Latino Sharia now

When will white embrase islam?

Already 250,000 Latino Muslims in Texas. Just look at the video below how they seem happy living in a non-degenerate community.

Happy to answer any question you might have on Islam (ask real questions and ideally 1 or 2 - will not reply to huge copy paste). It can be on what is authorized or forbidden, what is the definition of God, etc.

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Other urls found in this thread:

fuck off


So is it Vice making these threads or just a coincidence of people who follow their feeds

Well I just saw the video on Facebook and started a thread here

Yeah, no. They’ll probably get behead by Mexican narcos.

Why such hate based on misconception. As said, feel free to ask questions. You might learn one stuff or two in the worst case.

As someone who hates Islam, I can see the benefits of it especially when it comes down to choosing Islam over a completely degenerate Weimar republic style society.

Sincère question: why do you hate Islam?

A likely story

It opposes freedom too much for my liking with its rules/sharia laws. Maybe it is partially the culture in Muslim countries I don't like as well as Islam itself. I don't like the lying to non muslims, or treating non muslims different/worse which is the same fucking shit Jews do with their Talmud. Acting like it is okay to kill or treat those who aren't of your religion worse is bullshit. Taxing non muslims that live in muslim countries if they don't convert. Shit like that.

Because it stifles civilization at best, and destroys civilization at worst

As a spic. Other spics aren’t gonna convert to Islam. Latinas aren’t gonna cover up and Arabic sounds like shit to us. Plus we have Spanish blood to a degree so we already genetic hatred for the Muslims.

>improving anything
Then they would stay in their birth land and improve that.

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You don’t have the right to lie in Islam even to non-Muslims except in the following case: small lies to help enhance the relationship between two people, lying if you are fearing for your life and perhaps if you are a spy for an Islamic state. You know according to Islam a Muslim must be truthworthy and basically a liar/cheater or whatever must be punished (even if the victim is a non-Muslim). You have basically all freedom in Islam except for degenerate stuff such as lying, cheating, murder, stealing, charging interests, eating non-halal meat or pork, drinking alcohol or taking drugs. In addition to that you have to pray 5 times a day and fast one month a year.

I understand that you might not like Muslim countries especially that their leadership is everything except Muslim and that they have been completely destroyed.

Taxing non-Muslims was historically been done in exchange for non-Muslim to not serve in armies. It was also a way for the Ottiman empire to levy taxes and make some money (which is the reason why they didn’t encourage mass conversion at the end as they were more preoccupied by money than religion).

What a liar, Joe & Mike will be forced to take arabic shit-names instead of decent names their parents chosen for them.

Why do you follow hadith when the Quran says not to several times?

I am with you on some things. Lying, cheating, murdering, stealing, usury are all degenerate and should be outlawed. The hala meat and pork thing is bullshit, same goes for alcohol and drugs. If people want to eat bacon and drink a beer who are you to tell them they cannot?

I fucking knew it! since I was little I didn't like fucking mexicans

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Also, you guys hate dogs ffs. Even if I agreed with you on everything else the whole anti dog shit with Muslims is a deal breaker.

What are the odds that your Spanish blood got Arabized during the Caliphate rule in Spain?

Islam isn’t for a specific group of people. Learning Arabic is cool as it is the langage of the Quran but except that you can keep your culture and the rest, even if it is considered better to have an Islamic Arabic name.

Quran is the word of God. It is always the only reference and if a Hadith contradicts the Quran, then the Hadith is false. Quran is always true and there is only one version.

Hadith are just oral testimony of how the Prophet behaved at his timely soecific situations. As it is only reported words, some are false, some are true. It is mainly used to understand the principle on how to behave in certain cases. That being said, I sometimes disagree with some Hadiths as I believe some doesn’t make sense or seems fake (Islam is quite a decentralized religion so there is no specific authority. If an imam says something completely wrong, I can confront him for example). The main principle are clear and already detailed in the Quran.

