Give me one reason we would not be better off, if all private were in the hands of the state.
>HOUSING Our present system makes housing more expensive, by giving landlords a chance to profit for doing nothing. Under socialism that money could go to helping the poor. It would also be easier to control illegal immigration as owning private property would be illegal, and illegals couldn't exactly rent from the state.
>WAGES Capitalists get money just for owning capital, which is totally unnecessary. The money could go back to the workers (socialism) or to the truly needy old and sick.
>CULTURE Capitalism lets immense volumes of destructive nonsense go on unchecked in the cultural sphere in the name of 'free enterprise'. See rap music, fast food, the more immoral forms of pornography. If we had socialism we could bring a halt to it all easily without the capitalists just bribing their way out of it, which is what happens now.
>ENVIRONMENT Natural resources should not be in the hands of private individuals. No one created them, they should be used for the good of all, without sufficient measures left in place for future generations.
If you have any social agenda, or are anything except a property owner, you should support socialism. The only people who should support capitalism are this point are unrepentant capitalists without a conscience.
If the state controls everything than why should they give you rights?
Austin Foster
Depends on how the state is run People should have to prove eligibility to serve in the Gov, and should be assigned to posts by lot imo Public things should still be run as businesses, that is to bring costs below value added Workers should get commissions based on efficient operations Production should be decided on at a local level, rather than a national level. Slight overproduction is a necessity to avoid shortage
Tyler Bennett
if the state gives you everything, why work?
Brandon Hill
The state shouldn't have any interests of its own.
Socialism doesn't imply giving people everything for free.
Elijah Rodriguez
>give everything away >have nothing >wait for charity
John Lee
How does anything you say have to do with socialism? Socialism is the abolition of private property, landlordism and rent. Capitalism actually reduces how hard people work, think of the depleted work incentive you have when working for a fat-faced crapitalist instead of your people
But must it? If power were shared more widely then the interests would be made more benevolent (at least, more in keeping with the interests of the majority) and fractured (so that no one group could oppress the rest of society).
Dylan Stewart
its not that it must, its that it will. even if a state had NO interests of its own, give it 10 years and it will, people have interests, the state is made of people, thats how it it.
James Lewis
When is the last time you have seen a "benevolent" socialist society. Socialism is a power vacuum, because being at the top gives you indirect control of all property. And I know most people aren't Hitlers, but eventually everyone wants more.
Nicholas Scott
Ryder Garcia
A socialist society is different from a Marxist society. Marxism wants a dictatorship, socialism has no one idea about that. You could have socialism with democracy.
Alexander Baker
>The state shouldn't have any interests of its own. You're pretty delusional if you don't understand that it ALWAYS does.
Adam Nelson
Socialism is the new "opiate" of the masses in a decaying system.
Austin Brooks
Democracy is also extremely corrupt, for example, a political party could influence elections or who you could vote for. For an example, North Korea is democratic, but to call it "democratic" would be a joke
Jack Fisher
You are retarded arnt you? Or just the usual bong maybe?
State socialism means that the means of production is owned my the people. Democratic socialism it's own by the people through cooperatives, unions and what not.
Who ever said there can be no private ownership of land for example?
What you sre talking about is communism and npt Marxist socialism you dumb fuck.
Christian Torres
Owned by the people and facilitated via the state is state socialism.
It was ment for Democratic socialism and state socialism. You can still own property. I don't see why you couldn't do it.
Karl marx lived in the 1800 let the faggot stay in the grave and let his ideas evolve to fit modern society.
But even marxism isn't the same as communism. And definitely not the same as other options of socialism.
Joseph Gutierrez
You want to be treated as a resource or as a human?
Luke Lopez
I can guarantee anyone advocating State control has never owned property.
Logan Miller
Oh of course, we're not doing the democracy that everyone does, we're doing your democracy that's lovely and shiny and never goes bad or corrupt.
