What's with the epidemic of white guys oil drilling? See couples like this every day in Los Angeles.
What's with the epidemic of white guys oil drilling? See couples like this every day in Los Angeles
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Daily reminder.
White women who have a constant influx of nigger dick go crazy because they never have to work or become fully fledged human beings to receive their ultimate goal; sex. They actually try to get dumber so that they feel dumber than black men, because having your partner be better than you in every category is a staple of female attraction. This leaves white men with few options.
fake internet studies dont reflect my observations.
Serena Williams is hot.
white guilt they're hoping to absolve by dating down
Chimney sweeping eh?
>t. niggers
like mudsharks they're brainwashed and also not all that mentally there and insecure. they know being with someone who is a simian and from african ""culture'" is like taking a massive dump in your gene pool
>Those two are white
are you kidding?
It's redpilled
I don't know op... it's disturbing to say the least, my gf's brother is 31 and a high iq programmer who owns a beautiful condo in a sought after LA neighborhood. The dude almost looks like Harry too. For some reason he just got engaged to a sheboon with a drive in movie forehead and frighting gum to teeth ratio. He seems really proud of this too.
nobody in your family gives him shit for it?
they know white women are fucking crazy and hopeless so they try women of other races to see if its any better. i doubt it is
Megan's pretty white comparative desu.
when you have an abundance of money and hair relaxant
He is redpilled and has praticians taste
Because of the impulse of death and destruction that Jews have made to be the norm in society. Bringing death and destruction to your own race is a part of this.
Chinkoid btfo.
what a monstrosity
High IQ white men marry and breed with black women
white women are just too damn fat
Everyone you replied to is a progressive white man
Same shit.