City Greening

Is it possible to create urban cities more friendly to nature and the environment?

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>Chicago is called the city in the garden
they do actually have a shit ton of trees all over
if they never get used who cares

yeah but you cant even begin to comprehend how

filling steel and concrete boxes with plants isnt the path to eden

I'm not one of those fucking trannies dude, and am legitimately curious, but the warning for others is welcome. Thanks.

What do you suggest?

I hear they are making roads that are capable of glowing in the dark to reduce electricity usage and some Dutch scientists have created trees that are capable of bioilluminesence

Green roofs are a fucking nightmare to work on. Installing a new curb for an HVAC unit you pretty much need to get an auger up there and a chainsaw and then some shovels its such bullshit, and on top of it you better hope nobody pokes any holes in the roof during its lifetime because you are going to have to dig up the eco matt and hope you got the right spot. Working on most roofs already involves sawzalls and axes and torches, no need to turn it into a landscaping project too. Plus you get roots going in the drainage of older buildings that get so bad i pulled an 80 foot root system out of a pipe the size of my arm. Nature and man-made structures are not meant to join.

and a shit ton of niggers, like a real jungle.

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Changes to infrastructure would be insane.

>So the team generated two lines of common Nicotiana tabacum houseplants that carried the bacterial lux operon from Photobacterium leiognathi. As a result, the plants canproduceluciferase and their substrates, luciferins. The company unveiled the Starlight Avatar glowing plant earlier this year.

There must be some means in which it can be done that would be both beneficial to both man and nature. You do have a point about roots being a problem for water and likely even irrigation systems, but somethung with a less harmful impact on ecosystems has to be an option in some form or another. Perhaps rural environments would be a kore suitable palcr to begin before going off into much more populated areas.

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No. Best thing to do is stop California style sprawl and conserve your nature outside the cities. 1 it separates the city and its uses from nature and 2 it is nice to take a trip out of town once in a while.

Could it be done gradually? Something like London would be a nightmare, but a smaller, more localized population centres could slowly begin implementation

City expanaionism is expected to grow up to %30 in the next decade alone

>have created trees that are capable of bioilluminesence
old retarded plebit tier meme
shits not happening

Nuclear-powered Green neoclassical cities is as patrician of a concept i can come up with.

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This. Cities need a limited size, build a city-wall to contain it. No skyscrapers, they are not sustainable, buildings should be max 5 story tall with some exceptions. Cities should be walkable, designed with humans in mind, not automobiles

Green Brutalism is unironically based and redpilled

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If it wasn't for fucking Chernobyl, Fukushima, and Three Mile Island, the public perception of nuclear energy wouldn't be as tainted as it is. Along with the maintenance and upkeep demands of old and new reactors including the safe disposal of nuclear waste, the technology and enactment of it is still a long ways before being seen as a viable option, regardless of its many benefits.

You say that as if any attempts to curb this urbanization aren’t even worth considering.

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There is a company that has developed a concrete with PH that is something around 6 if I remember correctly, it would be nice for that kind of use, moss would grow better.

That's a very good point, but then what about the issue of transportation within city design, or even just transportation in general? The mobile device in your pocket was a telephone, VCR/DVD player, a camera, a video camera, a television, and a personal computer with internet access little over 20 years ago. Yet the design of the internal combustion engine of a car which runs off fossil fuels has seen little change in over 120. Hydro electric and solar vehicles are just barely getting into the affordability range but it just can't be helped to be noticed that its been very slow going or even (((suppressed))).

What do you suggest or propose?

Even if it had less albedo and didn't cook or heat cities up like asphalt does, its a start.

Might I propose a better plan?

We nuke the Chinese, obliterate India and eradicate Africa with neutron bombs (for the major population centres, wanna try and keep some wildlife). All that phosphorus will grow nice new greenery and feed a new glut of herbivores which can then be preyed on by carnivores and hopefully we get their numbers back up. Then we steal and colonise every single resource for Europe and America.

The world is now down to sustainable populations with abundant wealth for all.

It's kinda like how we used to do it. Except this time there will be WMDs and we won't make the mistake of apologising for being victorious.