Ian Brown
>as owning private property would be illegal You are stupid, very. But there's a lot f you. But there's hope for you, in the future there will new ideology-states, and ethno-states. Then you can go live for a few year in a full-socialst-state and learn by experience what you seem unable to learn by explanation. see pic related.
>The money could go back to the workers If everything belongs to the party, then there is no reason to produce more, or even to produce. The value is not "in the money", money is just a means of exchange. If there's no production, your money is worth nothing. Wealth is product and time well employed, money is just paper. An all encompassing government can't properly allocate product and time. It's like the entire economy was managed by the DMV.
How are you measuring 'outperform'? In terms of motivation or profit?
Marx's definition is still in use. We have 'social democracy' to refer to state managed, redistributive capitalism.
Jordan Richardson
Well I suppose you could lease land for as long as you see fit. That being said, I will not give up the land I own unless government want to buy it. The it's negotiable.
Brody Phillips
>we're doing your democracy that's lovely and shiny and never goes bad or corrupt There's nothing magical about it. What I said was it would be more direct, and hence less liable to corruption. Sarcastic response isn't an argument
Logan James
how is that not self-explanatory? In capitalism, workers produce value which is then kept by the boss, who gives a small portion of the value back to the workers as pay. That is far less incentive to work well than if you get to see and democratically control the value your labor produces.
Also the fact that capitalism essentially creates useless jobs that are just busywork and have no real value to society or the worker
Andrew Anderson
>implying there is housing, wages, culture, or an environment in socialism
You know who else believed in direct democracy, the Romans, which sounds good at first, but since family supports each other, dynasties will easily rise, even if there is democracy.
Jaxson Evans
Capitalism is working well in my country at least. So almost people don't want to move to other system here.
Aaron Hill
Property ownership is the root of sedentary living. The only reason any one bitches about the need for State control is someone who never was able to actually own property. Instead of bitching, work, save then own something. THere is no such thing as free lunch.
Jack Foster
Threadly reminder that a discord exists solely for the purpose of shitposting on Jow Forums, with specific targeting towards /ptg/ and /sg/. There exists a group of people who's life choices have led them to a point where shitposting on Jow Forums has become the highlight of their day, indeed their very reason for not just suckstarting the first shotgun they can find.
They are responsible for ALL AOC, Kamala Harris and Tulsi Gabbard threads. They create porn threads. They are responsible for the BLACKED spam. They are the ones creating the "Honest thoughts on X" threads, the "how do we solve the X problem" threads, the "What did X mean by this" thread. The "are X white" threads. The blackpill threads, the consensus-breaking threads. The fake tweet threads. The Gillette spam threads. The Jow Forums threads. The "redpill me on X" threads. The off-topic horseshit. The disgustingly bad shitposts. The Smug White MAGA teen threads. The 'alt right e-celeb' faggotry. The transfaggotry threads. When confronted, they'll deny a discord exists despite the screencaps that exist of it.
This is your reminder that each (You) you give them gives them a tiny bit of hope that their shitposting will change your mind, will affect your thinking. They see you as easy marks because you've proven in the past you simply cannot help but shitpost when someone else shitposts.
user.. their existence is suffering. Pure, unfiltered, endless suffering. Haven't they suffered enough? Don't be selfish and give them (You)s to prolong their suffering for your enjoyment.
Withhold the (You)s. Don't reply to AOC, Kamala Harris or Tulsi Gabbard threads. Don't reply to shitposters. Let them finally realize the only way out is death. Let them find peace. Even their pet Mod. Yes, they have one.
Show some restraint, faggots. They literally organized on a Discord, tried to go full OPSEC and FAILED_=_
Thomas Moore
>THere is no such thing as free lunch. Food stamps?
Robert Jackson
Don't you have the highest rates of suicide in modern societies?
Joseph Wilson
so long as generalized commodity production is present, capitalism is present, according to Marx.
