Soldier hate thread

Fuck these government funded welfare thugs. They murder and pillage for the Jew. They bomb and invade foreign countries for financial gain. If one is to come across a veteran in the wild, it is likely to
>assault you for wearing a army hat
>go on a incomprehension babble about how freedom ain’t free
>demand free cheeseburgers at Wendy’s
>go on long tirades on social media
>kill himself
Avoid veterans at all cost.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Kys OP I hate your guts and all the anti American shills on this board

Do they really put the oven dodger badge at the bottom of the sword?

who would hate the men and women in service.
go to the doctor plz.

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They really aren't great people, at all. I have a handful of vet friends, and they are very aware of the flaws of their compatriots. An example is "that's for poor people and vets, but I repeat myself".

There's quite a few that will try to fight you if you don't have a sufficiently respectful attitude toward the US or the services.
Basic Vet is a condition.

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Nobody cares.

>soldier hate thread
>posts marine
are you actually retarded

Exactly what I was about to say lmao.

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Female DIs are a fucking joke, modern boot camp is so pussified now. Do these zoomers really get time out cards?

So you still haven't made weight?

Though I understand that point you're making and agree with your sentiment, I will say not all veterans are like that. In my personal experience, it's about half and half. For example, my dad did over 20 years and had a couple of tours and retired as a higher-ranking officer. But he knows what's up. He's the opposite of the stereotypical vet. One of the coolest guys I know. I'm enlisting soon, myself. But I made sure to get a nice, easy job in the Chair Force that'll never take me anywhere near combat because I don't want to die for Our Greatest Ally. I just want to see a little bit of the world and get paid to do it. And I want to finish college and live the rest of my life in debt. So I guess you can call me a welfare thug or whatever, but I think it'll be a decent gig and I'm not gonna be an asshole about it, even if I see combat.

you're not gonna see combat faggot lmao
no they dont

I don't hate them as people. I resent them for not seeing the lies that are being shoveled at them, and being unwitting tools of the zionist agenda.

Anyone that is aware of the jews and still serves, yeah, I hate you personally.

Serving the banker is a noble cause.
Huge banker bonuses are good for America.

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I know that, dumbass. I'm gonna be in the AF with a job very unlikely to. I said that. The last sentence was just referring to some crazy circumstances where I might actually be deployed to the middle east.

Stay mad Muhammed

I am a vet of two countries. Yes, we do see the lies and the hypocrisy. Soldiers are some of the most bitterly sarcastic people you will ever meet. Dark humor. Murphy's Law. Catch-22. Combat arms vets, especially.

Unfortunately ... maybe ... for men in this age, service is the closest approximation to a bygone ideal of being a "man". It's the final redpill for most because it forces them to see the world for it really is and, if they are lucky, to shoot. Because none of this matters. None of it. And some men just take it really well whether they want to or not. I know, I was one of them.

Kill yourself OP. I'm not saying this because I disagree with you but like seriously fall on a sword, run into traffic or jump off a tall cliff.

Film it so I can laugh. Or let us know where you will do it so I can come piss and shit on your dead corpse.

I really mean that. Because you are a worthless, brainless, faggot who couldn't get blown by John Wayne Gacey if you were dressed in a clown suit with your cock dipped in sugar.

Fuck off you loser. Never ever disrespect people that volunteer for society.

I agree... the fight for the jew ... no sympathy

Amen brotha.

>in another tab OP informs us:
>the military is going to go door to door killing you and confiscating your guns

>Never ever disrespect people that volunteer to die for the banker.

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milcucks have never read this book.

imagine being this ignorant.

not even knowing who Smedley Butler is.

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you are fucking pathetic

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Another Democrat or Antifa Shill, hey Nathan Phillips are you on Jow Forums,? that sounds like sound drunk feather nigger BS you would write. Claiming Vietnam Rambo status while you bravely intimidate 16 year old kids. Anyways you are a faggot and a shill Natahan.

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>be vet
>hate the military and gov't
>to the point I don't even cash in benefits
>call kids fucking dumbasses who want to join
>successfully dissuaded all but one, who was a liberal faggot anyway
OP isn't wrong though. Most vets are fucking garbage.

Who cares, fuck other countries. If we can make a profit off the dead children of other nations, we should do it. It's not like they bring us any value being left alive.
I'm tired of fighting the jew and losing, let's just be the jew. That's the only option this 56% country has left.

