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This lying Indian sack of shit
James Ramirez
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Liam Perry
>plays a drum
>magapedes are triggered
kek, you insolent children will find anything to be in an uproar about. go back to BUT HER EMAILS before your cult looks too unhinged... oh wait
Dylan Thompson
>magapedes made this a headline
Evan Lopez
The fact = white people tried to shoa them.
Verdict = Guilty
why should Germans are the only ones that continue to pay for their ancestors' crime?
Ayden Reed
what did he lie about
Nathaniel Williams
Why are you a stupid nigger?
Kevin Rogers
Liar, fraud...and now a big Leftist fucking hero.
Typical. The same story over and over and over ….
Matthew Russell
>has a face
>pedocrats are triggered
kek, you retarded useful idiots will find anything to be in an uproar about. go back to MUH RUSSIA before your cult looks too unhinged... oh wait
Ayden Cruz
>being this triggered
what, did coming up with an original reply instead of a carbon copy require too many brain cells, you retard?
Dominic Stewart
Fuck savages
Wyatt King
>liberals see a hairspray drinking, spray paint huffing, truck junking prarie nigger as a wise old man coming to dunk on white boys who go to a nice catholic school
Adrian Foster
no i work during the day and haven't kept up with the news
Caleb Allen
>He's told 3 different stories of the incident. One of them must be the truth, huh?
Daniel Ramirez
He wasn't surrounded.
They didn't approach him.
He was aligning with a bunch of black israelites.
He wasn't a vietnam vet.
He's a fucking liar. In fact get a blood test and see if this asshole is more injun than Warren.
Nathan Myers
Joshua Hall
Chief Stolen Valor is going to try to garner a shit ton of attention to sell hair tampons to white women.
he implied he served in combat and tried to get away with it but after fact checking him (says he served in marines, marines left 'nam in 71, he served 72-76) he retracted and said "during vietnam war time"
also about the covington shit.
Caleb Thomas
I hate Indians now too. I never even thought about them before.
Christian Morgan
Leo Rodriguez
Jackson fucked up when he didnt exterminate their entire species.
Jaxon Lee
You think talking and asking why to these people will make a difference. It wont.
The only thing that will solve our problem is war. As shitty as that may be for some, you know deep down that violence and war is the only way we can fix anything.
Justin Hernandez
disgusting little curry nigger.
God damn I hate Indians.
Brandon Wilson
>The fact = white people tried to shoa them.
False, Indians LOVED to raid white settlements and kill white women and children. If anything, they should be GLAD they still exist at all.
Looks like the tide is turning and indians will no longer be treated as literal gods, at the end of the day they are low IQ, barely civilized fags that get free money, food and housing at the expense of white workers.
Asher Sullivan
It can't happen soon enough.
Angel Wright
Its a real fucken shame it isn’t 1850 anymore.
Jonathan Rivera
Taunt-O is a habitual liar? Somehow that doesn't surprise me
Jonathan Barnes
I’m not being edgy here, but this user is right. The threat of violence is what separates civilised people from savages. It’s a concept that’s fallen away with the regressive left and their “all violence is bad” bullshit, but unless you’re willing to act on your laws and morality, your laws and morality mean nothing.
Thomas Hughes
Poor Indian drug addict, hallucinating those poor boys chanting "build the wall" when piles of video evidence completely contradict this retards statement. It's so hard to see how these respectable people were swindled out of their land for a handful of beads...