Scientists created the two most beautiful faces in the world by merging together 200 faces of the most popular attractive actors, models etc. and they are both white!
Non-whites permanently BTFO. Yellow fever fags BTFO.
Scientists created the two most beautiful faces in the world by merging together 200 faces of the most popular attractive actors, models etc. and they are both white!
Non-whites permanently BTFO. Yellow fever fags BTFO.
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>tfw look like the male as a euromutt
evolution be racist
I can't wait for yellow fever fags to flood in here and say "Asian women are superior to white women!!!!"
Average jewish mutt-face
>that woman
Looks more like a light spic.
those two people are severely average, the guy especially
>Dark Hair
>Dark eyes
They both do. And they are still whiter than you
>Light spic
Amerimutt education. He looks central-Southern Euro. She looks Southern Euro.
Yeah seriously. Weak chins and downward pointed noses. (((Who))) could be behind these results?
Chris Pratt/Chris Evans
Angelina Jolie/Pretty Little Liars cast
They both look Jewish. Somethings fucky. This seems like kikey bullshit.
He's got blue eyes and reasonably light features.
Take a closer look, Cancuck. She's clearly more like a spic.
i fuck a new jap girl almost every month ;)
I have the guy's skin tone, I guess I'm white now
3DPD btfo by 2D once again
>They both look Jewish
Wtf? Why are you trying to equate white with Jewish and Jewish with white? They both have European phenotypes.
>I have the guy's skin tone, I guess I'm white now
And what about your facial features?
People have horrible taste?
>western countries uphold western beauty standards
woah it's almost as if shitskins should fuck off
They both look bland and uninteresting.
they look Jewish
>He looks central-Southern Euro
literally none of the celebrities/models they claim they used in the morph are central or southern euros lmfao
another case of filthy goblino meds trying to claim handsome anglos as their own. might as well throw up another pic of cavill or gandy while you're at it.
necksthetics never made it off Jow Forums huh.
>skin tone
nigger are gooks white?
East Asians, especially Koreans, literally bleach their skin because being white is so deeply entrenched in their beauty culture. This is no surprise. Feelsgoodman
>implying anglos aren’t of roman descent
>massive lips
To be fair if I was asked to draw a man and a woman that's what I'd draw, they're completely bland with no features other than "human".
Nothing wrong with this. Latina and Italian girls are better than their blonde hair blue eye counterparts.
So is this the new tactic? Trying to conflate white features and looks with Jews? This is a painfully obvious attempt at trying to sow seeds of distrust against a genuine European phenotype.
for a non-white cunt
Is this what POC do in their spare time?
snowniggers btfo
Not even a chad. Ugly.
She is ugly, too.
Even a chink girl is better than that.
I could find thousands of girls way more attractive than that..every woman I've had is more attractive than that
Of course they are. Everyone knows this on the most basic level. Only insecure sub races try to say otherwise.
they aren't white
they are mediterranean
Looks med.
you know whats funny, the source for the women features are all surgically intervened kikesses. kikes yearn those european features they hate so much in these articles
They still look white haha.
I dont see any niggers or spics up there.
Haha. Stay mad, niggers.
theyre not particularily attractive.
Prove me wrong German little cuckboi.
They had to doctor it up a little to make it less offensive to the shitskins
This girl is testosteron mum beside s o y angelo.
Lmao they look Mediterranean
Nordfags btfo
I need to get off this board
Das Rite
Well science found it. You're not denying science, are you user?
sooooooooo many seething nordcucks itt
>waaahh not white
cope snowniggers nobody likes you
>are instinctually pleasing aesthetics racist?
the female looks just like my neighbour. She is 19 and hit as fuck, but is a hard shell to crack personality-wise.
>dark haired women
BARF! blonde women are superior in every way. FACT!
They're mediocre-tier.
People, eat shit! Million flies cant be wrong.
Why is that prejudice?
>its prejudice to eat food instead of shit
>every single race finds this objectively aesthetic
>here's why this is wypipos fault
personality in women is just an adopted persona. inside they are all the same person
>you all crave the MED
Can confirm we slay all your thots and boipucies every fucking summer
im a lighter skinned spic and whenever I tell the girls I date that I am a beaner they dump me. So I believe this.
Sure, this is on a mongolian spearfishing forum but still true.
>that mutt
"Terrible...simply terrible !!" unless they were black faces then the exclusion of White would have been "Wonderful!"
Fuck the Left! Why don't these people simply fuck off?
ID: Pig Squeak O
Nordcucks SEETHING
I knew this shit was going to be calling everyone racist before I even opened the image lol. If isnt midnight shaded niggers its racist.
>no Anglo
they make a nice couple but I'll stick with tay tay
What is Celt
she has a bigger jaw than he does
They both have brown eyes you inbred
Why the fuck did you include my post, you fucking leaf? EUROPEAN = WHITE. MEDS = WHITE. SLAVS = WHITE. NORDS = WHITE. JEWS = NON-WHITE
>according to a study of 200 people
woah, science
this article could be quite the jimmy rustler
Actually this is kinda comforting.
Even blacks have evolved.
Sure the eradication of whites in the next century will put us back perhaps tens of thousands of years but eventually humanity might meet its destiny amongst the stars regardless.
nice female jaw, beta boy
use an archive you fucken leaf
"she" has a squarer jaw than he
is "he" a tranny too?
this is dumb
Yeah I'm sure you're a slayer lmao
To be honest, I prefer thicc women. Skinny women look too manly somehow. A woman should be 10 kg above her "normal" weight. Doesn't suit all women, and that's why I'm picky.
This has also been normal throughout times. It's only in the modern Hollyweird "era" that the "ideal" woman started being skinny.
If they were any good you wouldn't need a new one every month now would you
the neckpill was possibly the most important thing fit taught me
>Stop being so beautiful white people
Man these leftists must have a depressing life!
>I prefer thicc women
Proud slav u fucking nigger
This bitch gonna age like milk, her tummy fat already here and she'll birth manlets
>whites are over-represented in the media
>poll based on current celebrity
I'm more chad than you'll ever be though.
>To be honest, I prefer thicc women.
You are right vast majority of prostitutes/sluts/racemixers are blonde women!