What's wrong, right, and downright ugly about your state? Post memes can we get all 50?
I'll start:
Good: 1. Food here is great eat'n 2. HS Football is great you can always find a great game any week of the season. 3. Good politics R's in charge and the state legislature makes life easy.
Bad: 1. Too many D's moving in. 2. Too many spics 3. Oklahoma has all the casinos.
Ugly: 1. Hot in summer 2. Tornados 3. It takes forever to get out of the state.
at least with more mexican cartel members, the 'don't mess with texas' motto will still be upheld, since people would be afraid of getting skinned alive, ey?
Samuel Miller
You must live in DFW
Robert Sanders
Brayden Gonzalez
Houston here. I did a roadtrip last weekend and my faith in the future of Texas was restored. Get out of town for a few days. You'll feel so much better.
Blake Ward
DFW fag here. Stay strong, we can restore the republic soon
Jose Perez
Houston is bad, but jesus, you and Austin are really filled up with poos, aren't you?
Cameron Rivera
Don't move here. It's terrible. Tell everyone were full.
Xavier Ramirez
Good: 1. Beautiful valleys and scenic nature in certain regions 2. Most towns are still overwhelmingly white 3. Amish folk still have traditional conservative values
texans, give me the rundown on the metro areas plz
DFW Austin Houston San Antonio El Paso Corpus Christi
Bentley Ortiz
I thought Pittsburgh was the most livable city in the country because it's so white?
Jordan Brooks
get ezpass senpai, it's like 50% off.
t 570
Christopher Morales
Dallas: Shithole Fort Worth: Based farmers with a couple of spics Houston: Less spics, still typical city. San Antonio: Texan history museum El Paso: Spic central Corpus Christi: spics, but cool beaches
Ryder Stewart
1. Fw is good, Frisco is all transplants, Dallas is shit, anywhere on the county edges are white.
2. Fags from California that will have their real estate bubble burst sometime soon.
3. Outer rings are whitests rings.
4. Military town full of spicanos
5. Ugly spic infested shithole
6. Smelly barely know it was texas type of place.
Adam Fisher
Florida, 561 reporting in
Good: 1. Lots of places to eat. I had ceviche for lunch. The beans make good food. Good ribs, burger places, and Murrican food too. 2. Good infrastructure. 3. There's stuff to go out and do. 4. There's racial diversity, but political diversity as well. FL isn't a pozzed blue shithole. We would be a red state without the blacks and Northeast Boomers. Most of the Cubans voted for Trump. 5. Lots of hot women. 6. People are fairly accepting and open minded because we have an international crowd. 7. Publix, best supermarket chain in America.
Bad 1. Smug nouveau riche Boomers 2. Terrible job market. Being networked is everything to make it here. 3. Cost of living has gone up substantially and it's hardly the bargain it was when the Boomers started flooding down here in the 80s and 90s. 4. You need to get comfortable living in a bilingual society. Spanish is spoken everywhere. 5. The weather can be tiresome. It's one long summer with sporadic breaks in the winter when we finally start getting into the 60s and 70s. Hitting the 50s is unusual and it feels like you struck gold. My family and I aren't sure we want to stay here.
Lucas Jackson
DFW >poos, Californians, super rich assholes who forgot where they are from. Extensive ghettos, also they think about Oklahoma and Tornados too much Austin >Every second license plate is Cali. Very liberal, hard to throw trash away because of all of the regulations. Go one county over and it's pure Texas. Austin is the worst cancer in Texas. San Antonio >Hope you speak spanish, the suburbs are nice El Paso >you need to speak Spanish. Army base, shitty downtown, literally nothing for hundreds of miles around Corpus Christi >Navy base there, nice waterfront, quiet beaches. Pretty nice living and really cheap.
Carson Campbell
Texas should secede and become a petro state. We've got more than enough oil left to do it.