>Implying you've read that book
>Implying you've read anything

This thread is nothing but a coping mechanism for op who just can't handle that fact that the Covington kids did absolutely nothing wrong. Get fucked, op.

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The Listerine drinker was a vet.

i don't think you see the big picture.

pic related.

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>singing and hitting a drum is intimidation.
Secondly, Jow Forums has hated the jews and the military since it was made you dumb cunt.
Learn the fucking meme histories.

I came up with a new word for U.S. soldiers.


Looks like somebody got cucked by a Marine. How does it feel that your bitch turned away from your small dick to munch some wookie carpet?

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You’re reading it wrong, OP.

A lot of vets of fucking retards, that’s for sure. I would know, I went through training and I’ve met a ton of them.

That being said, if you have a brai you don’t join the military to be a knuckle dragging glorified janitor or some supply POG. You join to go into one of the Special Operation Forces. SEAL, SF, Ranger.

>hurr you r fighting and going for Israel!

Yeah sure whatever. Everyone who joins to fight isn’t doing it for love of country or some dumb shit like that. They see past the propaganda.

You join because you want to put yourself to the ultimate test. You want to be in combat, you want your life on the line to see how you will react, and if you can function and operate in the deadliest environments possible.

You want to see just how far you can go in situations where you can die.

Anyway, that’s why the real boys join. Everyone else is a pussy, you’re right.

>hurr durr it's a test!
It's politics and nothing but politics. Inside and out. And SEAL, SF, Ranger, all that shit is worse than the line army, since they work closest with politicians.
As you said: you should know. But you don't for some odd reason.
And you can test yourself far better outside the Army than in. In the Army you spend 95% of your time with, "Hurry up and wait," literally sitting around a motor pool sweeping or, worse, pretending you're useful as SF when you no longer are.

Disrespect the (((government))) all you want, but if you disrespect troops or vets you're a faggot of the highest order and are no better than the whiny libfags.

Yeah most of the army does just sweep up the motor pool.

We know it’s for politicians. All wars are.

Some guys reach for the higher tiers because they want to be in real high risk situations to see what it’s like.

Most people don’t get that.

The military is 100% cucked now. Women, trannies, and PC policies up the ass. Enjoy your six hour safety briefings, sitting around smoking for 8 hours on duty before being FINALLY told you have to wait another 4 before leaving, doing nothing at all, and listening to niggers scream, "I'll never promote a white boy in my Army," go right the fuck ahead and defend that.

I'm telling you that you don't find that in the military. SF or otherwise.

You aren't hating the military or politicians, you bloody fucking dildo, you are attacking the Veterans, just like the Socialist did during Vietnam. Eat shit and die.

lol k thanks for the update

the military is comprised of regular people just like the rest of the country. Not everyone deserves respect.

Do you not realize that most of these people are not in the military for all that hoorah freedom bullshit? The all volunteer military largely recruits people with the fewest prospects in life because hardly anyone with a choice would volunteer to get blown up. These are average people doing some of the shittiest jobs imaginable for shit pay. I think they’re entitled to a few burgers.

probably can't even join the marines if you wanted faggot

>at least I still have the constitution

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Another Antifa, Attack the White Veterans Shill bait thread of no fucking value.

Shit, you know what? I'll fucking tell you what it was like me applying for SF.

>SF recruiter comes in to talk to us.
>"Hey, yo, you're not in the "real" Army yet."
>Said shit similar to you.
>"Waaaaay less bullshit with us."
>Just repeats this a dozen times but says nothing specific.
>"We're so much more laid back too. Real men doing men shit. Army is second we respect manliness," yadda yadda.
>Ask him specifics on what I can expect.
>"Well, uh, can't really, uh, tell you, uh..."
>Starts literally dropping spaghetti out his pocket, full on fucking sputtering.
>He's fucking overweight.
>Point it out.
>Pulls LITERAL BULLSHIT and tries pulling rank.
>Ask him when the last time he had a fucking tape was.
>Gets offended and yells and huffs out the room.
>I'm Cav.

Yeah, nah, take your fucking recruiter ass out of here. Go roll a doughnut.

Little commie shit wants to have money go him.

> Veterans -> former retards that fought for the jew.
> Still retards

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fuck troops and vets
standing around for 3 years in a desert doesn't mean jack shit
look at all the fucking good their "sacrifice" did
that's right, jack shit

Now go vacuum a parking lot.