Jose Thompson
The USSR was actually moderately successful. Famines took place regularly in Russia and didn't disappear as soon as the Soviets took power. Studies have located the causes of famines in natural conditions.
Christopher Young
Would you live the way one needs to in order to qualify? Those who take those entitlements do pay a toll. Just not a monetary one.
Brody Gomez
Well I like to think we come a bit more further than from when marx sat at his desk.
Surely some form of socialism must be the future if we are suppose to one that is. Imagine if we only had physics from the 1800 yo work with.
Asher Garcia
If I had a choice then no. But Im sure many in your hoods would.
Lucas Campbell
unless you can refute Marx's reasoning for why he thinks generalized commodity production is unsustainable, you can't really "move on" from him.
Nicholas Allen
I’ll give you two. Venezuela and Cuba.
Also England is a worthless police state shit hole and a nation of pathetic sniveling cowards.
Juan Martin
>generalized commodity production is unsustainable What is the Amish?
Brandon Baker
>work hard >gather moneys >buy small land >buy materials >build house to raise your children in >nah it's better off with the state m8, lemme just grab that And you think this is a good idea how? How is that fair in any fucking way? >giving landlords a chance to profit for doing nothing It's not for nothing. They get money in exchange for sharing their property with you. The fact that you have no chance of doing the same came about through the very same people who push your bullshit socialism narrative desu. And through not noticing it, you too are at fault. Both for your own personal situation and for your country's decline. This is the second textbook definition of being a cuck, right after letting Tyrone fuck your wife.
Brody Baker
Has Venezuela abolished private property?
Jayden Smith
Jackson Walker
The Amish, and their plain brethren, have had a sustainable commodities market since they spawned in Europe.
Joshua Torres
Captalism is a jewish invention and should be exterminated from the western society
Owen Adams
Joshua Adams
I dont even like this site. I dont know what people get out of making up shit stories other than money. I dont know why anyone would post here other than they get paid for it. I do t get it. Im the least autistic person youd meet, and a very social one and i dont get this site. It must be aome inside group of masons composed of a few incredulius sheep because otherwise, this site isnt funny, every post is retarded as fuck. I get its satire. But its like a bunch of autists attempting to do satire. Like this site isnt funny at all. Ita just full of retards and fake news. I wouldnt spend time here if i didnt have to. I so t like the people that post here. I dont like their autistic attempts at humor. If i werent locked in a basement i wouldnt waste my time with you retards, and that’s a good thing LOLOLOLLIL.
Ryder Sanchez
so has the rest of the entire world. I don't see your point, unless you're misunderstanding what I mean by generalized commodity production.
Ayden Russell
You do not know what private property is, see the useful image. Socialism has no problem with someone owning their own house and living in it; the problem is with someone owning a house they don't live in purely to extract money from that ownership.
>They get money in exchange for sharing their property with you. Which isn't doing anything, is it? They are charging me a toll based on their superior economic position. This makes it harder for me to advance and they will no doubt use the money to advance their own position further.
Life would be better under National Socialism. See, it's much easier to to give when the person you're giving to is a part of your tribe, but international socialism can't work, too much dead weight.
Luis Walker
Selling labour as a commodity?
Sebastian Edwards
>it's much easier to to give when the person you're giving to is a part of your tribe, but international socialism can't work, too much dead weight. I agree
Lucas Cooper
Give me one reason why monopolies are good.
Chase Anderson
Well in my former statement I meant personal property. Didn't even know you said that in english. Thought private was the word for it.
Brayden Reyes
no. what makes capitalism a peculiar system in human history is that the vast majority of things that are produced are done so primarily for exchange, rather than use. such things are called "commodities." "generalized" just refers to the fact that this type of production, as I said, is now dominant.
Jonathan Young
>Which isn't doing anything, is it? How did I not do something and invest my time and money to actually acquire a dwelling beyond my primary residence? Who is responsible for all upkeep/maintence/repair? The issue is much more nuances than you are willing to admit.