Thanks bro. Keep us posted.

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Very noble plan, bong. Now if only that pesky radiation wasn't a problem or those isotopes being carried on the wind to other nations

Absolutely. Singapore is a pretty good example. It is also a police state where littering will get your ass beat.

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Just think of the immense improvements to our city centres if we were to enforce the same restrictions. If you spit on the sidewalk or leave gum or trash, you will get your ass beat.

Maybe those gooks are on to something.


Not while NAMs (non-Asian minorities) live in them. And by Asian, I don't mean the Britcuck version. I mean real Asians like East and Southeast Asia.

Look at the color of the trees. They are about to die from all that toxic car exhaust fumes

kek, got 'em.


A city is an abomination and it's the root cause for social and environmental degradation.
You won't fix it with vertical gardening.

They already are. Cities provide tons of CO2 which give plants life

Naw dude, cities are inevitable.

Yes, with eco-fascism it targets the root problem, industrialization

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Trees aren't great CO2 scrubbers if that's what you're thinking, they also don't provide a lot of Oxygen. Takes many many trees to provide enough oxygen for just 1 person. That plus with nature you get bug infestations that you'd never be able to control without tearing down whole buildings or killing off all the "natural" vegetation. Cities already have pest problems, no need to add to it

Race war

>Is it possible to create urban cities more friendly to nature and the environment?
Sure. In fact if you were to REALLY do it, you'd build mostly underground. Down. Not up.
This way, all buildings are one level and many buildings just have a door going down with barely anything on top. This allows nature to freely grow everywhere topside. You wouldn't see buildings everywhere. But they would be everywhere.
You could have a whole city just beneath you, but barely know it.
It would probably be far more expensive to create too. Which is why it's not done.
But I sure would love it.

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What about building sized air filters?

What about earthquakes and tectonic plate movements?

The ones on the roof would need shit tons of water and you're going to be limited as to what will actually grow in that sun and the heat from all the concrete.

What if they were built in places of high rainfall?

Turf houses are a thing you know, you don't have to resort to hollywood sets.

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but muh lord of the rings

yes, it is.

the question is whether the jews will profit from it or not.

Well, maybe somewhere like Seattle I guess. But that concrete roof will get damned hot, especially if there's a few hours of direct sunlight, and suck the moisture right out of those plants.

remove non-whites and jewish people, and cities will clean themselves up

add to this that some parts of the building will not even get enough sunlight for plants to grow

Is there not one single goddamn thing in this world that we can have in this world that DOESN'T benefit the fucking kikes?

Yes there is. Higher taxation so only whites and Asians can afford to live in them.


It's a self-fulfilling prophecy in some ways. We're so adverse to building new nuclear reactors that the old ones with the less updated technology have disasters rather than being replaced. Then this is taken as proof that they're dangerous and have to be shut away.

There is no green alternative to the nuke, nuclear power is how we'll keep this planet clean if we're going to in the future. As the rest of the world develops, it's only going to want more power, not less. It can be nuclear or it can be fossil fuels, but it's not going to be fucking wind or solar. Our call.

Surprisingly you'll have more options in the shadier parts than on the roof. Up there you're going to be stuck with desert type plants. I mean, it could be done, but it's not ass easy ass just throwing some dirt in containers and then planting things.


Electric cars need to be joined with the self-driving car. Uber, Lyft or other start-up companies need to build a fleet of self-driving electric cars that can be called by the app at any time like a taxi. Flood a city with those; especially if they can all coordinate with each other; and they'll have everyone in the city subscribed in a matter of months. With no driver and no gas to buy, it'll be cheap as hell to run these things, and the short range isn't necessarily a problem; worst case scenario you have people change cars as needed.

That's not every ICE in the world, but hell, it would do a lot by itself.

The other thing is just messier planning. Don't have "residential" and "business" districts, let everything be mixed. A huge part of the problem is that cities are deliberately designed to generate commutes as part of keeping "work areas" separate from "home areas." If people could reliably get places near their jobsites, and there was a cultural expectation to do so, they could just walk to work instead. Hell, it might lead to stronger communities even, if everyone works near where they live.

