How safe is Australia for Redpilled people?

How safe is Australia for Redpilled people?

I just want to have kids with my wife, a property and some fucking dogs.

Is Australia a good place for that or will my kids be on hormones by the time they're 6 and ready for a sex change at age 12?

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Oh Jesus, that's not very good news.

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It's pretty safe out in the rural and regional areas. People out there are generally white, heterosexual and casually racist. However, if you're not from here already then fuck off, we're full.

Australia isn't some patch of dirt on some random ass planet that you can just up and plop your home onto!!

We already live here. You are not welcome.

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Tasmania is safe with terrible healthcare, Country Victoria has a few safe havens as well but most of the country is going to shit otherwise.
And no one wants to live in the desert so fuck that.

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what the absolute fuck?
what the fuck?
No license?
Killed a kid?
Gets off with community service?
Even if it is a fucking accident you get 5-10 years for that shit and are never allowed behind the wheel again, tell me there is not a racial bias here...

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Australia is pretty leftist generally.

The media is the same as US and UK. Our politicians are on the same level as UK pretty much. We just dont have the demographic change yet. I mean its happening quickly but we are still behind US, UK and Canada.

And we are importing large numbers of actual africans who keep nig nogging and its redpilling a lot of people but the government maintains that there us no problem we need to stop being racist.

Are the judges niggers or something?
Why are they getting off scott free?
Why is no one doing vigilante justice on them if the police won't serve justice?
You city people are 17 kinds of fucked.

in america this is 25 to life.
and you will be sued by the family for every last cent once you get out.

there is absolutely no consequences for murder here.
the punishment for murdering a child is just to spend a few afternoons picking up cans on the side of the freeway.

t. city person
Cities are leftist and that is because of corruption from Jews who perverted education.


Simple answer.

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That is manslaughter not murder, you still get punished for manslaughter.

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The Chinese are exploiting the liberal immigration policies of AUS, CAN and NZ to colonise the strategic coastal cities of Sydney, Melbourne, Auckland and Vancouver so as to deny these cities as anchorages and bases for USN operations in the Pacific Ocean. They’ve achieved this in Australia and NZ by exploiting the unregulated student visa program. The Chinese Govt are funding the operation of Chinese owned and managed private colleges that exclusively enrol and employ Chinese, they’re creating a parallel society and these colleges will not only allow China to colonise Australia and NZ by stealth, they will also allow it to create a parallel society that is self-sufficient in all the services for such a society to function. To give you an example of how far China has infiltrated Australian society, the Victorian State Govt to which Melbourne is the capital city, has just signed onto the One-Belt One-Road initiative in complete defiance of the Federal Govt.

>insanely difficult to acquire firearms
instantly disqualified

it is incredibly easy to get unregistered or stolen firearms here.
the legal owners are the ones who have a hard time.

i see muslims dealing guns out of my local shisha cafe every night of the week, into the early hours of the morning.

It's not hard to get a gun at all, Go skeet shooting, now you can get guns.


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>fuck off we're fu--

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Obligatory response.

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Also just going to put it out there, pic related are all aboriginal land.

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>tasmania is safe

90% of road deaths on the island are white australians born in other states.

This place is no different from any other Anglo country.
Left-wing media and youth, lots of non-whites in the cities, whites in the rural areas, and demographic replacement going along as planned.

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>he wants to live on mars


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I'll just describe my experience visiting Australia for a week on a "vacation."

>Abbos were all around Sydney begging for money, Abbo kids wait in front of ATM's to steal your money.
>Tons of homeless black people sleeping on the streets of Sydney.
>Non white street hustlers constantly harassing people to buy hard drugs.
>Mosque on every other corner, more Asian and African shops than Aussie ones.
>Occasionally Muslims will decide to pray in the middle of street and block traffic for hours.
>Everyday there was some kind of protest which usually ended with protesters attacking police and vandalizing everything around them.
>One thing you'll always see in Australia is someone's car on fire.
>Young, white Aussie women are only ever seen with either non-white men or mixed children.
>Every single day more incidents of Islamic extremism keep happening.
>Australia has the world's strictest hate speech laws, complaining about migrants will result in years of imprisonment.
>Dangerous no go zone district all around Sydney where ambulances and police are attacked.
>Sydney is one of the dirtiest cities in the world, trash is everywhere, streets smell of shit and piss.
>Don't even bother taking pictures of anything in Sydney, everything is vandalized and covered in graffiti.
>The most common belief among the Aussies is that Australian national identity, culture and ethnicity don't exist.