The real question is "When will Esoteric Hitlerism replace the failing degeneracy of Islam?"
We already have a prophet and are persecuted like all upstart religions.
Just you wait til islam starts having vajazzled hijabs and shit and all your shitskin relatives start wearing make up after being away form your shithole countries.

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A 7th Century Death cult as an answer to the West's problems? Yeh, no thanks, Ahmed.

100% this

Oh boy, we're going to have terrorist cartels soon.

>Latino Sharia
I swear to God
This is Jannies trying to destroy the site
They're culling perfectly good, pro-right threads
and simultaneously they are promoting shit like this
Fuck Yous
and Fuck Jews
and Fuck Niggers

Attached: Stand.jpg (1200x672, 59K)

Kill it with fire.

I think it is more of a Arab cultural thing than a religious thing.

I know that if a dog drool touch you, you need to clean yourself and redo your ablutions before praying but that’s all. It is also recommended to not keep dogs at house (to be honest, I don’t know if it is coming from religion or Arab culture?)

You can read this article

And by the way saying that Islam is about dogs or whatever is completely narrow-focused. There are thousands stuff more important than this question. In Muslim communities today you have some guy who think that Islam is about growing a beard and praying 5 times a day but do not hesitate to lie or cheat in business but will come to you and tell you that you are a bad person because you entered the mosquée airy your left foot instead of your right foot. Usually everybody laugh at these guys.

>even if it is considered better to have an Islamic Arabic name.
ah, shut up. Christcucks do the same - you cannot be christened unless you're given a christian name. You may use some other name in your civil papers of course, but you'll have name of abrahamic denomination of your choise or circumstance (and probably not only abrahamic: to rename a person is one of tools of gaining mind control over him, both in magic and in some obscure psychology.

Traitors, they will be hanged on the second Reconquista

It would have been Moroccan blood, which is berbere and not arab

Sicario2 speaks about cartels being considered the same as terrorists (those who use violence to reach their political goals) though I don't know if they follow actual politics or lead it, or none.

It is better, especially for integration purposes but nobody gives a fuck. Thousands stuff more important to do than a name. You can be called John and go to Paradise. As said before, this is focusing on narrow stuff that are not important. What matters is believing in God, doing the 5 prayers, doing Ramadan, giving the mandatory zakat (charity) to the poor, try to go to Mecca once in your life and behave properly (no drinking, no drugs, no fuck before marriage, being trustworthy, etc.). You name has absolutely no incidence on your relationship to God

Is that why some Spanish look like bazaaris from Marrakesh?

>Terrorist cartels
Like chopping heads of innocent by drug lords isn’t terrorist enough for you?

Most of the rituals and traditions of Muslims come from hadith. Allah says explicitly NOT to follow ANY of the succeeding texts.

>. Learning Arabic is cool as it is the langage of the Qura
In that case I prefer to learn ancient Greek to read theogony, Iliad and the odyssey; or Latin to read the Aeneid and metamorphosis.
A thousand times preferable than learning the language of a foreign religion

Couldn’t say. From my experience Spanish have different facial features. Perhaps in South of Spain the distinction is less clear (the Moroccan empire ruled from Andalousie) but in cities like Barcelona you can easily distinguish à Spanish from a Moroccan

I did a dna testing I got about 36% Spanish/ 34% Portuguese/ 2% North African.

It does say in the quran "The Angels (of mercy) do not enter a house that has a dog or a sura"
So I can see why people don't like dogs in Muslim countries/cultures.

As said, Hadith provide context but what really matters is Quran.

Some example of Hadith:

Religious Tolerance logo

Quotations from the Hadith:
Sayings of Muhammad (pbuh)

horizontal rule

Sponsored link.

horizontal rule

Some hadiths:

>"Religion is very easy and whoever overburdens himself in his religion will not be able to continue in that way. So you should not be extremists, but try to be near to perfection and receive the good tidings that you will be rewarded." Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 2, Number 38
>"It is better for a leader to make a mistake in forgiving than to make a mistake in punishing." Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 1011
>" '...what is the best type of Jihad [struggle].' He answered: 'Speaking truth before a tyrannical ruler.' " Riyadh us-Saleheen Volume 1:195
>" should show courtesy and be cordial with each other, so that nobody should consider himself superior to another nor do him harm." Riyadh-us-Saleheen. Hadith 602.
>"Anyone who believes in God and the Last Day (of Judgment) should not harm his neighbor. Anyone who believes in God and the Last Day should entertain his guest generously. And anyone who believes in God and the Last Day should say what is good or keep quiet." Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 8, Book 73, Number 47.

