Breaking ! : Ocasio-Cortez sex tape

Does the release of an Ocasio-Cortez sex tape help or hurt her political ambitions?

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Link if true

Seeing how degenerate the left is, I believe it would help her.

That bitches pussy is beaten up I’ll bet my left nut on it

Helps. Any publicity is good publicity + pity points for ebil toxic male releasing tape of most personal private moments. We can only hope that it's anal and that the audio is squeals of joy.

Link faggot

>Any publicity is good publicity
This is the biggest fucking meme in the universe.

brown nipples are gross

Are you kidding she’d reach kim kardashian levels of popularity


Is it the Deepfake or the gangbang? Glowniggers produced some deepfake shit for a false flag.

If it gets released she released it.

Thanks for the contribution Australia

Even Jesus wants you to post a link OP. Post or cease your faggotry.

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If it's with a white guy it hurts with her base. Any brown person or woman helps with her base.

If she's getting blacked she'll be the next president
If she is fucking a nasty pale cuck boy her career is over

Look at this mad roastie

You better post that sex tape boy.

Found this

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Did someone say niggers?

Apparently she’s into some kinky shit

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she is after Nancy...

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Depends on the race and cock size of the dude smashing it

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Post full video.

My dick can only get so hard.

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how gullible are you idiots

she's kinda cute when she isnt making some screaming demon face

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The denial of information under the pretense that everyone knows about it already is one of the oldest dis-info shill tactics in the book.

Crazy bitch face is the best face there ever was. It lets you know “I’m the best fuck you’ll ever get, make sure to only hit it once and don’t take it home”