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ugly cunt.
look at her turkey neck and droopy dog cheeks.. imagine how horrific her twat looks.

Forget the immigrants, go after people like this

I went to Sydney in 1998. It was pretty chinky.
Then I went again in 2018. I spoke mandarin at the resturant and to hotel staff. I saw a white girl on the train but it turned out she was a german tourist.

It's an outlying province, so the policing of speech is not as heavy here. People are more massively apathetic. Which in some ways befits a nation in a state of vassalage to America (or at least America's deep state network).
People are aware that little can be achieved politically. I've heard more talk about American than Australian politics. We know on some level who pulls strings here.
Many aspects of our institutions are clones of America.

This is all fake.

>i've never owned a passport: the post

It's not just the parallel society stuff. Universities already refuse to platform China-critical speakers because the Chinese embassy will call ahead of time and threaten to pull its students out. UTS is funded by China to the point where scholars at UNSW no longer consider its Chinese studies department reliable.

Did most people down there turn in their firearms?
>will attract severe penalties
How many people are knifed or bludgeoned to death during home invasions down there? I don't think the "severe penalties" would outweigh death in those cases.

As a burger, I can't even get my head around this logic whatsoever.

Why are you showing me these? They make me sad and makes me see Australia is not the racial paradise of blond Whites with some Abbos I imagined.

It's a rural setting I'm looking for.

Regions in Australia have different healthcare standards? What the heck.


So this is why Aussies complain about Chinks so much. I had no fucking clue whatsoever.

If you go at least 200km inland of the coastal areas you’ll only see true red pilled aussies.

Melbourne is also the Sweden of Australia

I work underground at a mine that’s a 6hour drive inland from Sydney and it’s based as fuck. But it gets a little boring if you got no mates.

>Many aspects of our institutions are clones of America.
Nah, totally different political systems. I mean from the local council on up.

Kek literally none of these things are true.
Sounds like you're describing a Jew's wetdream.

crime has been dropping for decades and aussies aren't as obsessed with it as Burgers. Bad shit happens everywhere but Australia is low crime and very low corruption relative to the world.

The people killed in home invasions are more often the offender, a fuckwit or drugged up kid, by the property owner, a giant fat white cunt who's just spotted an easy win. I've been following these cases since the early 90s.

Fun fact: Being drunk stopped being a defense in court in 1994.

Tbh, I don't intend to go to a big city. A place like Echucha would would be idyllic for me.

But Jesus, the rest of the shit you're telling me is concerning.

Do rural areas get affected as terribly as cities by this?

Just wanna go hunting, fishing, relaxing with my kids and what have you.

>If you go at least 200km inland of the coastal areas you’ll only see true red pilled aussies.
That's the plan. Absolutely based.

You simply avoid Sydney/Melbourne and move to QLD
You can buy guns (legal and illegal easily - there was only 2 firearms inspectors for all of QLD recently not sure if that's increased)
Property prices are cheap cause cunts don't want to live away from the coast. Most aussies are pretty redpilled but we could always use more resistance to the poz

>So this is why Aussies complain about Chinks so much
Yes and like you said most people outside of Australia know nothing about it.
Burgers and civnat retards saying "oh well asians aren't that bad" pisses me off a lot

>aspects of
What I mean is we have very similar discourse in universities as compared to America, although a whisker less insane and puritan. We have the same foreign policy as America. We likely have the same relationship of criminal networks cooperating with intelligence agencies.
Australia is different and independent in many ways, I'm not trying to downplay that. And our formal institutions probably have more in common with Britain.
I'm unfamiliar with differences in the structures of our local governments, although America seems to be much more of a patchwork when it comes to laws, law enforcement, and power in general.


I'm hoping some Australians have heard of Fiona, she's a victim of deep state satanic ritual abuse, one of the most vocal on Twitter and very believable. Check her site

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Come to Aus my friend and love in a small country town on the east coast
Very comfy, great pay and just in all a good place to live
The smaller the town the less chance of meth heads

>move to QLD
Yeah it seems like the only option but I'd be scared of developing skin cancer there tbqh.
>t. paleskin

>and aussies aren't as obsessed with it as Burgers
So you're cucks
See this:
The fact that this guy didn't have the option to defend himself with a firearm is a disgrace.