Logan Peterson
I can’t contribute since I’ve only ever lived in Mass and NY and the requirement is to put good things about your state. Since I live in NY currently maybe I can do my best >Good At least here in Upstate white culture is still alive and well. Lots of idyllic town centers, gun culture is still alive, probably because a hostile state govt has pushed people to be resentful, and traffic isn’t too bad because most people have totally vacated the area fleeing unfettered liberalism: bizjournals.com/newyork/news/2018/05/25/new-york-ranks-no-1-in-losing-residents-to-other.amp.html >Bad Weather gives a whole new meaning to the word “gulag” >Ugly Unfettered liberalism (((multiculturalism))) High taxes horrible gun laws crime is through the roof rampant poverty main exports are frostbite and jobs
Evan Sullivan
Ayy centralfag here, too many niggers around.
Logan Perry
I live in DFW. If you like sprawling never ending suburbs and bullshit chains, DFW is for you. Just north is nice, just south is barren. All in all? Not bad at all. I rarely see police, which makes me carry more vigilantly than ever, but im fine with it. Niggers know their place unless youre south of 30. Stay away from middle cities and both city centrals and youre fine. Its pretty comfy here no matter what the shill haters say.
William Roberts
that philly thing reminded me about how my bro said on a short trip there he saw some hooker or bum lady there taking a shit in an little alley easily seen from the street. never been there, but that one anecdote always made me think it's a dirty city
Brayden Cruz
What part are you from? I used to live near Grapevine.
Leo Scott
Very few beaners. Lot's of the types of minorities that actually work and pay taxes. Still about a quarter black to keep taxpayers on their toes. Suburbs and beyond pretty much just white with pockets of blacks and a sprinkling of asians.
Asher Johnson
Pittsburgh's a great city what are you talking about
Bentley Perez
Carrollton. Its semi busy but feels almost “small town”. And Im from upstate NY. Moved here for freedoms and better opportunity and Ive found it. Grapevine is great and we love going to main street. AJ’s bbq is the shit
Cameron Carter
San Francisco, California
Good: Good spic food Public parks are cool for dog walks Dog friendly Public transportation brings you anywhere
Bad: EVERYTHING IS EXPENSIVE Hard to get a job unless black + a woman Cesspool of sjw degeneracy Too much niggers, spics and chinks Kids here are fucking awful degenerates Too much homeless people Too much fags Girls here are braindead and retarded Parking and traffic is ass Robbery is common Prob more bad stuff, too lazy to think of more
Ugly: Too much shit on the street (dog and people) Needles and garbage everywhere Nancy pelosi and Gavin newson
Angel Davis
ugly: 4. whataburger is slow as fuck, but also very tasty
Gabriel Gomez
I lived up there for about 18 months for a job. From Houston, back in Houston. I don't like what's happened to my city in the last 20 years. It's grown too much and there are too many people here who don't understand our culture and/or want to change it.
Luke Brown
You know, the best parts of Texas are really the in betweens. Fuck major population centers in general. >t. Lives in West texas.
Jack Wright
That’s what happens when you make everything fresh user.
Love the mushroom Swiss. Pattymelt is good.
Oliver Nelson
Dallas:decent Houston:humid shithole Austin: california El paso: Mexico San antonia: Mexico Corpus: mexico on the beach
Noah Moore
I have family with a ranch way out west between Midland and Lubbock. I feel like a different person when I'm out there.
Nolan Thompson
Come back up to Lake Dallas area. Thats where we’re looking. Mostly cause we like being near the water and there are plenty of quiet areas to buy a house. Afaik Houston is a lost cause. Lake Dallas is nice because its pretty and its close enough to work almost anywhere. Only thing thats sucked since moving here is finding land to shoot on. Even NY had more public land. Granted I couldnt take my AR’s out because they were illegal, but still...
Kayden Long
I'll agree with you about everything except Dallas. Dallas is a humid hot shithole with icestorms, tornados, and a large population of people from third world countries.
Xavier Rivera
Lived in Houston for a year. Humid as F and way too many big women if you ask me.
good: 1. Tons of people and stuff to do 2. Lax weed laws 3. Pizza is good
bad: 1. Winter is cold as F, especially if you are near Lake Michigan 2. No beach (north ave doesnt count, water never exceeds 50 degrees) 3. State legislature is laughable and the Dems who run it may as well be crooks if they haven't already been indicted
ugly: 1. Stupid expensive 2. Libtards galore an run rampant in rainbow colors and funny hair 3. Gentrification that has led to an intense heroin epidemic in between the city and suburbs, leading to high crime in ratchet neighborhoods
Eli Wright
Lol, where in NY are you from? One of my uncles ended up in Buffalo. We laugh at him nonstop for living there. I'm going down with the ship in Houston. I'm looking for some land around Brenham for a weekend getaway, but I'm going to stay true to where I'm from.
