Q Patriots have been have been stereotyped
Q Patriots have been have been stereotyped
Other urls found in this thread:
Q is a limited hangout to keep low-IQ people, and people who aren't paying attention, from learning the truth about 2016.
President Barack Obama working with foreign governments and the DNC basically attempted to overthrow the United States' electoral government by A) spying on his campaign opponent for dirt, B) fabricating evidence against his campaign opponent to cover up illegal spying, and C) after his opponent won the election (despite all odds,) laying the framework for a seditious "investigation" of the President and sowing discord against his successor far and wide across every single Law Enforcement Agency in the United States.
What Q has done is take the above, and throw in a bunch of meaningless red herrings and false predictions on top of it, to make anyone who asserts the truth look stupid by association. It is what is called a "limited hangout."
Im thinking the writer of the blog is someone that is shaking in their boots and trying to scare off potential Patriots!
and yet everything Q said years ago now at this point is slowly but surely coming to pass, really activates the almondos
I don’t agree with the blogger! I know several followers. Some as young as 20 and some as old as 78. I think the writer of the blog is trying to dissuade, especially the younger population from boarding the Q train.
I actually learned something useful on Jow Forums for a change. Thanks, user.
I feel really bad for this guy. I hope Q is real just so he can have something to look forward to.
Both ways work.
I'm trying to figure out what the hell is this qanon thing. Is en.wikipedia.org
not even a little, fren, wikipedia cas been comped hardcore, don't trust it when it comes to non-technical stuff
Thanks, user. Can you provide any source or give me a quick rundown on what hte hell is this Q stuff I keep seing aorund here?
Then why doesn't Trump call Q out, retard? Why doesn't the media ask Trump about Q? It's all true and more. Way to get caught up on one very small part and completely miss everything else. We Qfags are everywhere now. We're actually helping move public discourse along while you sit on your sour grapes. It is not our fault the rest of society is /literally retarded/, which sadly seems to include you. What you said makes no fucking sense and I refer to my first sentence as to why.
If you can read between the lines, sort of.
Just read Q's posts if you want to know what it's about.
Where can I find them?
I'm really retarded when it comes to finding my way around Jow Forums, mate.
You'll get b& for posting the links here, but boards dedicated to their posts are easily found.
>boomer is a useless piece of shit that cant even cook for shit on family gatherings and spouts neocon policies as an answer
How am I supposed to be upset again?
NO. Not at all. Use this guy:
Or Dustin Nemos, Spaceshot76, JustInformedTalk, Destroying the Illusion. Destroying the Illusion is great because Jordan Sather also works in the secret space program truther community.
Also last but not least, look up Edge of Wonder. Their channel breaks down everything in a normie-friendly way; that is, all the hard facts on illuminati, conspiracies, etc. but without Jow Forums racism.
There are sites that keep track of their posts on 8ch. Some like qmap are well polished.
Thanks, mate.
Go to qresearch and/or patriotsfight boards on 8ch.
Thanks, mate.
Will do that, too. Thanks.
>If I’m being completely honest, I yelled out loud at the bologna/doritos Thanksgiving dinner sandwich. Nobody was home and I still yelled. Normally I would find these things too sad to be funny, but Q followers (almost all self-described deplorables) blur the line between being tragic and hilariously gullible. And these posts, far from being the exception to the rule, are actually the norm in the Q-niverse.
god, Vice journalists are fucking disgusting
Best of luck home bro. It takes a while for it all to click, but once it does... Sweet Jesus.
here's what happened:
>late 2017, i want to say novemeber, during one of the research threads about the lv shooting, some dude claiming to be a q-type clearance user started talking making drops of insider knowledge
>at first he didn't use the crazy cryptic style he does now
>every once in a while, he'd appear in a thread and talk about how mueller was /ourguy/ and that trump was in control and draining the swamp
>all the while the coincidences started to appear
>at one point, there was the mention of the calm before the storm
>thus started the calm before the storm generals
>i wanna say in the end there was a total of like 150 threads over the span of months, talking and discussing q drops, that's when his first tripcode was created
>some time later the cbts threads started getting prunned and people started getting banned
>they moved on to infitity chan
>q continued making drops there and there have been some extra spooky coincidences
>most of witch can be found here:
I hate them with every fiber of my being. Real journalists hide in embassies.
Qanon is a well-funded larper who was banned from this board but still managed to gain a large following elsewhere on the net. He pretends to be a government insider who posts barrages of vague political statements. Some of them end up being correct and, due to confirmation bias, his followers are tricked into thinking he is real.
The goal of the disinfo (((organization))) behind the Qanon campaignis to keep the skeptic community, who have the highest potential to mobilize and disrupt the status quo, occupied by chasing a phantom. This allows the (((organization))) to continue their parasitic activity unopposed.
Is qmap.pub a banned link here?
You misspelled gullible boomers OP
You fags keep talking like you're not wrong as shit and not totally out of the loop. Fuck off (((You))).
I really thought Edge of Wonder was some soiboy level shit but they actually put out some good stuff out, albeit sometimes cringey as hell. but it's by far the most normie friendly and something that i can send to normies without fear of being ridiculed.
Right from the start, as far as I know, Q has never talked about cannabalistic pedo kikes.
Well put. Cringy as FUCK but their info is comprehensive and gets all the good references and research in, like Fritz Springmeier book on illuminati bloodlines, Bill Cooper, Phil Schneider. Yeah lots of excellent work they do. Could use less onions, sure. I hear they're not actually gay though, believe it or not. I hope not lol.
There is no loop. You Qtards are as pathetic as the thots who read their horoscope daily thinking the vague generalities are speaking to their life directly. Grow the fuck up.
Uh huh.
Not an argument, dipshit. It's too late. You can't unreal Q.
even if they were cum guzzling faggots, they're doing a far too good a job to be discounted. i was able to redpill my gf on a lot of shit just by using them alone.
Yeah. It's the easiest and laziest copy in the world at the moment for millennial freelance journalists. The article is quite accurate though. Qanon is quite retarded at the moment. It's almost as if that was one of the (many) objectives of the Q operation.
I bet Trump making air Q's multiple times at a rally was a larp too right? or him directly pointing at a Q sign and giving a thumbs up
Put q map into your browser. The first post you see will be the latest post. So you will have to go to the beginning and read up. There are also some tutorial/indroduction pages on u tube
What Was Great 1nce Will be Great Again?
fuck if it wasn't for trump and this q larp boomers would never have found their way here. fucknig reeeeeeeeee GFTO
Most everyone I know that follows Q or knows of Q, have been made aware by the many FB and U tube channels dedicated to WWG1WGA