>Just wanna go hunting, fishing, relaxing with my kids and what have you.
You'd probably be alright from what I know. I live near the middle of Sydney.

The other poster is pulling your leg.

>the rest of the shit you're telling me is concerning
Mate he just made every single one of those points up.
He's just a JIDF troll.

>1000 mass shootings in 1200 days
tell us about disgraces, my 56% black friend

dont come here, especially the urban areas. all leftist trash. will make you vomit

meant for Do you remember when they removed our government over their secret base here? Nobody else does either.

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Just dont move to a city and you'll be fine. Avoid Victoria and NSW at all costs


Fucking 95% of flora and fauna will kill you, if the drunk bogans don’t. That’s why the cunts drink....

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>oh well asians aren't that bad
I'd say this is legit "US planting troops in Romania just in case" tier bad or worse.

How is the Aussie government allowing this? Are they under a payroll to keep out of it or something?

Mate you're only gonna get skin cancer if you're walking around shirtless in summer. Just wear a hat and some sunscreen if it's getting hot

>Australians can't own guns meme

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now show us yer loicense, m8

Can you use it in self defense M8?

If America, Canada, Britain, UK, Australia and New Zealand are all compromised, where are whites supposed to go? We literally have no anglo countries left.

Sure, there might be white enclaves within the countries, but look at Rhodesia, look at South Africa. Once we become a minority, it's over. The Chinse, mulsims, niggers, whoever, they will literally steal our land and kill our families. Whites will be wiped out completely.

As far as I know you can shoot someone in self defense at your home if you have a gun. You just can't cc it with you and shoot someone who tries to mug you, you also can't get one exclusively for self defense. But you can tick hunting or sport shooting instead and you're right

>The other poster is pulling your leg.
The absolute cunt. I didn't come here to get shitposted. I came here to be informed.

I once learned Aussies shorten words to fit in more curse words. The whole "Maccas run" thing being a way to take out as many syllables as possible to include "cunt, fuck off" and such more easily.

It's the urban areas I intend to avoid.

Any safe place for farming and raising a family?

Yeah, we're in a state of vassalage. It's just that Anglos have this meme where dictatorship is bad, so everything has to be hidden.
We pledge our troops and support for whatever America wants, we generally go along with them in terms of what their oligarchs want for business (the TPP), we let American allies sell drugs, we buy useless military equipment of them as a form of tribute, we let the CIA infiltrate our unions and possibly ended up with someone on the CIA payroll as a prime minister, we let them station their troops here and have their listening station. And then, like you said, when push comes to shove we'll let them help displace our government if it's a problem for them.
We still have a sliver of independence, and their dominance isn't quite formal, but everyone here knows that America basically makes the choices, and it's why we don't focus on Australian politics.

We all need to move to some small country and overtake it like the niggers have done to us

> Picture not valid until tomorrow
Not so fast, Bruce Titor.

Isn't that good news? If they really follow through with that threat to pull out...

We don't all swear constantly. That's more something done online, ime, partly for the amusement and bafflement of foreigners.
If you want a look at what Australian culture used to be like, watch the film The Castle, but also watch a documentary on Lenny McPherson, and watch the film Chopper.

They don't though. The universities just refuse to platform people who say critical things about China. Not, afaik, down to the level of academics (except perhaps at UTS).

echuca is a meth town, even has been since i used to go there as a kid in the 90s.

my husband-to-be is an aussie, but him and i prefer the states. while australian cities can be nice (me and him aren't big on cities anyways) they're stacked and filled to the brim with chinks that infesting rural areas well, and apeafricans are coming they're way too.
the lack of gun rights is fucking pathetic, there is shooting ranges but you don't get the freedom like you have here with your choice of firearms. hell you can't even carry pepper spray and hate speech exists too, so you more likely to be screwed over as well with that especially if you're white.
i live in arizona and him and i love it, but amercia needs to crack down on nonwhite subhumans leeching off us. but other than i think there's more hope here. and i would want my kids to have american citizenship first, him and i don't want our kids to go through public schooling as well which you really can't choose in Aus

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Sorry brother, I'll try again tomorrow

I saw all of this in my travels to Sydney, and even worse in Melbourne and Alice Springs.
Ignore the shills, they are """Aussies""" who are actually Apex gang members looking to rob and kill you

New Zealand is small enough, I think we could take over the South Island at least

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Just stay the fuck out of the cities ESPECIALLY that shit show, Melbourne. All these darky gangs are just bred there.