Grayson Walker
Solid red state.
# 1 in gun rights.
conservative AF
mass influx of Californians.
Now about to turn purple.
When it goes blue, migrating to WY.
Jason Jackson
Central NY about 30min south of the Adirondaks
Parker Moore
I've been up there a time or two. I was surprised about how right wing some of those towns are. They still get cucked by recycling and drive hybrids, but they mean well, I think.
Charles Ortiz
Literally everyone there who Im still friends with own illegal rifles and tons of 30+rd mags. Central NY is as red as red can be minus the fucking government. Its mob run by jews and guido mafia leftovers, no shit.
Joshua Barnes
Orange County, California
Bad: >Everything north of Irvine is an LA expansion pack with infinitely spawning spics >Last bastion of republicans in SoCal, quickly being eroded >Literally no houses under 700k >Expensive as hell > LE 1+ HOUR COMMUTES FOR 20 MILES FAEC >If they out-of-state bums aren't bussed into San Francisco, they come here
Good: >Weather is perfect >Best surfing in continental USA >Good infrastructure >le wearing shorts and a t-shirt to an office face >OC Sheriff kicks bums up to Santa Ana the day they blow into south county >Sheriff will also actively help you get a CA ccw license
Good: 1. Still quite a bit of MN culture left 2. Relaxed gun laws for a blue state 3. Everything outside the Twin Cities is /comfy/ 4. Amazing place for outdoor activities
Bad: 1. Twin Cities are leftist shitholes 2. Somalis are changing the demographics of suburbs and bringing with them higher taxes for the rest of us and diseases (we keep having measles outbreaks) 3. Cold
Owen Perez
Another DFW fag here. The universities are leftist disasters.
Bentley Powell
That's kind of the impression I got from Central NY. I remember visiting there during the election and I saw Trump signs everywhere. It was kind of funny, well not funny, how fucked they were getting by having NYC in the same state as them.
Jayden Price
Good: 1. Most moved out of state 2. Currynigger slaves pump gas for us 3. ???
Bad: 1. There are people here who defend this state 2. No one knows how to drive 3. NYC spic spillover
Ugly: 1. Highest property taxes in the nation and rising 2. If you have a gun you will go jail 3. 40% white and plummeting 4. Governor is fucking lunatic 5. Senators are and will always be democrats 6. Soon to be sanctuary state 7. Perpetually blue
If you could cut off NYC and Albany in a little sliver down to the city, NYS would flourish and Albany NYC would turn into Venezuela overnight. Everything in NY is ruined by handout programs which are non compatible with running a business. Everyone leaves because its too costly and the only ones who come are chain restaurants and fucking appliance stores which are also dying out. Little to no mom n pop shops, and if there are, theyre gone in a few short years due literally to Walmart competition. NY is absolutely beautiful for scenery and I miss it quite often. But a beautiful woman means nothing if shes a disgusting whore
Dominic Campbell
Colorado here (specifically fucking Uh-ROH-rah) Good: >relatively less fatties >beautiful mountains >neat state history about cannibals, thots dying by trying to use boiling water for abortions, mining, etc. >tasty agricultural bounty- Palisade peaches are better than any other faggot peaches you like Bad: >I don't believe a single Califag in this thread because you all moved here- I assume by this point nobody lives in fucking California. >DUDE WEEEEEED LMAO >half of the state is just wall-to-wall spics >Cali traffic >Aurora (it's nigs, sandnigs, and spics) Ugly >pedophile donut shop >pedophile city seal (Lakewood) >that fucking faggot Polis >juggalo capital of the world >spooky murals in DIA
That's a really great metaphor. I nearly bought a house on one of the finger lakes I loved being up there so much. It only took some asshole in a turtleneck yelling at me about smoking a cigarette in a parking lot and some sanctimonious lesbian in a subaru giving me shit about my truck at as gas station to decide that I didn't want to get yelled at by liberals all of the time.
