Attached: Screenshot_20190122-182115~3.png (1440x1231, 261K)
Chris Evans attacking kids, not apologizing
John Powell
Jaxon Ortiz
wow a hollywood pedocrat attacking children
people of color me surprised
Sebastian Martinez
Who the fuck is Chris Evans?
Luke James
Captain America
Hunter Bell
Plays pretend for a living, people care what he says when it’s not written for him?
Chase James
>people of color me surprised
fucking lost it
Evan King
when will the gay harvey wienstien version of producers going to be exposed? no way chrissy didnt suck cock for his break
Julian Wood
into the trash it goes
Michael Young
You just know Chris is a genuine cuck irl. I can tell because of his over exaggerated laughter, only insecure cucks do that.
Thomas Perez
White trash children aren't people, so there's nothing to apologize for.
Julian Butler
stop posting tweet screenshots
Cooper Rodriguez
These people genuinely believe that the present day is the moral and intellectual apex of humanity. They also believe that they are the most moral and intelligent people in the world. Meaning: they believe that they are the most moral and intelligent people to have ever existed in the history of Earth.
The classical Greeks observed that there was no greater failing than hubris - overweening arrogance. Those whom the gods would destroy, they first make proud.
Benjamin Reyes
>The opinion of a guy who pretends to be someone else for a living and doesn't get institutionalized for it is important.
Hollywood is a mistake.
Hunter Bell
I think he's gay. His brother is. He knows he won't get as many roles if he tells people.
Robert Robinson
At least Iron Man is on our side
Leo Gray
>calling out loutish behaviour
>attacking kids
Shit thread
Adrian Walker
Former host of Top Gear
Parker Ortiz
Meh, he hasn't been good in anything since Not Another Teen Movie.
Mason Peterson
Chris Evans got his break on Fantastic Four (2005), one of the executive produces (there were like 9 lol) for that was Kevin Feige. Kevin has a bit of a thing for casting twinks in his movies. Evans literally sucked Jewish cock for his role, fantastic four was his first big movie, which is fucking tragic and would normally ruin most legit actors but lil' Chrissy kept on sucking.
Nathan Collins
What a surprise.
Nathan Phillips
of course hes doing the soi face
Grayson Roberts
Think hes the guy that does that hot wings show on youtube with various celebs
Adrian Peterson
Ryan Butler
>make fun of captain sweden that doesnt exist outside of the joke
>meanwhile captain america
What did you mean by this?
Landon Ramirez
>who are the thought leaders of your culture?
We're probably the laughing stock of the multiverse.
Dylan Peterson
I cannot wait for the next avengers to be so fucking cringe pozzed that capeshit is literally btfo forever.
Think of the lefty faggot that plays thanos... how could any Jow Forumstard ever think that shit would be anything but gay propaganda?
Anthony Scott
what a faggot
Easton Adams
>Taking advice from people literally paid for their ability to lie and fake shit
This guy gets it.
Logan King
Levi Barnes
homeboy finna get capped in america
Parker Anderson
Its over friends.
Cameron Jenkins
Who the fuck is this?
Isn't it time to stop giving Hollyweird the time of day?
William Howard
But all you faggots will forget about the
whole Smiling-thing in 6 months and still
watch the next Avengers afterwards.
Austin Hernandez
I cant wait for him to become irrelevant after his little zog captain america gig is up
Ian Lee
Lincoln Robinson
>be ultimate chad
>get with hook-nosed rat
But y tho?
Gabriel Cooper
>female just names pop culture she can upboat
Was this satire?
Liam Rivera
more smug, faux virtue signaling; this retard thinks playing Captain America in movies makes him a moral arbiter
Eli Williams
Everyone should post that time he was laughing at the slut joke and reminding a smirk is nothing.
Nolan Wright
Oh dear, is the left going to hang themselves with their own rope?
Blake Gutierrez
No. We were supposed to be against Cap.
Camden Nguyen
Well, as per usual, when liberals try to make sense they prove themselves wrong.
Cameron Harris
Carson Hill
Chris Pratt was saved by Jesus.
Owen Reed
Captain Native America
Nathaniel Howard
Captain Cuck. He's a white male too. When they recast him it's going to be a 56% goblino.
Hunter Gray
Carter Lewis
We should end his career and get Disney to fire him. Not joking. It worked with James Gunn
Jacob Barnes
Brandon King
The teepee nigger did not show dignity. He walked right up to a kid and started beating a drum. He deserved to be beaten like the savage piece of shit he is.
Bentley Rogers
Did he retract or comment further once the other videos vindicated the kid's account?
Nah, RDJ was in that anti Trump video and he's a "principled conservative" at best
Jacob Wilson
>A kiddy diddler,who larps in front of a green screen dressed in spandex is the voice of morality in the US.
