Attached: Smirk seen round the world.jpg (294x171, 7K)
But why did he smirk though?
Justin Smith
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Cameron Morales
Nolan Lopez
Owen Brooks
He smirked nervously and then actually looked at the old dude wondering what he was on about.
Gavin Ortiz
what is the correct reaction in this situation that would keep liberal fuckheads from threatening violence against him?
Jackson Bailey
b/c he's a notorious criminal
Brayden Nelson
Why couldn't maga crusader just have hugged him and spread his love all over his injun body?
Wyatt Cruz
yup, facecrime foe sho
Ian Richardson
He saw right through chief stolen valor's bullshit
Justin Lee
if you made that, the E is George is missing, and put the page number as well (I think its 65)
Isaiah Peterson
Imagine the outrage if he had dropped the smirk to take a defiant face, or even worse an angry face??? OMFG
Sebastian Ross
A lesson for us all.
Henry Jones
He knew God had his back.
Aiden Williams
Elijah Sanders
>not proofreading your own memes
David Rivera
EVERYTHING is a shit test.
don't react.
Christopher Sullivan
He's clearly a sociopath that is contemplating how to further oppress POC. He smiles when he realizes they will suffer from his privilege.
Michael Young
>To wound menacingly
Samuel Wilson
It's a nervous smile, he doesn't really know what's going one when an adult walks up to him to aggressively beat his drum in the kids face.
Benjamin Hernandez
>no dick
Lucas Ross
Wouldn’t you if a literal toothless injun war chief marched up to and started banging a drum in your face? Such a bizarre and random occurrence. I would be dying of laughter.
Jaxon King
Because he was nervous.
Pick relayed is a smug smirk.
Asher Parker
I love how people actually believe this.
Josiah Hill
Andrew Long
it's called smiling
Evan Ross
was it a blanket stare?
Isaiah Powell
>even a tiny shred of sadness
Nah, we can't have that. Contempt can stay.
Cooper Campbell
Alexander Myers
Every teen boy/man does that. They think they know it all at that age. Females do it, too. Most grow out of it.
Adrian Bennett
Literally Chuck Schumer’s other countrymen.
Carson Hall
Seriously, this kid's face has to become a meme. Use it when you know you didn't actually do anything wrong.
Cooper Ortiz
It IS a meme, that's why the leftists are trying to kill him and the rest of his class.
Angel Lee
Hudson Ward
Because he doesn't care about being racist anymore. It is a turning point in white male culture. ZERO FUCKS FROM HERE ON OUT. FUCK ALL THE BROWN PEOPLE. FUCK OFF!!!!!
Ryder Johnson
If he wasn't white nobody would give him shit for standing there.
Brayden Hill
He looks like an Elsagate cartoon irl.
Nathan Powell
The Indian had meth booger hanging.
Lucas Ward
so was the native guy a vietnam vet or did he lie?
Kevin Brown
Because he's a fucking kid and doesn't know how to react when some old fuck gets in his face and beats a drum
Blake Rodriguez
This going even better than expected. I expected this story to blow over in a day, and I think the media would like it to, and tried to sweep it away. But they've lost control of their mob who keep stirring the pot and it will be a while before marching orders reach everyone to stfu up about it and stop responding to RW media.
This boy is nothing short of a hero. This was "its ok to be white" incarnate exploding into global media. The "Black Hebrew Israelite" angle is just icing on the cake.
Ryan Johnson
Didn’t know that smirking was a misdemeanor worthy of death threats.
James Rivera
It was reported by someone that he was never deployed, according to Breitbart.
Christian Butler
Adam Hughes
He never served in Nam. He was in the marines, but was only Stateside.
Dylan Gonzalez
The Smirking Man
Ryder Lee
It's pottery and a serious defeat for the Left, good on the kid for standing his ground.
Oliver Campbell
Cowering in panic and shame. Anything less is "racism". My only regret is that this didnt happen on October 29th, 2020, the Thursday before the next POTUS election.
Xavier Carter
Personally I think he recognized the guy was a fruit and smirked. I hate that fucking Indian for doing this to kids. He has a history of doing this to white boys.
Asher Hill
Ethnically a jew. Seriously, has anyone in here spent time in New York?
Sandmann is a dime a dozen there.
Because being so horribly inbred equals looking alike.
Just like somalis.
All the mewing in the world wouldn't help his gaping maw.
And his Mother is senior VP in banking? Cliche AF. She's not a nice Catholic Mom running the bake sale. Nope, high powered exec at Fidelity.
Adding an extra N to the German Paternal suname is meaningless.
His Mother is a Weis, not a Weiss and is clearly J faced.
There's a pic of him with his two brothers on Twitter from when he was younger. They look like every skinny little German or Polish Jew from WW2 pics.
If I were an older conspiracy theorist on gIp, I would be weirded out by the symbolism.
Weiss = White Sandman = Self Explanatory Weis + Sandman = Go to Sleep Whites.