Zachary Kelly
Good: 1. Very dense forest and wilderness. 2. Cities, while big, are generally pretty spread out. 3. Can innawoods generally within 30 minutes or less, unless you're in downtown portland. 4. Clean air. 5. Gun laws aren't California-tier horrible (yet).
Bad: 1. California and Washington fags keep moving here. Fuck off. 2. A lot of damn hippies in Eugene and Portland. 3. Housing market is absolutely fucked. 4. Weather fucking sucks 7-8 months out of the year. Depending on where you live, it's always too damn windy, rainy, snowy, hot, or just overall overcast. 5. Completely clear and mild days are rare. 6. Speed limits are fucking cancer. 55mph on the highway? Fucking really? 7. State troopers are getting more funding and rolling around with unmarked cars now. Expect to see a lot more petty traffic enforcement by troopers. 7. Drivers are pretty bad overall. And the aforementioned troopers barely enforce anything other than speed. 8. Traffic (mostly portland).
Ugly: 1. Liberals aren't just liberal, they're fucking batshit. 2. Huge divide between political beliefs. You can't just be slightly conservative or slightly liberal without being completely shit on by some extremist. 3. Portland. 4. Kate Brown is fucking batshit and liberals worship the ground she walks on. 5. Hicks. 6. Meth and heroin. 7. Culture of racism looms over everything. Oregon is majority white, so a lot of self-hatred (Portland). People genuinely think white supremacy is a thing because of this.
Nolan Kelly
Youre better off buying some property in hill country, man. Or, look into New Mexico’s mountain areas, theyre beautiful. Ive spent a ton of time in the finger lakes area (lake george) rock climbing, camping, and swimming, but its unbelievably liberal and unaffordable living.
Samuel Davis
This is true unfortunately
Liam Moore
That's kind of the conclusion I came to. Almost bought a place on Canadaigua. Right up until I got lectured by that woman at the gas station. I told my real estate agent I decided not to do it.
Most of the hill country is just as bad these days. I felt like I was in NY or California there last weekend.
Blake Walker
Keller/Southlake master race reporting
Michael Ross
I've had some great NM vacations, but looking back at how many kids "go missing" in NM I don't think I could ever live there. That kinda stuff gives me the willies.
Logan Phillips
Hi dragon
Cooper Mitchell
New Mexico is a pizzagate state?
Thomas Ross
Keller is getting very diverse user. How are you doing?
Eli Green
Oh yeah. Missing from and corpses found in.
Charles Adams
I'm saving and anxiously awaiting moving back to the country in east texas. At least Fort Worth is better than Dallas, for now...
Mason Torres
For sure. We'll reconvene in Tyler lol.
Jeremiah King
Maryland, my Maryland.
>GOOD 1.) Great seafood 2.) Athleticism is celebrated, rich history of football, lacrosse, horse racing 3.) Beautiful environment, lots of parks and wildlife to enjoy 4.) Historically one of the most important parts of America for industry and trade 5.) Some of the best schools in the country 6.) Rich Christian heritage, home of America's first Catholic Cathedral
>BAD 1.) Insane taxes, very high cost of living 2.) Liberals outnumber conservatives 2 to 1 3.) Overshadowed by surrounding states + DC 4.) Summers are brutal. Hot, sticky, and hayfever will fuck you up
>UGLY 1.) Niggers are batshit and ruin everything they touch, some parts of Baltimore are uninhabitable and are now spreading to the County 2.) Horrible corruption. Recently, a state senator proposed a new education bill that would cost $3 billion, and when asked about the budget not allowing that much money, he replied "We're doing this, and taxpayers will just have to find a way to come up with the money" 3.) Huge influx of Latinos. The Church I was baptized in no longer performs services in English. 4.) Crumbling infrastructure with no money to repair it 5.) Traditions and culture being lost to time as people move out. Our state song "Maryland, My Maryland" was removed and is no longer played at ceremonies.
yeah co is hit or miss. denver blows dick but the rest is mostly good
Adrian Watson
I think I'll be less aggressive and sad when I move to the beautiful, huwhite western half of the state.