I'm not saying the military hasn't been cucked. Hell, I've heard stronk wymen literally say "yelling isn't conducive to my learning". Not to mention many training courses have been completely dropped because "they cause too much anxiety" (not even joking, these were the exact words). HOWEVER, there are still many brave men who think they're fighting for freedom. Everyone knows the "cause" is bullshit, but you must at least respect the self-sacrifice and dedication.

fuck white veterans
fuck you

Fuck everyone who thinks they are part of a protected class. You are all equally worthless.

>an actual fag

Dude it’s different. Go to selection. I’m telling you it’s a different world. You won’t regret it and if you train for it, it’s not nearly as impossible as everyone makes it out to be.

Fuck off Jew.

"Veterans" are the worst types of people to be around during parties. Even niggers keep their cool so long as there aren't several of them in one place. If alcohol is involved, they'll start ranting and raving about how they served or "what did you ever do for this country!"
They'll even try to fight you if you say something bad about the military like brainwashed, beaten dogs. I've seen it several times. One time I got into a wrestling match with one after I said George Bush did 9/11. I said it as joke, but he came at me. It was easy for me to pin him down as he was intoxicated. I did it right in front of his girlfriend. Then they both left.

No there isn't. There are no men in the Army that think this. They all know it's bullshit. Most stay in because they're career and looking for pension, too scared to leave because they don't know anything else, or realize it's an insult to their manhood and just fucking leave.

It's just as much BS as everything else. And you're full of it too. And it's "Q course," not selection. You can meme about that as much as you like.

> Marine
> Female

Nah bruh

Go suck off a box kicker and thank them for their service cuck.

Yeah and you are the Jew, Good Night my IDF nigger. Nice demoralization thread, didn't work, OP is still a faggot.

>he thinks there aren't any female marines

JEW ANTiFA reveals himself.

>and it’s “Q course”

It’s the Q you faggot, and it comes after selection. But why would you be up to speed on what the terms are, you’re clearly too much of a pussy to make it anyway so I don’t know why I’m talking to you.


athiest libertarian, but thanks for showing your hand fag

how many times did your wife cheat on you with jody?

Was friends with a couple vets

they all said it was a huge waste of their life and they wish they didn't do it

> Thinks there are actual female, marines

It's the new wave of military members. The ones who served in Vietnam and before didn't have a choice and are usually OK. Many had futures but got drafted and understand the flaws of the military. After the draft you just have people signing up who have no future or fall for jewish false flags. They aren't smart enough to make it to college on their own and they aren't smart enough to endure the indoctrination.

>be recruiter
>never actually went
>never joined military
>never joined SF
>doesn't realize it's a "twice volunteered" thing
>IT'S ABOUT THE CHALLENGE! (straight out of the promo vids)
You're either PV2 or fag, haven't decided.

Veterans are great because they're literally the only people I can talk with at college
I crack a harmless joke around them and they'll join in and start ribbing
I try that around a regular college kid and they scream in my face HOW CAN YOU USE THE WORD RETARDED!!!!??!! THAT IS SO OFFENSIVE!!!!

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>>Female Marine.
>>Slave who sits around and lets the men do everything.

You should've chosen a better pic related.

Let me put it to you this way dog, you can also lipstick on a pig, but at the end of the day it's still a pig. Keep lying to yourself boomer. This isn't the world where we just respect anyone with a uniform anymore. This is the world where our military is a welfare program for the mentally ill brown hordes. You can stick a woman in a marine uniform, that doesn't make her a marine. Clear enough now retard?

>be me
>2 deployments and an appetite
>head to Wendy's
>demand free cheeseburgers
>no free cheeseburgers
>whip out my facebook
>remind the world freedom ain't free but cheeseburgers should be
>shadow falls over me
>some punk in an army hat
>grab him, straight to arm bar
>before I snap it
>"here's the price of stolen valor"
>eagle lands on the counter, sheds a tear
>everyone applauds
>kill myself

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Whatever helps you sleep at night, specialist.

I'll take "Shit Than Never Happened" for 500.
I'm not talking about REMF fags, I'm talking about real infantrymen who put their money where there mouth is. Though it is true, many soldiers join simply for the benefits of it, but with a branch as large as the Army of course that's going to happen. But I've never met a marine who wasn't brave and dedicated to his beliefs. Bullshitters usually wash out within the first week.

>spells it out
You were never in, GTFO poser.

Should've gone to McDonald's.

