Is it a good idea to claim to be Jewish in order to increase my chances of getting into a more prestigious college? What do you think Jow Forums?
Is it a good idea to claim to be Jewish in order to increase my chances of getting into a more prestigious college...
>Get into good college
>Gets exterminated
You tell me.
>Is fraud a good idea?
Claim to be native american. Apparently, all you need for that is 1/1024 mexican dna.
Using the tactics of the enemy, that could be advantageous, at the other hand, this could also end bad.
Give it a try
unless you start showing up at temple, no one's gonna buy that bullshit.
I had to spend 3 months in jail last year. I pretended to be jewish. All my meals were made by jew whores in a synagogue instead of hepititus niggers. Jews get special treatment everywhere.
Its give and take I suppose
Is it fruad if says I'm 1%?
What do you think will happen?
I know some Jews who don't really go to temples. They self describe as Jews and that seems to be all that really matters no?
Don’t go to college for anything but engineering. Also if you are applying to a college and the president is a former CFR member (as they often are) avoid it, you don’t want to go there.
Nice insight, I'll make sure to say so in case I get thrown in the clink.
Jews don’t go to Temple. That’s stock footage you see on TV. They worship Obama now.
What is the council of foreign relations and why should I avoid colleges with relations with it. Is it nog land or something?
it's easy enough to do. just spout the party line
muh six million jews
which btw is PURE BS
but hey, guaranteed to make you another bitch in the lie.
It worked pretty well for Chief Elizabeth Warren
>Go with Native American Jew op
Yes. If they call you out, claim you identify as a jew and complain about muh 6 million.
I'm aware its bullshit. I'm just trying to figure out what is the best way to success.
jail kosher meals are amazing. no kidding. especially if you are eligible for what is Glatt kosher, they're even beter. you are actually fed well.
wel if you're just going to say 'i'm jewish' and not do any jewish religious things, it might look weird. it's very rare that you have someone who's going to be seen as an outsider jew. jews stick together, they know each other, they all went to each other's barmitzvahs, etc. if you suddenly come out of the woodwork with no religious teachings, background, or proof, it's likely they will know you're up to no good. but if you're just trying to 'be jewish on paper', it's hard to say. all the colleges in all the land are run by jews, so you're still up against the wall of proof. why don't you just convert for real and save yourself the time of being exposed.
I can be both? Holy shit, I'm practically bound to succeed.
Haha, this might work. I'm basically just using their own narrative.
When is he going to come out of the closet, dressed as a 1940s house wife.
I looked into it, it takes like a year and they pin prick your dick so no thanks. But if thoes kikes think they can out kike the eternal Anglo they will be mistaken.
yes, I lied about that same thing and got accepted into Stanford because of it. Parents taught me that it was not a fair world and to use their own tools against them.
Fucking smart; this leads me to another idea I'll make a thread about it when I get home. We are all Jews now.