So reading these Hadiths, people will try to be nice to their neighbors and guests. Try to speak truth to a tyrannical leader (well nobody does that in Arab countries today), remember to forgive instead of punishing, etc.

Do whatever please you my friend. If you have a question, feel free to ask.

so meme flags are actually ((((((((((((((greeks))))))))))))))))))

White sharia would venerate dogs as sacred animals. No camel piss around these parts

Made a quick research. It is coming from a Hadith (which could be false) but not from Quran. In my opinion, it is better to not have a dog in the house and to have it in the garden instead but it is not like you are burning in hell for having a dog in your house. However what is quite sure is that if it’s drool touches you ou will need to clean it and redo your ablution. Avoid also praying with your dog in the same room.

Humans are like a pendulum.

After strict Christianity, we all wanted freedom from it.

Now after people are dying from drug overdoses, divorce, transgenderism, single parents homes, etc. people who strength that only comes from religion.

Now they want Islam. But Islam’s time to fall will come also.

born Muslim or are you a convert?
What is the desire to do proselytizing?

Thats really more an Arab thing than it is a muslim thing

they come from parts of the world where rabies is an issue

Ok then do that and remain ignorant of the truth.

That just sounds retarded to me, and you aren't going to get white people to go along with Islam with shit like that being considered normal in Muslim culture. A dogs drool touches you and now you are unclean, yet you guys wipe your ass with your hands right?

White will embarrass islam:

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More details. Seems that the whole Arab culture to hate dog is based on just a Hadith that is not really relevant.

All the versions of this report claim that angels will not enter a dwelling that contains dogs or pictures..

2) This report is rather inconsistent with the Qur’anic narrative on dogs, in which we are told in the chapter on the people of the cave that they were a particularly pious group of people and the subject of a great miracle and blessing from Allah. And yet, the Qur’an is careful to point out that the people of the cave were accompanied by a dog, and that both humans and the dog were the subject of God’s miracle and grace. It would be rather incongruous to claim that angels did not accompany the people of the cave because they had a dog, or at the very minimum, it would be extremely speculative to pretend that a blessed and pious people mentioned in the Qur’an were denied the presence of angels because of their dog;

3) More importantly, this hadith makes a claim as to a matter of ‘aqidah (an article of faith) because it addresses a question involving the absence or presence of angels who are in the world of ghayb (or the unseen). Yet this hadith was categorized by all scholars of hadith to address a question of adab (a question of etiquette or proper social conduct). A hadith that could be considered credible enough to inform a question involving adab cannot be considered effective in matters involving ‘aqidah. Put differently, adab hadith or hadith that arise from the category of social etiquette are too low on the totem pole of authenticity and weight and thus, cannot be counted as effective or of sufficient weight to affect a question that involves faith. Hadith that establish articles of faith or ‘aqidah are...

It's a Christian heresy that revolves around the delusions of a demoniac

Cf my other post. My judgment was more based on my Arab culture. It seems there is no reason to discriminate dogs in Islam.

For the impure stuff, well you need to redo your ablutions after sleeping, touching your winny, ejaculating, loosing consciousness, penetrating a vagina, after pissing, farting or shitting. In case of penetration or ejaculation, you need to redo the big ablutions. In other cases you just need to do the small ones (always learnt that dog drool makes you redo the small ones)

But wasn't that about showing that Allah could communicate and control dogs as they obeyed him by not crossing the threshold into the cave/home? The fact that you have hadiths just like Jews have their Talmud concerns me A LOT. Christians don't have that shit. They have the Bible and that is it. Nothing else matters.

