Women support the Gillette Ad

Well, well, well...

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Woman are total garbage. I remember an old idea that women are "sugar spice and everything nice" but I guess that was just them playing pretend while they were bound by the patriarchy. In truth, now, we see that they are permanent and easily manipulated children who only stop thinking about s*x when they aren't thinking about mindless and petty cruelty against their enemies

>wamen support gillets
>says a wamen

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Women need to be put back in their place, they're too smug right now

H-Hey guys it wasn't really a failure!
>Senior marketing lesbian bitch

who gives a shit, aren't men their biggest consumers ?

who let this womxn onto the internet?

Attached: womxn our time.jpg (638x359, 36K)

>jokes and memes
But they're not. Countless men have literally threw their shit away and switched brands because of this shitty ad.

>Gillette ad has biggest impact with women who don't shave

Who cares what women think?

>wamen "support" a brand they dont financially support

theres a reason this woman works in fucking (((marketing))) and not sales or product development.

MGTOW is the ultimate redpill





the target demographic of the gillette ad was "middle aged women who use facebook and who shop for their husbands". It was not targeted at men.

It was designed to remind women of the more masculine traits that their emasculated male partners used to have when they were younger, and also give them "cover" for the fact that they shop for them but can still call themselves a feminist.

Women also buy a lot of gillette razors to shave themselves with.

Wait a couple of months and you'll see P&G (owners of gillette brand) introduce a new brand of razor targetted at men. It's a fake engineered controversy to hit different market segments.

How many guys actually buy their own shit though? I haven't bought deodorant or razor blades for years because I just tell my wife what to pick me up when she goes grocery shopping.
I did tell mine to not buy Gillette anymore and she thinks the whole thing is a fucking disgrace so I know she'll listen but if they were ninja trying to trick women into buying their products for themselves or for their spouses they are more crafty than I thought.







>women support a company that makes most of their money in products marketed at men
Hello video games, sci-fi movies, sports, anime, technology et Al.
How long until bankruptcy?

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is this really the best women can be?

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If you really want to fuck back you have to boycott all these brands us.pg.com/brands/
P&G is a bunch of filthy kikes anyways.

>Woman are total garbage

Women do 80% of shopping for American Homes. The ad was targeted at women from the get go.

Real men don't give a shit. The only people crying about this are emasculated pussies. We're either too busy to care about what we shave with or don't shave at all.

The jew has this much control over you that you're still crying about it?

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mxnkind or peoplekind?
new vocab are added frequently so i can't keep up. i need a list.

>Jane Zupan is the senior director of product marketing at Crimson Hexagon
>Crimson Hexagon
you fucking what??

>Dumb Roastie Whore is the Senior Marketing Editor at (((Crimson Hexagon)))

gee maybe they could market their stupid company to me in a way that doesn't make it sound satanic?

bitchy, vain, boring, naive, controlled by the mainstream, vapid, uninspiring, selfish, arrogant, spiteful, deceitful, sneaky, gossiping, disingenuous, irresponsible, spoiled, pampered, no class, no dignity, no honour, no good

why are women so undesirable and disgusting?

t. Jew

>Real men don't give a shit. The only people crying about this are emasculated pussies. We're either too busy to care about what we shave with or don't shave at all.

>Not seeing the big picture.
>Not understanding that if you're raising a son that his opportunities are going to be less because he has a dick
>Not reading the writing on the wall that they're chipping away at white males so that they can keep them under (((their))) thumbs

Wake the fuck up man. It isn't just this one little thing. It's the culmination of all the bullshit that they keep shoving down our throats.

> realized the astra blades I use in my safety razor are made by Gillette.
God damn it.

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When women don't buy your product and your prime market is men and you piss off men; It's not a good move, regardless of the publicity it generates.

This could be a tactic for a new brand trying to cut into the market, but for an established brand, you are already on the back foot trying to protect your customer base from competitors. Intentionally pissing them off and driving them away to win the favour of people who don't buy your product is suicide for a company.

Just remember, these are the exact kind of dipshits who claimed Nike's getting in bed with Kaepernick was a good idea, yet it reversed a long trend of increase profit growth, cutting it almost in half.

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Too bad women don't buy Gillette.


>be jew
>make commerical mocking white males by presenting a fictional world where white men are always moments away from sexuality assaulting a woman
>add further salt by showing black males as the ones who stop these evil white men
>be a different jew
>come onto a Korean origami enthusiast forum to mock those who are justly upset by this insanity
You jews are so tiresome.

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You give the jew power.
>Shoving down our throats
Sounds like you like it too. Filthy little jew cock sucker.