Burgers your "culture" is absolute trash,but what's worse is that you've been exporting this garbage around the western world for decades.
Jason Gutierrez
Besides the bit about the native american I thought Chris was talking about a new MCU film
Elijah Sanchez
I now identify as Native American. Where is Chris Evans? I need to bang a drum in his face for 3 hours.
Gabriel Gomez
>Chris Evans
>Ultimate chad
He's a Masshole with a gay brother.
It really shouldn't be a shock that's his a flaming faggot.
Christopher Gutierrez
Absolutely based and Christpilled
Noah Peterson
The one where after he won the election all those celebs were trying to browbeat the electors to vote hillary?
Jason Ross
Captain Weimarica.
Jackson Fisher
Lincoln Carter
Captain Walmartica.
Zachary Lopez
Christopher Jenkins
She is fucking garbage. She’s not even attractive for a kike.
Bentley Bell
>rich WASP blueblood kids
>white trash
Jason Moore
This is interesting because there's a screenwriter, I forget the guys name....who's gay, and said on a podcast or interview that there are a fuck ton of gay dudes in hollywood who HAVE to keep quiet because otherwise they're not bankable for roles (chinese people really dislike gays) and he's basically insinuated there are some huge ass closeted contemporary actors besides the normal suspects (Tom Cruise) who are gay as fuck and we'd all be really surprised if we found out...
Zachary Young
The fact that soi wars has already crashed and burned within a few short years just tells me that the tide is turning in our favor. Normies are rejecting one of the most beloved franchises of all time because the lefty propaganda and shitty writing is just that bad. The box office doesn't lie bitches
Cooper Nelson
He also said it doesn't apply to girls, like Kristen Stewart. She can fuck girls and nobody cares.
Daniel Price
You mean before Trump won
It was an Avengers cast video with ScarJo, Don Cheadle and a few others. Curiously Chris Evans was not in it
Charles Stewart
WHY ?!!
Parker Nguyen
It would be a nice bookend to the capeshit fad, with Marvel studios movies both creating and destroying it. Especially if they kill off Iron Man.
John Turner
Cuck is a POS who should apologize.
Christopher Thompson
Daniel Kelly
He's crypto.
Alexander Campbell
I've pretty much thought that for years.
There's too many actors that just don't give off a masculine vibe.
And it's always suspicious for a guy like Chris Evans who is pushing 40 and still unmarried with no kids.
George Clooney is definitely gay. He dated a literal Stacy and didn't breed her like a real man would have.
Samuel Clark
I was confusing it with this one
Been preached at by people who play pretend for a living so much I get them confused. This was after trump won and they were trying to get the college to swap their votes.
Lucas Cox
Why should he apologize?
Samuel Price
Tyler Garcia
the ignorance! the gall! i am literally shaking!
jesus this dude needs a life asap.
Thomas Brown
What a faggot
Eli Foster
>the absolute state of comics
just read a fucking essay at this point, same word count and more beneficial.
Dominic Barnes
I used to date a playboy model who knew a lot of the hollywood crowd. She had mentioned that a lot of big name hollyeood actors are guy. The biggest surprise she told me about was Keanu Reeves.
Ethan James
He's the guy that has butt sex with horses, right?
Thomas Gonzalez
Threadly reminder that you must be 18+ to post here.
And by 18 we mean 25 (zoomers are a little slow).
Logan Garcia
He's gay user.
Xavier Cook
>exporting this garbage
The United States is probably one of the evil powers mentioned in the book of Revelations
We don't just practice wickedness, we export it all around the world
Brody Perry
I read manga because I prefer the bubbles right to left with no width to fit words and shitty autist translations.
At least there's rarely any jewish agitprop.
Adrian Jenkins
Twitter was a goddamn mistake.
Elijah Ward
Reminds me of this post
Jason Clark
Super faggy or trying to be a chad?
>Chris: "I love fucking girls in the butt"
Michael Lopez
rich white people trying to avoid the gulag by throwing other white people under the bus, not today bourgeoise
Samuel Ross
Did she tell you about Hef's secret stash of sex tapes?
Josiah Roberts
>Captain America throws a fit against kid for being freaked out.
Need I say more?
Jeremiah Collins
That’s the same tweet he sent out initially tho
William Jenkins
that story could describe most "elite" Californians.
Jose Price
fucking degnerates
Bentley Clark
Jayden Nelson
A tremendous faggot
Connor Ross
Jacob Sullivan
It will be nice to see this fuck die in the next Avengers.
Ayden Perry
who cares. hes a fag with a hair piece
Anthony Bennett
He has s#yboy mouth.