Adam Foster
what if hes just autistic and nervous in crowds and his only reaction was to stand there stupidly and smile to try and diffuse the confrontation because he didnt know what else to do
Lincoln Collins
Luke Edwards
Bentley Barnes
Jonathan Russell
lmao kid got it good for being a overzealous catholic
Lucas Fisher
You alt right faggots think youre all trust fund babies like this smirking faggot whose never worked a day in his life. You all pretend like youre Chad McRich who wears khakis and loafers and fucks white blonde blue eyed pussy on your dads boat. Youre not faggot. You wish you lonely & poor beta shitstain losers. You will work for people like me, happy to make a meager 75k in your multicultural office. "Thanks Boss!" You talk a big game online. You larp in the streets with children. But at the end of the day the vast majority of you magatards are losers who never cashed out on crypto. No goals, no dreams. Just floaters praying some great white hero comes to save them from a life of mediocrity and wasted opportunities. White brotherhood? There is not a bigger oxymoron on the planet. Every single white man you know would betray you for a 7/10 thot and the low low price of $50. None of you faggots care about white pride or whatever the fuck it is you think youre doing. Youre meme movement. Its not yours faggot. Youre fucking Golem. A slave wasting away for (((another mans))) ambitions.
Josiah Rivera
People smile when they get nervous
Luke Sanders
Third from left is best.
William Martin
I am putting together new legislation to try to keep the main stream media from libelous reporting. I'm calling the Media Accountability and Governance Act. M.A.G.A.
Noah Walker
He clearly should have dropped to his knees and performed fellatio on Chief Four-Tooths as reparations for genociding 6 million innocent tribespeople that dindu nuffin.
Jordan Morris
He smiled because his chain was broken
Robert Long
Youre post implies anyone wants to fuck roasties and blue-eyed uggly faggots with money.
Sebastian Campbell
shut up beta faggot
Colton Smith
Lol tl;dr faggot
Xavier Miller
Who cares, the amount of salt this created was glorious, it was like trump getting re-elected two years early.
Henry Barnes
Ryder Ramirez
>He smiled because his chain was broken
Evan Brown
Read 1984 by George Orwell to learn about facecrime.
Easton Nelson
Nicholas Cox
thats NOT EVEN A SMIRK. pic related is a smirk. smirking is showing contempt not just with your mouth but your eyes. he's l-i-t-e-r-a-l-y just standing there smiling at the man like anyone does when a street performer approaches them.
Brayden Perez
>"Why is this dude getting in my face?"
Jonathan Gonzalez
Jesus H. Christ, go read a free copy of Strunk & White's Element of Style.
A lot of jobs are now virtual, so your weird vision of the average white male working in a diversity filled office is silly.
European Anglos have a strong bond and you're too scared to imagine that.
You want White men to hate White women and vice versa.
You want White men to feel like losers.
Cream rises to the top.
Give up your rants and scurry off into your hole.
Adrian Robinson
No idea what you're talking about because I didn't read your giant wall of shit text you wasted your time writing. Stay mad about it though faggot
Jack Sanchez
Asher Rodriguez
So liberals love vietnam vets now?
Tyler Rodriguez
stay poor and lonely beta bitch loser. Nice career, would be a shame if it stagnated.
Henry Jenkins
Take your medication.
Asher Brooks
>why did he smirk
In the face or leftist retardation
how do you expect him to keep a straight face?
Justin Russell
Tyler Sanchez
>stay poor and lonely beta bitch loser
That's some pretty heavy projection right there buddy. You should write another massive wall of text about why you're so upset so nobody can read it.
Hudson Cox
Lmfao Anglos. Basically cryptojews in hiding like Saudis. I dont give a fuck about the "white man" lmao. Some mk ultraed simian chimp raised on the TV, clueless of his origins or his reality. White culture in every part of the world is the same. Every man for themselves. Kill the king/Yarl and take his place. Youre just a monkey with delusions of grandeur. A primate who cant handle the truth after a lifetime of living a lie, truman. There is nothing special about you pawnfag
Levi Phillips
What’s his name, Jow Forums?
Liam Perez
This is the reason why he was smirking.
Easton Price
"P-projection!" whatever you need to tell yourself lonely poorfag. Truth hurts.
Dominic Anderson
The Indian looked high as fuck with that 1,000 yard stare
Aaron Martinez
Dude lied about that. He’s no veteran.
William Cook
>why did he smirk
He still has his foreskin
Elijah Morgan
Jackson Flores
I don't need to tell myself anything. Im relatively wealthy and laying in bed with my fiance right now. You're the one making grand assumptions about strangers on the internet. Since your assumptions about me are blatantly far from reality I can only myself assume their basis us rooted within your own psyche. So yes, stop projecting. Truth hurt?
Evan White
Nathaniel Edwards
Adam Taylor
Fresh OC coming through
Sebastian Sanders
Nope, a perverted Rabbi got him long ago.
Camden Hughes
Your relative wealth is less than 70k. Your fiance is beat 6/10 at best. Most likely overweight with double chin. Go stare at as she sleeps next to you. Whos the one typing stories now champ? Youre my bitch faggot.
Xavier Bennett
Yeah you're a total faggot. Have fun being poor in a few years. You'll have to work hard to maintain your wealth, and you seem to think hard work is for chumps, so you're doomed to fail.
Kayden Phillips
Carter Brooks
Im my own boss and have people who work under me, who make me money while I sleep. What do you do over there in canada in your shithole apartment?
Gabriel Reyes
>have fun being poor in a few years
kek. How much does an ear of corn cost in Canada now?
Alexander Powell
What's this site? Tried searching for "happiness index face" but it came up with nothing related.
Luis Butler
Okay, I’ll bite: what’s the endgoal of this supposed kikery? Looks to me like even NPCs I know are getting redpilled about the crime of being white w/this story.
Sebastian Stewart