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>service is the closest approximation to a bygone ideal of being a "man"
So is getting fucked in the ass


>can't read post IDs
And the other side is filled with as many fags.

Fucking trash.

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Marines are hypergay. They take "no homo" to the next level. Not even kidding. They can be station in a place with bunks and they'll be forced to sleep together in a huddle for "training" purposes.

And I've never seen them not do this.

I'm a militaryfag, but it seems like it's only a few of us who aren't completely indoctrinated. They readily lap up whatever is sold to them. Half of them are soibois trying to act badass. I can remember a few weeks back people saying "I can't believe Mattis resigned, he was the greatest SecDef we've had." Really? He didn't even fucking do anything. I had to stop myself from getting into a political argument with a coworker who still has only seen the 3 minute clip of the Covington kids and trying to talk like she knows what's going on.

And the best fucking part is they had some fat fucking Marine walking around with a bagpipe being annoying as fuck to wake them up, while the rest of us Army guys could only stare in disbelief at this fucking spectacle.

I'm a vet, joined because reasons. Most of the people i met thought they could do something good and maybe better themselves. Some did, some didn't. In the military it's a very low information environment. Do what you're told with what you've been given and don't ask any hard to answer questions.

Some guys were okay with that life. The ones who weren't okay with it and voluntarily ended their service have a very, very high chance of being some of the most redpilled. Maybe they have a hard time believing the idea that it's genuinely almost always jews but they DO almost always believe in bankers running everything and that wars aren't ever fought for noble purposes. They also understand that many noble and genuinely top shelf men have fought and died for shit they shouldn't have. Getting them to make the connection between bankers and jews is a little harder because the programming is so all encompassing but make no mistake. Many good men serve and have served and are just waiting to be deprogrammed because they know something isn't right with America.

>If one is to come across a veteran in the wild, it is likely to:
pay for your meal if you cant
help you change a tire
defend you agains just about ANYONE
defend your wife & kids
fix just about anything
explain just about anything to your stupid ass
kick the shit out of you if youre acting a fool
help you in any way possible.

keep cryin, bitch nigga

>I'm a militaryfag
>I'm a vet
Best not to say shit like that because all it does is send up LARP/"Stolen valor" red flags. Just make your point and move on.

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We say it so the point is backed up with relevant experience, fag.

Wow looks like I hit a nerve huh.

It’s fine dude you’re gonna get out after a completely unfulfilling and short enlistment and bitch about how it sucked, the maybe try and go to college by then quit because it’s dumb and school it’s for you, beside the professors sucked, the drift from job to job and keep quitting and/or getting fired because everyone around you sucks and you’re the only smart one.

Which is weird because you never actually start your own company or anything, you just keep getting fatter and shittier, blaming other people for your shortcomings. But hey, I promise despite how much you hate the army right now you’ll be bringing it up when your 35 at a bar trying to get laid.

Atheist libertarian, Antifa. Shit I just dated your whore mother when I got home, don't be upset with me love child. No wonder you hate the military, I wasn't there for you, Sorry son.

All citizens capable of serving should serve at least 1 year, in some countries it's mandatory.

How else can i get the point across that I've been in and know the environment and the people in these positions?

Call me a LARP, I don't give a shit either way. If you're not a newfag you should relatively easily be able to spot one and this thread won't last through the night anyway.

Most likely they're just a nigger.

Yes, you're, "hard." Good job, Jow Forums poster.

If you think brotherhood is "gay" then you're projecting. When you eat, sleep, shit, and bleed with your brothers you will form an unshakable bond.

They were sleeping on each other on the floor while beds were no less than 10 feet away.

Jow Forums poster hate thread
>complicit in zog takeover of information frontier known as Jow Forums
>masturbates to cartoons
>masturbates to loli/cp
>believe msm
>thinks they dont believe in msm even while having a whole worldview that is given to them tangentally through msm
>believes they are intelligent
>believes they are righteous
>doesnt know who ron paul is
>thinks this post is a refutation to topic in OP
>hates self
>big into memes and other status symbols in little internet cliques
>is the very drone they profess to hate
>probably has a jewish or nigger nose

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Wow here you are on Jow Forums, alienating all your White Nationalist Vets. Ones who got drummed out under Obama, same bastard who got many of us killed
So when are you going to kick off the big Operation DOTR. Are you going to hit the field and take on the military? I mean they are just retarded, brown hordes, women and trannies. They should be a real push over. SO grab a rifle and go for it. I bet you have them whipped in a week.