Nicholas Flores
Capitalims is good at making thoss
Julian Green
How would you be better off if all your wealth was distributed to africa and india etc? epxlain yourself
Jordan Brooks
Because it wouldn't work, people would starve, millions would die, etc.
Noah Watson
Isaac Cook
As my pappy used to say The only good commie Is a dead commie
Jace Turner
Okay, but can you give me a reason why they are good
William Young
Why should I give a shit about others if under capitalism I'm fine?
Josiah Bennett
>Which isn't doing anything, is it? They are charging me a toll based on their superior economic position. This makes it harder for me to advance and they will no doubt use the money to advance their own position further. Yes. Because IT IS their private property. This is the oldest commie tactic in the book lad, try harder. Nobody in their right mind accepts your re-definition. If I have 2 houses, and let you live in one of them for a predetermined amount of time in exchange of some moneys, that doesn't mean the second house is not rightfully mine. It was still me who worked for it and built it, you entitled faggot. It doesn't make it yours, or the state's. Don't like it? Get your own.
Blake Anderson
Because governments are only good at killing people and wasting money.
Soviet Union worked out real well didn't it dipshit?
Jacob Rivera
Everything would be run like the post office & staffed by apathetic niggers, society would collapse pretty rapidly.
Daniel Scott
To be fair. America isn't working out so well either.
Julian James
>Muh police brutality >Muh institutionalized racism >Muh infrastructure is collapsing >Muh inefficient budgeting Yeah, give me more of that pls
Nolan Edwards
>How did I not do something and invest my time and money to actually acquire a dwelling beyond my primary residence? You have to have earned money to invest in private property, but after that point you don't have to do anything. You get money just for having money. Even if we admit that you got extra money based on your merits the private property compounds he inequality in an unfair way.
Hudson Martin
Go back to the mosque, Wahab
Julian Murphy
housing: kill all illegals wages: kill all poor people culture: kill everyone who isint white environment: spend a fuck ton planting fucking trees, 1 tree does shit but a billions trees does a lot of shit
did it, yankee.
Joshua Lopez
Sorry not a Muslim.
Ian Barnes
>after that point you don't have to do anything. Did you not read? Who maintains the house? Who repairs it? Who has to have money on hand to make sure if an appliance goes tits up it is replaced in a timely fashion? Who has to make sure the grounds are kept appropriately? Your ability to suss out a system is woeful.
William Hughes
>America isn't trad smithian capitalism.
Henry Stewart
>society would collapse pretty rapidly. search: Calhoun's Universe 25 Experiment
Brayden Evans
The state is less efficient than the market. Therefore, the AVERAGE person will be less wealthy under a state controlled economy. How's that for a reason?
Jaxson Rodriguez
Lurk more faggot. No one gives a shit what you think,
Brandon Carter
> one reason
Collapse of every regime uouve ever had Even chinks are federalist
Later, the reasons I give will be lead
Sage this gay shit
Justin Gray
Believing an all-powerful state would ever be purely altruistic is beyond moronic to a person who has any experience whatsoever of the real world.
Levi Clark
With the same amount of time spent working?
Asher Kelly
Worked fine in sweden until all the low iq immigrants came.
Daniel Lewis
Did not the State let them in?
Parker Powell
Who the fuck do you think brought them over there?
Levi Ross
They did after out politicians started attending bilderberg meetings.
Angel Barnes
You mean it wasn't the Jews?
John Ramirez
Yea, it worked fine because you weren't told what your (((leaders))) are actually doing
Wyatt Young
hey yankee i want your president as my prime minister. whatdya say bout that? how about bringing trump to canada, making trump a canadian so he can make my country rich instead of yours. #mcga
Ian Young
USSR, North Korea, Venezuela, Vietnam, Cambodia, Cuba, pre-Frankeneconomy China.