The only thing worst than kikes are the people who validate them. You give them control.

the media wouldn't tell us the truth about the impact anyway. watch Gillette go bankrupt

They're going to have to start selling razors to feminists, who, ironically, are the only people who refuse to shave.

well, i don't really care if their sales hit the moon, i'm personally never buying anything from gillette ever again

where are the sales figures tho

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>nothing to see here goyim
>just let them keep fucking you goyim
>if you fight back they win goyim

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user votes with user’s money.

You're fighting back and losing kikesucker.
Sounds like a waste of time. Just like they intended.

I’m never buying these products again because of that ad:

1. Gillete razors
2. Charmin toilet paper
3. Bounty paper towels
4. Tide and gain detergent
5. Old spice deodorant

>caring what women think

Why would you do that?

>Woman are total garbage.

Honestly i don't know whats worse western women or the shitty trad cucks who go around saying MGTOW is psyops. It is so fucking clear and obvious that women's voteing rights need to go away, but nobody will be willing to talk about it till the country is at civil war (where they will naturally lose their rights), or ends up like fucking Sweden. Everyone is so fucking cucked it's unreal.

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It's because women used to be raised to be good women. Now, like with blacks, they're taught to be as horrible as possible.

Waahhhh vaginas ruined my life wassahhh.

>just give up goy
>your insignificant amount of money you gave them every year doesn't make a difference.
>just keep giving them your shekels it's not like one person can make a difference.

Do you have a bunch of P&G stock or something?

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So they've got the hairy feminist market segment cornered now.

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Well that's because the brand is for faggots, trannies, and women

Gillette also charges more for women's razors. What if this was the plan all along?

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Good thing they buy a lot of face razors.

they have the bearded woman market cornered for sure

Where did they get this data?

>men's razor ad is popular among women

Fresh one

I want to take this opportunity and offer you to reject the cartridge razor and disposable razor scams. Go out on the Internet and select an electric shaver or a safety razor. Different people will prefer one or another, but both are strictly superior to cartridge and disposable razors.

>Women do 80% of shopping for American Homes.
Yeah, buying fucking groceries. Razors are bought at the remaining 20%

>beta provider/chick ad pushing shaven legs/armpits through the back door of "empowerment"
yeah wow surprise, you didn't read a handmaids tale i guess

Women's razor are designed differently than men's, those are for like shaving your legs and arm pits. If you shave your legs with a man's razor you get cut up.

Thanks to diversity quotas women from these feminist movements are infiltrating every level of power in society. This is why the right is retarded they go around saying why would you care about X. Where as the left will snatch every crumb it can get to push it's agenda, building its wall around people they don't like brick by brick.

Gillette History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms

Gillette is one of the many names that the Normans
brought with them when they conquered England in
1066. The name Gillette came from a diminution of
the medieval given name Giles. That name is derived
from the Greek aigidion, which means kid, or young goat. [1]

? 1423. gedi ?
Strong's Concordance
gedi: a kid (a young goat)

The ruins of Gedi are a historical and archaeological
site near the Indian Ocean coast of eastern Kenya.

1. A lecherous man
2. Obsolete word for penis .

gillette = goat, niggers are goats, slang term
for penis is a goat, gillette or niggers or dick
is the best a man can get.

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Those kind of "women" don't shave though.

peak goy cash cow thinking

MGTOW is cowardly and evil just like the weasels that shill for it.

sure is.

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I am no coward. I just hate women.

They have the two strips above and below the razor as well as a bigger head. It's not the same product.

You're not fooling anyone, schlomo.


the fuck does that even mean? What impact? with what women? What was their political leaning? What race?

Yes, it resonated with women because muh feels. It wont stop them from craving alpha cock though.

These dumb bints will overspend on everything.
They'll raise the price of pink razors and make a killing.

The future is female, incel fags

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We live in an era of political dodgeball. It's divisive and frankly, childishly brutal. Gillette used some of those dodgeballs with "#metoo" and "toxic masculinity". They also went for the white man bad, black man good subtext. It could have been a decent message if they would have taken the political chokepoints out of it. Another problem is that men in general and white men more specifically are constantly hearing, reading, and seeing things that are against them. It wasn't a good time to take the approach they did. I call bullshit on the author's interpretation.

>a brand of razor that markets specifically to men went over well with women at the expense of men
>a win for the brand
So I take it gillette is now a woman's razor company? lol

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No surprise, and honestly a smart move by Gillette. Somewhere close to 100% of women shave, this number is less for men, and men shave a smaller surface area anyways. Probably 60% or more men don’t care or are indifferent to the add.

They alienated a small portion of customers and monopolized on their biggest buyers.

