How can a man who wishes to run a company in the UK/US realistically avoid hiring women? They are shit at their jobs, constantly creating drama and will cry harassment at the drop of a hat. It seems impossible to do without being targeted by the government or the media.
All that stupid shit you guys spout is much easier said than done.
Joseph Reed
>mentor women Don't mansplain things to me REEEEEEEEEEEEE
Ryan Richardson
Newfags plz go
Owen Peterson
Noah James
>we need nah she'll be good
Kevin Watson
Seriously, women don't even consider it. The industry is booming, the Ages of Men are named after how we use metal. It isn't "glamorous" enough for women to want to get into (they can't brag to their girlfriends about it or signal on social media) the money is good and all the old timers are mens' men looking to find quality guys to replace them.
Hunter Edwards
Just wait for the collapse and declare for the ancap corporate state
Josiah Howard
The industry I want to break into is biotechnology and biology is one of the stem fields that has the most women. Now can you see my predicament?
Dylan Cooper
Hire trannies
Grayson Brown
Women will look up and shout "mentor us!" And I'll look down and whisper "no."
Require that upper body strength be necessary for the job. make it a point of your egalitarian company culture that "everyone has to be able to do everyone's job, nobody is better than anyone else" so if women can't deadlift a 300 pound box they can't join
>ooooo sorry sweetie
Alexander Garcia
Can confirm. People don't realize the how much money is out there because of planned obsolescence.
Asher Rogers
Andrew Mitchell
This probably isn't a bad idea. You basically get someone with the cultural conditioning and work ethic of a man, but you get to call it a woman and tranny for bonus diversity points.
Angel Wright
>shit tier competition in my field How horrible, hope things work out for you
Nathan Ramirez
That could work. One idea I have is placing 'fitness' tests that are rigged for women to fail in order to prevent hiring them.
Cooper Adams
Mentoring women is like playing Russian roulette with a full chamber
Isaiah Perez
Oddly enough, it is now cheaper to settle out of court for discrimination lawsuits than it is to settle out of court for sexual harassment lawsuits.
Jackson Hughes
>Men are oppressive. >Women can do everything just as well. >Women can do everything better. >Men sexually harass and abuse women every day and should get out of the way. The future is female! >Women can't succeed without male mentors. Know what? Fuck off.
Carter Martinez
Just tell a few of your guys that if anyone asks they identify as women Seriously they could be 18st with beards to their waists and there'd be uproar if the govt dared to question it
That's literally the clown world we live in these days
Noah Jackson
Why do they need my help? I’d hate for my toxic masculinity to accidentally come out.
Jayden Phillips
>Have an engineering company. >Hire women according to their representation in engineering. >Hire woman mainly for what they are good at, Reception/Secretary >Never ever go public. As long as you dont recruit new engineers your ratio should be almost 20:1
Elijah Gonzalez
We currently HAVE a corporate state you idiot nigger. Ancaps are the fucking worst. Unless you intend to stop Jews from forming corporations I have no idea how you intend to preserve your little slice of paradise.
Logan Rodriguez
toolate cunts - you got what you asked for. You should have thought of the consequences in believing every quim.
Thomas Sanchez
Based. This is the correct play. Hire redpilled hwite men and have a couple of them claim to be trannies who can't afford transition therapy yet but are working hard and thankful for the opportunity you provided them so they can one day live out their dreams.
David Torres
You better switch to metallurgy and business and get your ass into the scrap industry unless you want bitches in your ass the rest of your life.
Gavin Allen
What in the fuck?
I work in this business. The people who organize the movement of scrap are definitely majority women.
Brandon Gonzalez
Unironically want to but dont know where to start. I just want to work with other lads and use my hands
Jacob Davis
Sadly without dealing with fines and women filing lawsuits, no. Equality means a permanent reduction to productivity and stability. It's so the women can feel less useless.
>women can't accomplish shit with out "mentors" doing all the work for them.
Christopher Reed
No faggot, we are totally in position to overthrow all the Western governments and establish our national socialist crusader states.
Faggot idiot.
David Nelson
One problem with that though is the fact that most men are soicucks and letting them in on the play will almost certainly make them run to CNN.
Alexander Sanders
never do this. Let large companies take on this risky burden. Only hire experienced per-mentored women.
>best I can think of go into something like medical devices with a high degree of product development engineering. Places like this only need 2-3 of you people as SMEs and a ton of support engineers. Definitly dont work in an industry where companies hire you people by the dozen.
Jaxson Garcia
I used to think the "Diversity is code for anti-white" thing was bullshit, but now I see the truth: "Diversity" is just code for anti-white male.
Gavin Powell
>How can a man who wishes to run a company in the UK/US realistically avoid hiring women? Merit based hiring practices by having entrance examinations by 3rd party proctors. My employer does this, and it weeds out everyone but white people.