Azimuthal maps are a fairly good predictor of what populations one is going to be around in a location

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Maori's fucking suck, plus the country is in a perpetual state of Earthquakes which requires money to fix the damage (drain on resources) wages are slave labour tier and imports suck so there is barely any international products. They have to brew their own beer because they can't get anything else. I had a guy from NZ tell me once Molson was the rarest beer he's had and never seen it before.

>We don't all swear constantly.
Hmm I dunno mate it's pretty common.
For young people at least saying cunt is very commonplace

Australia is safe as fuck as long as you don't live in certain bad areas in big city. There are sort of African gangs out there. We chinks are kinda annoying but we won't rob or rape you

Also keep an eye on your toilet. If you don't poo for two days then there might be some giant spiders hidden there to bite you on the ass.

The Aussies are quite racist and based. You must love them.

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Basically most of the politicians at the state and federal level are on the payrolls of Chinese billionaires linked to the CCP.
Chinese is keeping the economy float through its tourism and sending foreign students to pay a truckload to study here.
There is also a lot of corruption which let’s Chinese develop apartments and buy houses here which is making the government and top 2% filthy rich.
If you are thinking about coming, read the book ‘Silent Invasion’ by Clive Hamilton to understand how pervasive Chinese influence is here.

yeah swearing is definitely more common there lol my bf while visiting me kept swearing causally in a restaurant and i told him to tone it down a bit so some boomer doesn't try to get us out. maybe it was the area i was out but hearing kids curse isn't something australians seem to turn their heads at either

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I'd say U.S but there's too many niggers and their military would kill anyone trying to create their own sovereign nation inside it.

My next suggestion would be to try to take Vancouver Island, unlike the actual city of Vancouver, it's 80% white already. It's the warmest Area in Canada as well, minimum temp of 0 Celsius.

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Fuck off slut, tits or go suck kike dick


Threadly reminder that a discord exists solely for the purpose of shitposting on Jow Forums, with specific targeting towards /ptg/ and /sg/. There exists a group of people who's life choices have led them to a point where shitposting on Jow Forums has become the highlight of their day, indeed their very reason for not just suckstarting the first shotgun they can find.

They are responsible for ALL AOC, Kamala Harris and Tulsi Gabbard threads. They create porn threads. They are responsible for the BLACKED spam. They are the ones creating the "Honest thoughts on X" threads, the "how do we solve the X problem" threads, the "What did X mean by this" thread. The "are X white" threads. The blackpill threads, the consensus-breaking threads. The fake tweet threads. The Gillette spam threads. The Jow Forums threads. The "redpill me on X" threads. The off-topic horseshit. The disgustingly bad shitposts. The Smug White MAGA teen threads. The 'alt right e-celeb' faggotry. The transfaggotry threads. When confronted, they'll deny a discord exists despite the screencaps that exist of it.

This is your reminder that each (You) you give them gives them a tiny bit of hope that their shitposting will change your mind, will affect your thinking. They see you as easy marks because you've proven in the past you simply cannot help but shitpost when someone else shitposts.

user.. their existence is suffering. Pure, unfiltered, endless suffering. Haven't they suffered enough? Don't be selfish and give them (You)s to prolong their suffering for your enjoyment.

Withhold the (You)s. Don't reply to AOC, Kamala Harris or Tulsi Gabbard threads. Don't reply to shitposters. Let them finally realize the only way out is death. Let them find peace. Even their pet Mod. Yes, they have one.

Show some restraint, faggots. They literally organized on a Discord, tried to go full OPSEC and FAILED.


Although I'm not really sure how much of the island is actually habitable, but apparently there's a giant rain forest so there must be lots of land and resources

Mm nootka

picture is very related.

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Well anywhere you want to take has to have natural resources plus farmland, japs do well with their mountainous country so you can probably make it work. Forest is good though that's the type of environment you want. Aus probs doomed just like America due to demographics so at this point I'm just waiting to move somewhere else

tired of our countries trying to fuck us over, seriously no other race has been brainwashed and made to hate each other as much as we have. thanks chosen tribe
i would probably live in the adelaide hills or something suburban, i wish i could own guns more easily though but i still like my desert state for now

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sorry wigger the only time a woman is allowed to show tits is for her man

>minimum temp of 0c

wtf, i thought the northwest and vancouver gets super cold.
i was in washington last year and there was still snow on mt rainer in the middle of summer.