Born Muslim and born in France. Lost faith and went a little bit into degeneracy (nightclubs, etc.) but nothing extreme. Now religious again for some months after understanding that my life was shit without God

Well you don’t have the hurt yourself stuff in Islam (maybe Shias do it but Sunnis doesn’t). We have no central authority (Shias don’t count) and you can seek science. Rules are quite simple and your faith is only between you and God

Many of these spics are coming from Catholicism

I don't blame them, either

Well for me the heresy is to say that God has a son for example

Kill them mine crafts

That story could have a twist:
here an autist who actually read those boring books tells that Allah killed Muhammad exactly the way he was told to die if he makes false prophecies:
In this video a muslim debating that autist tells that he doesn't accept rule of khalifs who interpreted Quran putting later verses into priority before earlier ones.
If we combine this two assumptions, russian muslims who live their lives peacefully could be the only true muslims. They whether had some better interpretations or they are such good people that even islam didn't make them insane.

Except taqyiaa right?

Who is your god? A castrate? Even dumb ass like you can have a son. God has many.
Jesus even told that we're all god's children. But interpreters fucked that all up as usual.

What is taqiyaa?

here's the other video:
(the one with debate)

>Spic muslim


Ok just googled. That’s what I said. You can lie if you are at risk of being out to death. For example pagans used to torture first Muslims until they said that God didn’t exist. If you say so, it is not a sin as you have been under constraint. More usually, stuff made under constraint are not counted as sin (well if somebody tells you to kill somebody or he kills you, you still don’t have the right). But let say you out a gun on m’y hesd and ask me to eat pork or alcohol. Well it would not be a sin. By the way you can eat pork if your are suffering starvation.

How acceptable is polygamy to these people?

I mean, I don't think I'd want four wives, maybe just two. That way I have a back-up if one can't produce any kids, and I can get one with a petite body, and another with a curvy body.

Castiza Shariah when????
I'm fucking down. No joke. I'll move to Texas.

You follow a false prophet, silly.

Islam is a syncretism between Judaism, Arian Christianity, Gnosticism and above all Arab polytheism. Almost everything about it predates the religion. The Hajj was performed and the rock they worship was in being worshiped long before the false prophet Muhammad and his merry band of murderers came along.

"Show me just what new Muhammad has brought and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." - Manuel II Emperor of the Romans.

Well Catholicism has many of the same anti degeneracy rules built in that Islam does, but whites don't really enforce these religious laws. Western countries are all about freedom for all for the most part and thus it also allows Jews to push degeneracy unabashed.

Polygamy is authorized but it is highly recommended to have only one wife. If you want several wifes, you must obtain the first wife consent and you have the obligation of treating them equally. Also don’t forget but as a husband you have the obligation to provide everything for your wife(s) such as clothing, housing, food, etc. If she makes money, it is completely her and you don’t have the right to touch her money. She can make more money than you and ask you to still provide for her. She can still give you some money but only on her will.
Also you have to respect the law of the land except if it states something completely unislamic such as murdering people or drinking alcohol. In this case you would not have the right to marry several women if the law of the land forbid it.

It's better to let you be free to be a faggot, otherwise your perverted nature will grow into something even uglier.
It's better to let people drink alcohol, because in european culture the dumbest fags get pissed and everybody see them as assholes, but in muslim worlds those fools spend that energy to make a career as politician or something to shit on everybody else with their stupidity.

We don’t worship any cube or rock. It is just a rock and the Kaaba has been destroyed several time.

Muslim societies are degenerate. It a Pharisaical religion with a bunch of loop holes. Most of the recognized Caliphs were big into buggery and degeneracy of all sorts. Two or three were open trannies or faggots.


