Move along.

Forgot your memeflag, Schlomo? C'mon, you're supposed to have been trained better than that for your shekels-per-post pay scale.

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Fair enough. My point is that he as there, in the service, serving America while it was fighting for/in Vietnam. Marines deserve respect, even if he’s a piece of shit. I didn’t serve. Most people here(this thread) didn’t serve, but I don’t have hard evidence to prove it.

>same as being in combat
Wrong, but what would we expect from a Bong who eats kids his neighbor children after the local kebab merchant gang rapists have had their fun?

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>Jow Forums was right yet again

>Still a Vietnam vet, regardless of whether or not he was in Vietnam while supporting our efforts there via active service.
No that is not how it works. You have to have served in theater for at least six months, or been wounded there to be considered. You do not even get a CIB for serving during a war unless you serve in the conflict zone.

Yes. He was supporting America’s interests, and if he and everyone else who served during the era but didn’t go to vietnam never served(and no one replaced them), we’d be much worse off now, and we’dve been worse off then.

Has anyone seen his actual records, or discharge?

Same with Patrick little

>antifa can suck one
What happened to them? Are they still resisting, or does their mommy not allow them to go out when it’s cold outside? Or did Georgey cut off their funding

Buddy, if Grandpa went to ‘Nam for 5 months and came back suffering from Agent Orange, the motherfucker is a god damn Vietnam vet, like it or not. If he served here during that time, in support of our troops, he’s a Vietnam Vet- in my opinion.

Lol what a fag. By the way, one of your frigates has been here on base. Sad seeing the remnants of a legendary Navy next to AMERICAN CHAD destroyers.

Pat never claimed to be anything than what he is.

>t. Marine vet

Wrong proxy faggot

>Sad seeing the remnants of a legendary Navy next to AMERICAN CHAD destroyers.





Your opinion is irrelevant

BNL is wrong the last Marine units to leave Nam were in 75 at the embassy. In 72 we stopped sending troops, and started the Vietnazation of the war. All of the troops in country were advisers until we left.

You may not appreciate it, but it is most certainly relevant to the conversation.

The picture in OP clearly states that he was never deployed to Vietnam. Your opinion is uninformed and irrelevant.

Bullshit. I was in the army but never deployed. I would never ever use the word vet. Find a dictionary.

So the boys loading the ships going rob vietnam didn’t support (and serve!) the Vietnam war? And the guys loading the bullets into casings? And the men who trained them? They didn’t matter to the effort. Totally could’ve done it without them.

Your opinion is not how it works. Also the effects of AO were not apparent until much later, there is no way he was cycled out of country for exposure to it, as it was not even considered a problem till later. I have a couple of friends who dies from it, and I remember them having to fight to get it even acknowledged by the government. They claimed it was safe then. So try again. Her is still not a Vietnam Vet, and I know some ex-SF, and Force Recon people that served there that would convince he is not one.

Did you support an active war while serving? Could your men survive without the service of you and your brothers?

He. Never. Left. The. USA.

>post Vietnam marine
He's a veteran of working out a lot and washing some general's car.

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Do you really think I could call myself an Iraq Vet if I joined in 2008 and mever deployed to Iraq, you colossal faggot?

served fucking cereal back in America maybe, or cleaned some toilets. he called himself a recon ranger "that was my role" he said. hes a lying injun and you're a huge faggot

My man, it is my opinion that you would have been instrumental to the wars’ success.

Supporting the war and serving in it are two different things. Your arguments are weak, and you remain as ignorant as your opinion is irrelevant.

There isn't even any evidence he ever served at all. If he lied about serving in Vietnam, why wouldn't he lie about being in the Marines? Not to mention he said he was a "ranger recon" which isn't a thing that exists.

Answer my question you fucking faggot. Am I an Iraq Vet if I never went to Iraq?

You think youre fucking helping? We despise stolen valor.

The only other option is that youre shareblue.

>silly shill forgot to change his flag

>they send random individuals after corps deployments stop

Drumming Rat
Running Chicken
Hiding Seal
Rowdy Roddy Peace Pipe
Feathered Cunt
Dentaid Scrillex

Yes thats right faggot. What ya gonna do about it?

>So the boys loading the ships going rob vietnam didn’t support (and serve!) the Vietnam war?
Support from in country, or Europe is not the same as serving in the war. Only a civilian would even be retarded enough to equate the two as being the same.
>And the guys loading the bullets into casings?
People working for a private corporation are not veterans because they worked on some assembly line, because you do know that the military does not load its own rounds. Right?
>And the men who trained them?
Unless they actually served in the Nam. Then no.

I kinda really, really hope the left tries to sell that to the public, it would open so many eyes about their constant re-definition and re-interpretation of terms and concepts to fit their agenda.

Yes, if you served during the appropriate period. You don’t get to choose whether or not you go overseas, you join with the understanding that it is a strong possibility, and accepting the fact that you probably will be. If your troop gets the privilege of serving stateside, it doesn’t make you any less brave, it just means you couldn’t prove your willingness to kill.

I know a guy wears a hat says "Vietnam Era Veteran"
fucking clowns man

No, fucking kys. Anyone who claimed to be an Iraq Vet because theybsat at a desk in Lejeune would be called a fucking liar.

>Rowdy Roddy Peace Pipe
please delet. I don't want Roddy Pipers name mixed with this guy.

Helping what? I’d be jumping his shit too, if he hadn’t served. If you want to know my opinion of his actions days ago, just ask. I’ve stayed where my allegiances lie, and I assure you I’m a Patriot, not a shill nor shareblue. I’m here for the discussion, I’ve told you my opinion and how I reached it, now you tell me yours and try to guide me to the light without shining it directly in my eyes.

Yeah he served Blumenthal in the broom closet.