Thomas Garcia
Isn't every city on the front range filled with homeless drug addicts and every city in the mountains filled with Californians?
Jeremiah Russell
Texas is shit, full of duurrrrrrrs Massachusetts is much better, Washington and Oregon are good too.
Dominic Martin
Calicucks love the front range (which is Denver and the area surrounding it) most because of shittaste. Aspen's probably full of Cali too, but I don't go there anyway. Mountains can still be pretty fantastic, Blackhawk's still good, Pine, etc.
Andrew Allen
ausfag has gone full retard
Kevin Phillips
I have no problem with Colorado. I like Coloradans. You have the same problem we do in Texas. They sell their tiny shit shack in Cali for 2.7 Million and come pay cash for our reasonably priced houses, driving prices up. I've grown to actually hate Californians.
Cooper Howard
Pretty accurate, California in general has God tier natural landscapes.
But no gun rights, Draconian laws in general ($1000 exhaust fines) 35% white state and dropping fast
Logan Nelson
South Dakota
Good: 1. Nobody is here 2. Everything is cheap 3. Good politics R's in charge and the state legislature makes life easy.
Bad: 1. Casino gas stations 2. Tourists and Bikers shit up the place for several months a year 3. Plains suck shit
I think everyone is tired of the cancer that is California. I mean, my city is a hellish favela with MS13 on every corner where I have to drown out mariachi and niggers screaming while killing each other to get to sleep, and my first complaint was about Californians.
7th gen Texan. Way too many Pajeets and chinks. Where did they all come from?
Parker Nguyen
I'll take niggers and MS-13 over white Californians any day of the week.
Aiden Butler
put that feel long behind me thankfully.
Jackson Reyes
I was surprised at how shitty Texas is. Houston is nothing but strip malls and fast food joints and ugly soulless modern buildings. San Antonio is just ugly brown slabs squished together.
Alexander Stewart
Summit county is full of retired boomers from Denver, but the rest of the western slope is authentic.
Nicholas Adams
You must be from Houston You didn’t go to the dfw area
Samuel Moore
Houston is nothing but strip malls. It's what you get when they build the freeways and loops then fill them in with no zoning. If you don't like it, buy acreage out of town. Everywhere else in the country they built the city first and then the freeway.
Jaxon Mitchell
I'm in CA but every state saying they have too many spics is a fucking blackpill. They're breeding like swarms of bugs.
Hudson Nguyen
I refuse to believe that. I was in Steamboat a couple of weeks ago and I was the only person there who wasn't from California.
Ayden Hernandez
I fucking love visiting your state, but all of you need to stay there and never leave. Seriously. We don't want you here.
Cameron Wright
Fucking abbo.
Jordan Gomez
Texas looks based.
Sebastian Wright
We're allowed to own rifles and handguns, so of course Australians are impressed.
Dylan Moore
Steamboat, Vail, and Aspen don't really have any locals. It's just rich people who own timeshares. It doesn't have much of a proper community.
Parker Campbell
There’s pretty nabes in Houston.
Josiah Martinez
Born in South Dallas, brought up in Oak Cliff.
Only complaint is we haven't run the crackers out yet.
As a native Houstonian I'm not super impressed. 20 years ago each area of town had character.
Brayden Sanchez
Take away SNAP and let's see them fucking support seven kids apiece. They'll be paddling the fuck home.
Jayden Davis
Good: The cuisine Music Unique and interesting history and cultures divergent from the east coast British-American experience Southern hospitality still exists in white communities Hunting and fishing is pretty great Mild winters. Hot temperatures, humidity and insects keep faggot northerners at bay most of the year
Bad: Niggers Some shitty nigger politicians Other states ship their homeless to New Orleans Degenerate hipsters moving to New Orleans and fucking it up the same way they did Austin Very few beaches despite being coastal So much economy is tied up in oil if prices drop we get fucked fast
Ugly: Occasionally a hurricane will ruin your entire life and all your stuff, but whatever