Zachary Evans
don't they mean #womentor
Jayden Gutierrez
This shit proves that the passive resistance campaign of mgtow is working. Guys are backing off in a scortched earth policy style move. They don't want to deal with women and avoid them while not actually attacking them. By simply not giving them attention and staying away from them as if they are the living dead, it seems to be doing serious fucking damage to women.
Ryan Martin
I was going to say, I know at least of two women who work in the metal business (and they are the fugly ones) but it's mostly a man's job.
Christian Rogers
No, no, no. Do not hire a tranny ffs. You think women scream about harassment and act like sjws, you ain't seen nothing yet.
Robert Long
So basically this campaign is nagging men?
Jordan Peterson
same here, except we just require everyone to shower before work
Ryan King
Women aren't entitled to my mind or body.
Brandon Wood
Easy, run a gay bar. Just make sure you name it obviously male-centric to avoid accidentally opening a lesbian bar.
Jackson Wood
Fireman's carry 300m, it's a safety issue luv.
Chase Butler
It's easier than you might think, at least in the US. Affirmative action is really only scrutinized in the state and federal government sector, and almost every case involving a private business has sided with the business because the truth is that there is no way to quantify and enforce affirmative action hiring processes without also stampeding on other rights.
And really, everything is about optics these days. The less you're seen, the less you have to worry. Maintain a small, private business with no shareholders if possible. Do not discuss your hiring practices with anyone ever. Maintain the public boilerplate stance that you abide by all state affirmative actions and you hire based on qualification, not race or gender. Take a lesson from the cigarette companies and deny, deny, deny. Never deviate from that.
Dominic Cruz
Don't get me wrong, "the mantra" was absolutely terrible and I'm glad people stopped posting it, but there were a few seriously hard hitting points in there that survived. 1) Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White (anti-Whites admit that they think you cannot be racist to Whites and only Whites can be racist, this means that anti-racism is literally anti-Whitism) 2) "Africa for Africans, Asia is for Asians, White countries are for everyone". This is completely true. Liberals talk about all their anti imperialism and anti colonialism bullshit and talk about Whites stealing "other peoples land", but then advocate open borders for ALL White countries.
They literally hate White people and want to wipe them out. The evidence of this now is absolutely extensive. It is 100% established fact that liberals hate Whites.
You must work for a big company. We are about 90 people, 5 million in non-ferrous a month and we have 3 women, 2 receptionists and a dyke truck driver.
Nathan Price
And why do liberals hate whites? Didn't whites give them the ability to spout their vitriol?
Christian Walker
>100% women >100% diversity
James Peterson
Also, certain states like Nebraska, Arizona, and Oklahoma have entirely banned Affirmative Action on constitutional grounds. You should consider opening businesses in states like those over other states.
Adrian Thomas
Is that a real thing here?
Aaron Turner
They're called Token Employees. Manage your "diversity hires" as competently as you can.
Get hired on to sort and grade material, show up early, work your ass off, run instead of walk, speak like you are an educated person and carry yourseld well... you'll be a foreman in a year.
Sebastian Foster
You know what they call that?
Benign Neglect
Ryder Diaz
That doesn't work anymore. It used to be cheaper than discrimination lawsuits, but now the harassment lawsuits are more expensive.
Jason Thompson
>mentor woman >#MeToo >she gets my job sounds great
Adrian Martin
The liberal attempt to equalize womens power by attacking men with baseless accusations ends up destroying womens chances at equality when men withdraw to protect their own interests
Quinns first law, liberalism always generates the exact opposite of its stated intent
you can't. women's bitching is a force second in magnitude only to compounding interest
Jayden Scott
Simple. Just throw their resumes away.
Isaac Torres
Can't argue that. Have a (You)
Andrew Anderson
>Can you elaborate more on these merit based hiring practises? 2 different days of coming in and taking written exams. This includes math, and reading & comprehension. There are no calculators, no phones and no electronics permitted at all. People were thrown out for smuggling phones. It is proctored by a 3rd party process. If you can't prove you know what you are talking about, you won't be hired. The math thing really fucks people up. Idiots exist, and simple multiplication and division on paper is impossible for them to do. Also any sort of word problems that are solved with simple algebra helps stop these people from ever having a chance. Looking back, I would say that the test was a simple high school level math....but without a calculator or phone, people are fucking retarded. I tested against over 400 individuals for 30 open positions. I scored a 100% on the math side because I enjoy math, and never used a calculator for basic shit. Sure once you are hired, you can use whatever means necessary to get the proper answer, but if you can't even figure out basic algebra, you aren't worth a fuck.
Brody Wilson
have you tried not being a sexist piece of shit, user?
Alexander Garcia
Why would women need Mentoring? I thought they were already as competent as any man in the field
Lincoln Rogers
just let women takeover, they already know how to do everything better than men anyway.