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I don't know a single broad who wasn't already using venus razors as it was, and from my experience they will use one or two razors in a month while I'll go through at least 10.

I wondered if this whole Gillette thing was due to the Mouvement des gilets jaunes. Like they were sitting around worried that their name looking similar to gilets caused them to create this commercial.

nah, the differences are tertiary at best and don't add up to a several dollar difference, they charge more because women are stupid and will buy anything.

I knew it really.

P&G was losing out to the dollar shave club and hemorrhaging its largely male consumer base to them. This was a ploy to increase their share of the female market.

It won't work, because while marxist roasties may think this ad is great, they still prefer their female razors.

All this did was piss off their actual customers.

Say what you want about nike, but they pandered the their customer base - niggers.

It's a $1.50 different, they are designed different because men and women have different skin, there is more on a female razor blade to avoid cuts on their legs.

I'm not claiming to be an expert, but I'm pretty sure women's razors typically use 4-5 blades while a man's razor will use 2-3, as well as women's razors tend to come with some moisturizing soap and a pad or some shit built in around the blades. It makes sense theirs would cost more to produce, though I doubt a full dollar more.

I'm sure a commercial for hungry man dinners featuring women calling men rapists would go better for women than men, but it still won't sell more of the product.

women have every support system going, and every advantage going, men have nothing like that, and are often isolated. If you can't see how a group like that is necessary then you're just a fucking idiot quite frankly.

All those blades are a gimmick too. They need new patents every so often so this is what they do. A good single blade will work just fine.

Well you have pussy bitch skin if you go through that many razors. They are shaving more than 15x the surface area you are.

I only shave my neck so an 8 pack of razors lasts me over a year.

>hungry man dinners
Frozen boxes of sodium.

Fucking pathetic pussy.

Being a passive little bitch that keeps taking jew cock down the throat without protest is NOT being masculine. It is being a good little whore.

Men fight back when they are attacked.

Sure they do.
I'll bet sales of overpriced feminine razors from Gillette will skyrocket.
Fortunately, Gillette charges a 20% premium for wamyns shavers.

I guarantee they do not shave hair as course as my beard. They also don't shave everyday. How many times have you hopped in the sack and they get a embarrassed because they hadn't shave their legs in a while...happens all the time.

I'm pretty bummed about losing old spice.
Tagline used to be "if your granddad hadn't worn this, you wouldn't exist."

>Well you have pussy bitch skin if you go through that many razors.
It's the exact opposite, tardo. My beard grows in fast and thick and keeping it maintained dulls the razor within three days. The longer you can go with a single razor, the more bitch-like your hair growth is. Exactly why women can hold an edge on their blade for uptowards a month, because they're practically shaving peach fuzz. Way to out your own bitch skin, though.

>5. Old spice deodorant



So MGTOW targets isolated men to fill their heads with negativity and makes their lives worse? Like I said

White women know that white men run white societies and want to know why, if these men aren't anti-white and self-hating sick, then why have they promoted genocidal anti-whites into high positions?

Harvard University is considered very prestigious but it paid for an obvious anti-white to come and spread his evil:

"We'll keep bashing the dead White males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as the White race is destroyed. Not deconstructed, but destroyed."
"Treason to the White race is Loyalty to Humanity."
"The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the White race."
"The goal of abolishing the White race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed White supremacists." - Noel Ignatiev, Harvard Professor

Also high ranking military officers, which gained promotions in white society which white men run and are responsible for, have shown themselves to be anti-white and pushing White Genocide:

"There is no place in modern Europe for ethnically pure states." - General Wesley Clark

And there are other examples, where prestigous at least to anti-whites and notably to these self-hating white anti-white traitors, individuals have been lifted up leading to the destruction of the white race:

"Not to intermarry racially is bad for the survival of the country." - Nicholas Sarkozy, President of France

Therefore white women are even more likely stay with their cats and refuse to settle down. That’s because white women, who are white people themselves of course, are on a sex strike against White Genocide. They’ve accurately stereotyped white men as being sick, self-hating, anti-white traitors, so they refuse marriage and children because they’re on sex strike.


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Yes, but even more likely stay with their cats and refuse to settle down. That’s because white women, who are white people themselves of course, are on a sex strike against White Genocide. They’ve accurately stereotyped white men as being sick, self-hating, anti-white traitors, so they refuse marriage and children because they’re on sex strike.

It’s still preposterous to be changing your razor head every 3 shaves.


This is just what Gillette needs. This is the way to market men's razors. By getting positive responses from women and blowback from men. History will show men will appreciate this ad.

>no u
Wow, me btfo
Keep falling for the sharp Jew.