/aocg/ Alexandria Ocasio Cortez general

>Medicare for all
>Free Palestine
>Housing is a human right
>Federal jobs guarantee
>Gun control
>Criminal justice reform
>Fight against climate change (green new deal)
>Clean campaign finance (no lobbyists)
>Higher education for all
>Women's & LGBT rights
>Free college
>Abolish ICE

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Other urls found in this thread:



Ocasio-Cortez: “I don’t give any fucks about pushback from other Democrats”

Fucking BASED.

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I would bet every penny in my bank account if that is her PT he is fucking her


She's super based

Cant wait for the leaks of her getting fucked up the ass

You're Canadian, fix your own country before you take interests in US politics faggot

>no bare feet

sage goes in all fields (well, it used to).

also, i assume all of /pols/ is just shilling and false flags at this point, but fuck off, regardless.

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what a dummy we need ice if we get rid of ice the sea level will rise and flood our houses

lol this girl has manure for her brains

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Can you serve as vice president when you're under 35?

Asking for a friend

TFW I see women camping out on the leg press press with very little to no weight at all (just the sled). They'll press out a really quick and obviously too light of a set and dead nuts stop instantly way before failure. Then they'll chat with each other, eventually do another "set", over and over.

Will PayPal the first guy to make a trump vs aoc version of this meme

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Nope, same qualifications needed as President.

Must be over 35.
Must be a natural born citizen.

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This is a Bernie General now.

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Are all future politicians going to just be social media faggots and hot girls?

Im on it any preferences?

she won't deliver on the good things. they never do. all we will get is more gun control and open borders. I'll pass on this one.

Can anyone give me some tips on how to perfect my clapback game? I want to start clapping back at people, but Bronx women have a huge headstart (I hear they've been perfecting it since the sugarhill gang). Is it even possible to catch up at this point? I don't wanna get roasted.


she's hot too

Can Alexandriasiatic Occasional Cortex Activity say the "NIGGER" word and get away with it since she's an oppressed Hispanic Jewish minority?

>Still shilling this jew

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>implying /pol doesn't do this with da juice

says you coming from a country that sends its army all across the world to "fix" them.

kill yourself immediately


yes is this the /trumpgeneral/ thread? whoops, looked like i walked into the wrong room. sorry /retardgang/.

Look at her copying the RBG workout (Will this make me popular like her?).
I can't wait until establishment Democrat infighting kicks in.

You chimps really aren't doing yourself any favors by drawing attention to this head case.

Shalom Rabbi
starting late today i see

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looks more like Obama's workout

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This faggot canuck makes this thread everyday. Gotta pay for those groceries somehow eh leaf?

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IDK, make sure involuntary celibacy is on the trump side

She prefers white ginger dick.

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she's fucking hot

She looks like a Thundercat

>being attracted to a literal retard

Absolutely disgusting.

$he has a degree in economics

>certified QT
>has the best political positions
>calls out bullshit from Dems and Right-wingers with ease and clarity
>correctly points out the popularity of medicare for all and progressive taxes

don't listen to Trumpniggers that want us to waste money on his stupid vanity projects that he'll hire illegal aliens to construct anyway. She's the face of what the democratic party should become

And? I've met college students who are literally illiterate.

That's a pretty smol bookshelf

>infinite jest
wew lad

>gun control
>typical focus on fag ""rights""
>best political positions

Shouldn't you be doing your daily pledge to Israel, don't forget too, it's illegal if you don't

That didn't get "leaked" if she didn't plan it.

She is a media WHORE. Like all millennial thots, she was porgrammed to get her high off attention.

of course shes a fucking race mixer. tell me again how whites can be incels again?

Is she rehabbing from shoulder surgery with that meme workout?

healthcare, progressive taxes on the wealthy and ending citizens united are the most important domestic issues in this country.

Per AOC the world is going to end in 12 years, so nothing she can do or say is relevant.

I'd be more concerned about demographic replacement and the democrat's obvious phasing out of whiteoids if I were you

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Seeing a common thread here.

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how retarded do you have to believe a country is going to kill 60% of its own population

fucking leaf would start this thread.

do the one where she talks about being a jew and not a rich girl.

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Quit hyping this cunt Schlomo

I don't know about kill in the immediate future, you'd have to be at South Africa levels of demographic preponderance for that to happen. It's more about less and less political representation, which I suppose could be a future grievance capable of sparking civil unrest.

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This bitch again?

i briefly knew this vietnamese libtard who thought she was smart as shit due to college and would spout shit like white people cant be racist and also would jsut say "look it up" when asked to explain it.
she had a white bf.

>starvation in America
>a bad think
American life expency would increase by a decade and you can not resist those beaner milkers

>abolish ICE
she will do nothing but this, being a spic herself

>The absolute state of leaf land.

