Redpill my gf

What is the best way to sculpt my gf into trad girl?
>taking her to church with me
>having her play anarcho primitivist vidyas like Skyrim and Minecraft
She has a lot of LGBT friends but I’m convincing her that they treat her like shit
I at least have been able to convince her that Hillary and Bernie are fucking whores and Trump is a cuck but I’m trying to keep her from turning into her fucking DemSoc mother who went to the Woman’s March and is an active member in the local LGBT alliance and NAACP

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>trad gf
>posts chink cartoons
Good one. But Mary Palmer isn’t really a gf scro.

love her for who she is. don't marry someone and try to change them. you don't have to be the same person. you can love someone different than yourself.

Meme flaggot Jew

I haven’t met one person who has dated someone with a drastically different ideology than them and made it out alright

Lay it on her slow
Don’t just mindlessly give facts because she‘ll just be uncomfortable.
Focus on your relationship Rn.
Don’t try and change them yet
Start being trad yourself and lead by example talk about trad things like marriage, kids, church, etc.

Women naturally lean towards socialism the trick is to introduce the importance of Nationalism and the dangers of outsiders. Like how often gays molest children compared to straight how this allows them to reproduce and dangers of immigration.

I lucked out and found a submissive trad catholic aryan virgin. I have since married her.

The best thing you can do is separate her from degeneracy. Tell her to delete her facebook. Tell her to stop watching netflix and stupid shit. Spend lots of time with her. Wait until she is emotionally dependent upon you and when she is, reveal some of your power level to her. That's what I did and it worked.

I waited for her to bring up the Holohoax and I basically just said "babe, can I say something that might make you mad?" She was like "yeah of course!" I replied "I don't think, the official narrative of 6 million people being gassed and cremated is realistic. I don't think it happened."

Of course she was upset at first but by waiting until she had formed a strong emotional bond with me, I forced her to choose between that which is natural (loving me) and that which is unnatural (serving the jew). She made the right choice.

Basically you just have to slowly turn up the heat until she is near to your level. Then you can add some final seasonings and wait for her to finish.

Easy money.

PROTIP: MAKE SURE YOU CAN PROVE WHATEVER YOU CLAIM. A youtube video isn't enough, make sure you can absolutely show how something did or did not happen.

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She attends an Orthodox Church and is fine and sees the value in covering her head and skin

It’s hard to try to convert a chick. I don’t believe it’s worth the time or effort when you can just find another. Rationalizing doesn’t really work with them. You have to appeal to feelings and use pseudo psypops to really change a females opinion who is drastically different than your own, which I assume is right wing-ish.

Tl;dr , not worth it.

Delete her fb and stop watching Netflix? I don't think that's the best way to start off a relationship, coming out as some controlling manipulative bastard. Talk about red flags

I have her already believing that Protestantism is degenerate and that Orthodoxy is the true church of Christ. She attends prayers with me, follows the fasting schedule, and is going to be baptized into the church (even though her family is very much against it)
To add, she thinks transgenderism and multiple gender spectrums is retarded and I have her starting to make Jew jokes. I’m the only dominant male in her life because her father abandoned her (not when she was young, just these last few years actually) so I believe she relies on me a lot

If you aren't controlling your woman, someone else is. Fuck off cuck.

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She doesn’t have a drastic opinion difference. She’s just a centrist who doesn’t really care about politics because, these are her words, “I don’t know enough about it to make an opinion”
Yeah I agree I’m not gonna do that. She already doesn’t use much social media outside of Instagram for her memes and Snapchat. We watch the Punisher on Netflix together though
The only issue is her two best friends are asexual and some undercut pansexual. Both of them don’t like me much but I’m working my dick magic to make her not like them

it's all about moving her personality in relative piecemeal by means of shifting the Overton window in the direction you seek

you slowly cultivate her into being what you consider ideal, and she will do it for you because she's your girl and you (hopefully) shifted the Overton window gradually and correctly, without having an ego to her face because that's when it unfurls

>She has a lot of LGBT friends but I’m convincing her that they treat her like shit
Is that actually true?
Don't tell lies user, least of all for the sake of politics.

Excellent position to be in brother. I assume you are both white so I will congratulate you. Good thing about the Orthodox/Catholic Church, it's an easy road to antisemitism. Pic related. Turns out the early church was basically antisemitism + Jesus is God's Son.

With her father having abandoned her, she is likely already dependent upon you as her male protector, guider, and future husband. I believe you are correct and she does rely on you a lot.

May God bless you and your marriage to this woman, and may you both have many White children.

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it's over

you should get married to her op nothing a women respects more then a man with commitment

They do treat her not as friends should
They never ask her about her life and don’t invite her to things
I just have to point them out and the dominos will start to fall

It’s only been a month, lad

You got her to come to the Orthodox Church with you in only a month? Surprising. Not that I have any experience in this matter, but my advice would be to be patient with it and do it gradually. This early in a relationship, this kind of stuff can seem pushy.

if you are alfa she will fall in line

Bro, slow down, that's very different from treating someone like shit.
I realise you don't want her to be influenced by their sickness but don't be so hasty to resort to manipulation and defamation.

i'll redpill her for you, send her on over to my house. no need to thank me, i get a lot out of helping people.

Im black, let me fuck her while you watch, you leave to store , i beat her pulp. Deal?