MAGA kids really were just a bunch of cringe faggots
Other urls found in this thread:
>wow it's fucking nothing
kill yourself kike, trying to save face after those innocent kids were targeted
>short clip with no context and blurred faces
>believe her
What does it say about our culture that people were so quick to condemn a couple of kids like that? Back in the old days, people were about helping and protecting youth.
>op is a fag
what a surprise
What is dilation?
You know these threads are being spammed to distract from Israel attacking Syria and Gaza right?
Has this cunt been destroyed yet?
If she was a Liberal why was she at the March for Life?
you can't win.
(((Woman Claims)))
How's this for a headline: Insane Leftists Witch-Hunt High School Children For Bullying and Death Threats Because of Their Anti-Christian Hatred
The only cringy faggot here is you, soiboi pencil neck.
Lol this is one of many tweets from that girl. She deleted about 200 tweets. She got rekt hard.
>2 hour video exists of events taken from a view not related to MAGA wearers
>some random single woman CLAIMS
okay lol
>were just a bunch of cringe faggots
Well yeah. But they don't deserve niggers yelling at them or natives calling them names or the media fucking dragging their names and images through the fucking dirt.
Fuck off, niggerfaggot.
false flag PR
I thought she was based?
whos side are we on? is this a good thing or bad thing
No yer a cringe faggot kike...suicide is your best option
I was gang raped by those Catholic boys, its indellible in my hypocampus, gofund me pls.
T. woman
Yeah the kids are the problem
Fuck off
Preheating the oven for (((you))).
Old news OP, keep up or fuck off
woman claims they were toxic males you have to believe her because she's a woman checkmate evil white men
That's harrassment? I guess I'm a serial harasser.
Top Kek
>picking a side
>left or right
Whichever side leads to Steve Bannon dying fastest.
Nice flavor of the week distraction you have there
Based generation Zyklon, putting minorities in their place and thot patrolling fat whores. Trump should give them all medals for doing God's work.
This is really what this attack on the kid is about
>sandniggers sandnigging in their little sandbox
Do not care.
I’m sure these liberal brain dead bitches mocked them for thy hats. Case closed.
>do not care
Because you're an Israeli shill and if you really didn't care you wouldn't have replied to my post in the first place. Don't you get it? Israel is about to face judgment and the whole world hates you.
>7 second clip of a mentally ill woman just happening to get yelled at
Yeah, that literally never actually happens.
Man these liberals are twisting themselves into knots trying to justify their behavior
>MAGA kids really were just a bunch of cringe faggots
Here's some gold.
I hope for her own good those kids are really from that school, because otherwise her ass will be sued.
>mime shotgun steve
>blow my balls off nigger
>hipster walking dead kid
>free radical jamaican
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