Why would you want to? The whole premise of a city is to have as much important man made shit jammed into as small of an area as possible.

Kudzu. A green thing

What, those don't affect above ground buildings? What about hurricanes and tornadoes? Everything that can be built can be destroyed by nature.

Although I think there's something to be said for building around your area's common natural disasters. Tornado Alley buildings should be built to be tornado-resistant, Florida houses should be hurricane-resistant, etc. If that means they don't look like McMansions anymore, so be it. Let the architecture of an area have its own character.

And no fucking windows.

Wouldn't it be simpler to grow bioluminescent moss or something?

Meant for

All I see with that is taxation of some kind going up or those cars being government controlled. I can't find it, but I read an old post of an article that said that all cars produced by GM are going to be government owned and will be only available for lease instead of consumer ownership by 2040.

This looks like something you'd see in a dystopian sci fi setting, probably cyberpunk or post apocalyptic.

> And no fucking windows.
Hopefully an underground city would utilize screen walls and ceiling screens or projectors to show sunsets, sunrises, nature at all times, and you could go up to the surface anytime. I'm sure the surface would have people everywhere.
People might actually go out into nature when they were off work, because who wants to stay down below all the time. And people would be healthy.
And I think people should be allowed to sleep in nature. And rest out there.

That's feasible. I think the idea and endgoal would be to get off the coal-generated electricity titty. I mean shit, if an EMP or even a powerful enough solar flare can knock out our power grid then clearly another option should be implemented pand those kinds of power grid losses have been possible since the 1970s.

>Is it possible to create urban cities more friendly to nature and the environment?
You want to sleep with Spiders, cockroaches, ants, flies, and other shit that will either fuck you up or creep you out? Go ahead try it.

I'm not saying return to the jungle, dude. If something like this is possible within future tech, then clearly pest and rodent control will be as well by then

It's no big deal. If you're that scared of spiders just get an insect mesh in every window. And only third world shitholes have cockroaches

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>Vitamin D
>Air movement
>Access to services

Theres a reason carparks build up with decking not down, its doubles the price on the cut in alone

>t. Inside the mind of a bugman, the post

No, because you'll still have the urban youth wrecking all of it. It's a hell of a lot easier cleaning little out of a cement parking garage than it is a mini-forest.

I knew something was off about that post

Towns in Serbia, except for Belgrade which is a communist built concrete shithole, were full of trees and parks and streams and were connected to nature.
Communist took a shit on that by chopping down trees using concrete everywhere and by even destroying rivers.

Concrete is based. It just has to be designed correctly. Yugoslavia had good architecture:

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We used too, but the Jews made sure most of them were destroyed in WW2

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t. rural retard

I like drinking and a service like that would mean I'd never have to moderate my booze intake for fear of getting my license taken away ever again. I didn't even advocate taking away your stupid pickup that you never haul anything in anyway, so I'm not sure what even crawled up your ass.

This is in Seattle. Nobody goes there except for homeless, druggies, and whores.

Cities, by definition, cannot be sustainable.
t. southlands

My kind of place.

Imagine all the fucking Rats that would like there.

It's called Brutalism. It's a type of architecture that is supposed to be unapologetically imposing and raw. There is no fluffing with bullshit decoration or bourgeois fantasy, the functionality is the aesthetic. The result is a beautiful and timeless design.

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>fucking homeless whores filled with AIDS in a needle-infested, used-condom, vomit and shit filled soup.
Yea naw.

More brutalism

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Famous example: Boston City Hall

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Sainte Marie de La Tourette in France

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This scares the basedboys

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Would take a lot of work and cooperation to actually make our cities sustainable and fuck it, we all be dead in 100 years anyway. First thing we would have to get rid of is money and then all the rich people would have to live modestly and that is just not happening. They would probably rather gas entire cities than give up their yaughts.

Maybe if the poor revolt against the rich and murder them all, we would have a place to start from. WW3 could bring this change or a catastrophic solar event

Until then the world is just going to be a fucking shopping mall


Money is the only way to trade time.....