Yeah so you pretend that you are in "danger" in our countries and just lie out your asses

Perhaps but as said à Caliph is mostly a political leader. If he has a bad behavior, population will try to remove him but he is not a religious authority. Islam is decentralized and a Caliph is just a human who can sin and he cannot make any religious ruling. He can still call Muslims to go to war if the state is attacked.

leave christianity brown man

it was foisted upon you by those filthy spaniards(who we will one day bring back under the glorious umayyad caliphate, WHERE THEY BELONG)

I am not a religious person, although I do see some benefits to it for the unwashed(retarded) masses. You can give a group of people all the help and love in the world, like we do for niggers in the west, and they will still be degenerate retarded pieces of shit. Religion can only do so much. Genetics/Culture/Epigenetics is what really matters.

Lying in what. Nobody is in life the eating situation in Western countries. The situation would be valable if a neonazi comes and ask me if I am a Muslim. Either I can beat him and I’ll do it or if he can beat me badly Inwill say Inam not a Muslim until he is out of vision.
To be honest, Western states are more Islamic than current Arab countries (few corruption, religious liberties, taking care of the poor, education for all, real justice, etc.) even if some people are suite degenerate.

Who are the "exalted cranes whose intercession is hoped for"?

Will go to sleep now as I have to work in 5 hours. Will reply to one or two questions before leaving.

"Context" isn't the addition of things never mentioned. Would you follow the everyday practices of Nūḥ pbuh if they were not authorized?

>These are God's revelations that We recite to you truthfully. In which hadith other than God and His revelations do they believe? 45:6

>Or have they not looked at the realm of the heavens and the earth and all things which God has created, and that perhaps their time may be drawing near? Which hadith after this do they believe in? 7:185

>God has brought down the Best Hadith; a Book that is consistent in its frequent repetitions. 39:23

>So in which hadith besides it do they believe? 77:50

>Or do you have some other book in which you are studying? 68:37

>This is not fabricated hadith, but an authentication of what is with you, a detailed account of all things and guidance and mercy for people who believe. 12:111

>We did not leave anything out of the Book; then to their Lord they will be summoned. 6:38

>We have brought the Book down to you providing explanations for all things plus guidance and mercy, and giving news to the Muslims. 16:89

>A Book that has been brought down to you, so let there be no constraint in your chest because of it, and so that you may warn with it, it is a Reminder for the believers. You shall all follow what has been brought down to you from your Lord and do not follow any allies besides Him. Rarely do you remember! 7:2-3

>Among the people, there is one who trades in baseless hadith to mislead others from the path of God without knowledge and he does it as a mockery. For these is a humiliating punishment. 31:6

When was the earliest one written? 200 years after the Prophet's death?


>When will white embrase islam?
The same day we embrace slavery and indoctrination; NEVER.

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Fuck trump that stupid piece of shit he's ruining everything

Many states in the western and southwestern US decriminalized the practice of polygamy, due to high concentrations of Mormons.

>You don’t have the right to lie in Islam even to non-Muslims except
you lying piece of shit, KYS
How dare you lie to us?

Not my Latino brothers FUCK

Have you thought of al-Lāt and al-‘Uzzá
and Manāt, the third, the other?
These are the exalted gharāniq (cranes), whose intercession is hoped for.

Yeah I think so that’s why I don’t really follow stuff like dogs interdiction if there is an interdiction coming only from a Hadith while there is nothing in Quran. Quran is quite clear but I am not an expert on the Hadith matter as my knowledge remain quite practical

Ok then you could do it if you respect the conditions I said.

Lol hoping for intercession from a crane will send you to Hell as it is a big sin. No intercession between you and God - you can talk directly to him via your thoughts

Wtf? Dogs were one of the closest companions in Islam. Hell in the Qur'an god saved the people of the cave alongside their dog companions

>Taxing non-Muslims was historically been done in exchange for non-Muslim to not serve in armies.
Fuck off with this garbage. This is the "moderate" islam face that you like to put on in public.

10s of thousands of our men were killed for not paying Jizya tax and 100s of thousands women taken as captive slaves.

t. Indian Pajeet

We've seen the entire destruction of our society at the hand of you savages so we know a bit or two about the goodness of islam.

Yeah after research it is more an Arab culture stuff than something coming from Islam.