Attached: leaf_trudeau_canada.jpg (252x473, 18K)

I love love love AOC

>1 Post by this ID
Slide thread confirmed.

It's a good one.

I want to cum inside her vagina.

>5 pound weights
>that exercise

Somebody didn't read the sticky

A good bookshelf? Not at all, you'll see better from the average /lit/ pseud, she has no good fiction to be seen and a book called "How to be Black" that I can't imagine anyone with a triple digit IQ suffering to read

and /pol said she had big tits.

in other words she's gonna pave a road straight to hell.


she looks like a thai ladyboy

I’d get busy with her just like everyone else. Let’s just be able to discuss the fact that her cankles are a force to be reckoned with

Reminder: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist anti-white jew agenda.





>ACT.IL shill recruitment video




>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content

>Psyops by jews work to flood social media with jew agenda propaganda. They range from infiltrating Wikipedia, Reddit and Jow Forums to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.

>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign

>"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"

>"The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel – Al Jazeera Investigations"

>"JIDF Editing on Wikipedia"

>Israeli American Council shill recruitment video

>"Tony Martin IHR Conference Tactics of Organized Jewry in Suppressing Free Speech"

>How Israel lobbies and shills manipulate the USA

>How acusations of anti-semitism are used as a JIDF tool to silence goyim who criticize anything related to jews.

Attached: JIDF_articles.jpg (3664x3516, 1.14M)

saged, please leave and don't come back, thx

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>>Medicare for all
Sounds good. Sharing is caring
>>Free Palestine
Wait until she enters the revolving door system. You will see her changing views on Israel... It's magic!
>>Housing is a human right
A decent shelter, user.
>>Federal jobs guarantee
I think this is bullshit. Europe went down the drain
>>Gun control
Disagree. The real issue is law homogeneity, not control per se. You can have a free for all system, but it must apply to all States. Not just some happy few
>>Criminal justice reform
It's overdue, Ameribros. You know your system has gone to shit long ago
>>Fight against climate change (green new deal)
Better safe than sorry
>>Clean campaign finance (no lobbyists)
Let's see how long she will be able to support this
>>Higher education for all
Dreaming I love girls who can dream
>>Women's & LGBT rights
Don't they have them already?
>>Free college
Isn't this the same as above
>>Abolish ICE
That's ridiculous because you cannot play European Union with Central America. Mexicans will confirm.
She can lose the elections just because of the last point

Venti for president 2036!

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its going to actually be brutal. dem field is already giant, and they will keep coming, each certain if they can just become the candidate they will beat trump. with such a huge field it wont be possible to play overly nice if the underdogs want to win

not offering a BJ, do you even care?

Where is the Cortez/Gabbard lezbo sex tape?

Look, guys.
We had all sorts of shills on Jow Forums

CIA shills
Fake CIA shills
Also, unironically, during the Trump campaign it was full of Russian flags. Now I see them very rarely. Really makes you think. They were based bro, though.

So, now we have the Occasional Shills. That's fine. But please keep a low profile. Bait like professionals, non like an Aussie shit poster

I wonder how hard she pegs him


I lost. Good post.

Hi discord.


What should we dump in these threads? Gore? Lolicon? Porn? Traps? Taking suggestions.

>Medicare for all
Free healthcare is nice and all but remember your taxes will be paying for alcoholics, druggies, obese and stupid people who will phone the ambulance because they cannot get into a tin of soup. This also does not include the amount of middle managerment it will be stuffed with along with large amounts of waste and quite a few legal cases with hefty payouts because they removed the wrong leg.
>Free Palestine
lol no.
>Housing is a human right
Does she mean you have the right to buy a house or rent? If it is goverment paid for expect slums anyways.
>Federal jobs guarantee
No idea?
>Gun control
Except for criminals who ignore rules.
>Criminal justice reform
Aka more victims, less prisoners and jails and a weak legal system which will get abused. You need more jails and tougher sentances and more death penalty cases.
>Fight against climate change (green new deal)
Waste of time while at least 50% of the world continue to not give a shit.
>Clean campaign finance (no lobbyists)
Will contain lobbyists and also 50% of the world does not give a shit about this either.
>Higher education for all
Yay more art degrees, seriously best giving free education to those who want to become doctors and engineers. You know useful and needed qualifications.
>Women's & LGBT rights
Slipperly slope, they have rights now anyways.
>Free college
Same as higher education right?
>Abolish ICE
Just invite South America in then with all its problems while you fail to solve your own.

I recognize that this is America but some of the goals will never be achieved either due to homegrown issues or the world not giving a shit. Dems always seem to have the same platform from what i can tell, same talking points and dreaming aout the same things, this sounds like nothing new.