Conspiracy theory

I have to write a paper on a conspiracy theory for my English class. It has to be unbiased, what should I write about? And how can I drop some subtle red pills? I feel like I should take my professor deep into the rabbit hole
>inb4 Holohoax
No there is way too much biased stuff out there about it. Even though I personally do not think it happened the way we are told.

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>Tuskegee syphilis experiment
>National Park disappearances

That should get you started.

sandy hook and/or the boogey man

forgot to add I will need sources.

Pick something less controversial. Central banks, the existence of giants, the age of the sphinx, showing it was built before humans had the capabilities.

The creation of the Federal Reserve. Who created it? When, where, why? Who runs it now. Full of red pills by just stating the facts.No one told me about the fed in highschool or college. All young people should be taught it as they could actually change it

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Or the jfk conspiracies that were proved true with the declass.

>USS Liberty
>Clinton Foundation and Haitian children smuggling connection

jews did 9/11. careful though its true

You are on the internet I hear you can look up sources on it you faggot

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