I finally figured it out. This was all staged. Massive PR firms wrote every word she spoke...

I finally figured it out. This was all staged. Massive PR firms wrote every word she spoke. They ruling elites used this for further divisiveness. The left was going to believe her no matter how convincing her performance and the right were going to back Kav no matter what. I was blinded by news reports and too entrenched in them. They told us what was going to happen before it did. They told us in the news "Kavanaugh is going to need to show how emotional he is" sure enough he came in fire and brimstone. Both sides it was all an act the results were in before the Senate hearing. We are all being played on both sides.

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Bullshit. The right despises rapists when there is actual evidence of their crimes. The left embraces and protects anyone with the proper politics right up until the instant they disagree politically, no matter what crimes they are proven to have committed.

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It's all Jesuit psyops.

This thing with someone who's either a complete Deepfake , Amy Shumer or Kav himself in drag (all 3 could be plausible), was to get a Vatican-Loyal justice, and the Sandmann thing is being used for reverse psychology to get Barrett , another Papist Justice in.

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No you faggot it was all an act she wasn't real. Her accusations weren't real. It was all a giant play. Watch both testimonies again you'll notice both of them break character multiple times it was all a script.

Yes, her accusations were not real, he is a liar who was paid millions of dollars in "support" money to lie. This fake person theory is retardedly over-reaching. Feel free to present evidence for it, but I highly doubt you can.

ain't it convenient there's a new scripted story every time a justice is on the way out and another Catholic is the likely replacement?

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Then why did they not charge her you fucking mongoloid. Either she lied and is guilty of a crime or he lied and is guilty of a crime. Both can't be telling the truth and the other committed a felony. It was all just a massive live action play. It was all an act by the elites to get us all riled up at one another.

I want everyone who reads this thread to watch both of them testify before the Senate. Both of them have obvious character breaks when shit gets to real.

Because they can't prove her wrong beyond a shadow of a doubt and that's all anyone needs to BELIEVE WOMEN YOU RAPIST!!!!!!!1111 It's a PR nightmare to even suggest that a woman is lying, let alone a brave wonderful courageous victim who was RAPED BY A WHITE MALE. The simplest answer is usually the correct one. They paid some piece of shit to get up there and lie to smear Trumps Supreme Court pick, heavily coached by a team of professional liars.

Link to Kav "breaking character" please. Obviously she broke character multiple times because she was a poor liar riding entirely on #metoo #believewomen

no DA would take that case. the media might actually have literally crucified whoever charged the bravest woman in history

When he apologized to klobachur. His conscience kicked in when he remembered her dad was actually an alcoholic and broke character.

How is that out of character for a legitimately decent person who is being falsely accused and doesn't want to stoop to the level of his accusers?

Glad you finally caught up....

Because her account was so incomplete, there's no real proof as to whether it was bullshit or not. If this was a criminal accusation, it wouldn't have even made it to court.

It was in the script for him to rebut like he was until he broke character. Come on I LIEK BEER SENATOR DO YOU!? This was such a ploy for poor right wingers to go Hell yeah I like beer.

>They ruling elites used this for further divisiveness.
True. They used the shit show to further keep us divided and to keep the news and trends going.
>They told us what was going to happen before it did
The news uses this type of predictive programming all the time, its nothing new. They put a narrative in your head, in the masses head. The narrative they want you to believe in and memory hole anything else thats actually factual and correct. Both sides do it, and both sides are pumped with jew dollars by the elites.
OP it sounds like you are coming to another redpill, and thats that no matter what, the two party split in US politics is all ran by the same corrupt elite. Did Trump change this? Is he any different from the other presidents that weve had in the past? Idk, some will tell you he is and some will even point to the obvious deepstate that is trying to ruin him. Or some will point and say that its all a dog and pony show, and they are just using him to further divide us and even the spread so that the left didnt have so many voters leaning towards voting for dems only. There is def. so jewry at play here, but its not as far fetched as you are wanting it to be.

Its a coldplay theatre of war where satanic elite and their pig men cops are battling lawless men who serve idols of the same satanic elite on a different side of the horseshoe. Its all a woodstock Cinderella tinder for a bonfire. The whores shoe fits in this babylon. Paid actors and 666 usury for fame and shame. Inglorious bastards behind every woman and child victimized. Toy soldiers for the luciferian liberal synagogue of demagogues and right wing oligarchs entertainment. Untouchable to pawns until the day they die. Fallen kings and god forsaken faithless and wicked boomers, punks, and even millenials now who are groomed to be twice the devil their parents and teachers were.
.Neither can live while the other is alive.
Or so the story goes. Left behind on pc metro bus time to prison

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You just figured out all of politics is a psyop and the mafia is the alphabet agencies?

actually she perjured herself with the attorney asked if she ever coached somebody on a lie detector test. then evidence came out that she did. that should have been charges right there.