Ethan Smith
>The solution is unironically minarchism / anarchocapitalism Actually, the answer is decapitalism
In some careers like Royal Marines and fireman (I think), not sure if it's 300m though but I was infantry and we often did it as part of PT but it wasn't part of any fitness tests. I wouldn't think there's any law against requiring it from your employees, if you can make a good case for it and it would weed out 99% of women and fat wasters without being too difficult.
Lucas Robinson
make sure the secretary is older and married
Brayden James
What stops a company from simply rejecting all woman and saying it's because x reason deal with it and moving on?
Nathan Sullivan
Remember when they were all shitting on Pence for this his whole career and when he got picked to be the vice presidential candidate for the Republicans? first they call you a fool, then they say they agreed with you the whole time.
It's a bit of a mystery. I've considered non-White liberal hatred of Whites to be something similar to a really nasty crush case where someone is attracted to someone that isn't attracted to them, so they are constantly hovering around them, infatuated with them but always making snide comments and them are viciously trying to mess with their lives as "revenge" for not accepting their advances. In the case of White and Jewish liberals? I think it's simply a manipulative tactic they use against their own racial in-group rivals. They are jealous and resentful of their peers for some reason and thus try to weaponise various "oppressed groups" to do their bidding and give them an in-road into the power and authority they believe themselves to be deserving of. That's the only way I can explain their emotional enthusiasm for anti-Whiteness.
They are kinda like that hunchback creature from 300 that sided with the Persians because he wasn't accepted as a Spartan basically. Gonna steal that one. Benign neglect.
But int his case it seems to be hurting women. I don't think feminists can function without someone to blame for all their problems.
Tyler Johnson
Stay under 50 employees. That's the threshold for many labor laws to kick in. Split your business into different parts when you approach the limit. If there is no clear line upon which to split the business, sell it and start a new company. Also crank up the air conditioning.
Henry Russell
>Stay under 50 employees. That's the threshold for many labor laws to kick in.
Jow Forums fag here with employees. The industry I am in is like 90% women. My advice is as follows:
1. Start your business in a state that isn't shit. "Right to Work" and "At Will" states are the best, no income tax to really be in the best. At will laws basically say you do not have to give a reason to fire someone (NOR SHOULD YOU! The more info you give the more they use it against you) and right to work lets you tell unions to fuck off.
2. You personally do the hiring/firing for everyone. Dont tell anyone why or why not. Any women who comes on through just throw their application in the trash and thats it. Anyone asks why didn't you hire anonisha, dont answer "I dont discuss personael matters" 3. If you do decide to hire women (because like me its almost impossible to NOT deal with a women), you need to be very firm with them. Women push boundaries to see what they can get away with. Ironically the more of a dick you are and the more up their ass you are the better they work. Also dont put more then a few women together. If you show fear they will make your life hell. 4. Dont get involved in their personal life, if you ask them to open up its like a dam breaking. They will use you to cry etc, keep it professional ALWAYS
t. Someone with a lot of experience of dealing with women in the workforce.
Charles Adams
Their brain,their math you entitled cunt!
Christian Ward
Hire neets, vets, and other assorted wreckage that have been derailed off the traditional skills/employment track. Drug test them. Six month or more probationary period. Pay them dogshit during this period. Train them yourself to do the things you need done the way you want them done, ride them hard and cull them mercilessly. At the end of this period keep the guys that have risen to the occasion and treat them well, and kick anyone else to the curb. 99.8% of women won't even bother, you'll have a team of good guys, and you'll be helping your brothers who both need and deserve it.
Ian Cruz
You need to know what you are doing and be extremely careful for this to work. I strongly suggest hiring lawyers to make it happen. Any piercing of the corporate veil and you are up shits creek. Both IRS and labor laws wise.
Is there a law requiring you to hire them? If not just don't hire them.
Matthew Brooks
I would say by hiring a more qualified candidate but not sure that works now.
Or avoid setting up in retail or healthcare for example.
Nicholas White
Some states are faggy, but in most cases nothing at all. The goal is to avoid giving a reason AT ALL to ANYONE. They cant force you to self incriminate so if you keep your mouth shut as to HOW you decide who is a good fit they have nothing.
Jaxson Roberts
he can gas himself for trying to mentor the unmentorable
Carson White
fpbp newf
Kayden Stewart
Fuck the law. I hereby commit in my small business never to hire a female.
Chase Powell
Yeah but if you start a company in Cali you deserve everything bad you can get.
Julian Stewart
In the UK if you own a business you have to pay to send in a declaration saying you are an equal opportunity employer, a hiring loicence kek.
Xavier Gomez
Not a solid plan. Thots feel entitled to go into gay bars and sexually harass all of the gay dudes there. It's completely impossible to make any space exclusive to men anymore, as you'll immediately get hit with a lawsuit by an instigator.