Jews Aren't White

Jews are not white but shape-shift to become white when it benefits them and claim jew ancestry to get minority status. How can this become common knowledge?? Please HELP

Attached: PaulieDiswhite.png (535x485, 266K)

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for example

Attached: jewtweets.png (2000x2000, 2.86M)

How do you convince people Jews aren't white when they look exactly like whites?

Attached: jewtweets7.jpg (620x1429, 137K)

they're white (at least ashkenazis), just evil
also they aren't the jews of the bible

Attached: jewtweets24.png (974x928, 987K)

>implying its not common knowledge

Attached: 1496762705042.png (469x553, 5K)

This. Once (((fellow white people))) becomes commonplace, even the most window-licking of normies pick up on it.

Attached: 1513643536228.png (1200x928, 967K)

Niggers think they are white. I want to show they are different to show who has the real PRIVILEGE. Blacks who take their white privelage hate and send it on jews as they are more privileged and over represented than whites are

Attached: jewdefinition.png (800x800, 148K)

Attached: jewtweets23.png (676x234, 161K)