Is there anything more bluepilled & cringe than punks in the current year?

Is there anything more bluepilled & cringe than punks in the current year?

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punk was always cringe

I remember thinking I was edgy listening to anti-flag in high school (early 2000's). I think I realized how massively gay they were before even graduating. anyone who still unironically listens to their tripe as gospel is nigger-tier retarded

It's been cringe for at least two decades. Link related is from 1996:

Was always very cringe except for Guttermouth, who are quite BASED as well as WOKE

Is true punk anarchist or libertarian?

Fpbp, its only redeeming quality was the swasticas and the tough-guy values. Fourth Reich when? Also sage.

Punk is the gayest cultural group, right next to Emos and goths.

Anarchism is libertarian in nature. Only fags are collectivist anarchists. Egoism is the only truth. People may and will unite when necessary but constant union is corruption.

Punk was always political but after a while it became so recycled and stale that it was the equivalent of a modern day "protest". That is, screaming your opinion without any direct action.

Thanks user, any good punk bands you'd recommend?

lol punk is great, and you neo-fascist MAGA kiddies are the blue pilled ones.

You're the bad guys. You would threaten people's existence just for being born the wrong way - maybe they have parents of different races, maybe they have a Jewish parent, maybe they're gay. You wanna kill them.

You also don't care about the wellbeing of the homeless and poor. But you're very concerned about the rights of the super rich.

You also want to take away women's rights to choose what they want to do with their lives.

You people are scum who don't know anything about the way the world works. Every decision you make is based on fear.

better to be leary of strangers than to believe everyone just wants a hug

you dont get the rake

is this b8? if its legit whoever wrote it is up past their bedtime

The only redeeming thing about Propagandhi is that their redpilled about George Soros lmao. (((Fat Kike))) kicked them off the Rock against Bush tour because they called him out

What Anti-Flag song is that?

Punks today are not even punks They are hipsters with "cool" haircuts

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Back in the day the left was against Globalism. I really wish I was still in contact with my old punk friends from the day. I have no idea what they must think about what's going on right now. We fought police to protest Globalism. Now I'm sure they're still involved with Antifa and fighting for everything they fought against when we were together. It's insane.

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12 year old obese girls aren't allowed on our fossilized kidney stone exchange forum

How did you feel about literal communists trying to fit into the scene?

top 40 and pop country

fpbp punks are crusty faggots posing as tough guys, plus the music is unironically nigger-tier shit

Sam Hyde is the true modern punk

Punk has gone from opposing the mainstream to holding the most basic bitch political views. Sad!

I was an Anarchist. Communists were always around but we were like cats and dogs. Communists were never the problem. It was this new breed of touchy feely SJWs that started happening around the mid 2000's that were the problem. We believed that a violent revolution was going to overthrow the corporation because we were stupid young kids in shit jobs. When SJWs happened, everything was touchy feely bullshit. They came rushing into our scene and destroyed everything. All of that culminated into the absolute failure of Occupy Wallstreet and the beginning of the progressive stack.
None of that was what we were about. It's crazy to see how things have changed and how wrong I was.

after '77 it was all downhill.

Real anarchists and communists are labor unionists. I'm sure the SJWs you encountered were annoying, but you sound like quite the stupid faggot yourself.

> t. casual who couldn't get into hardcore

>tfw Joseph McCarthy was a punk hero

Haha true


tfw Bush ruined punk

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You've threatened people's existence for being white, autistic and asexual you fucking hypocrites.

>Real anarchists and communists are labor unionists.
We were.
>I'm sure the SJWs you encountered were annoying, but you sound like quite the stupid faggot yourself.
I was.

Start at the beginning and work up chronologically to go on a journey of a punk band that grew to realize that they actually hated faggy punk culture and just liked making noise

That shirt is cursed.

Emos were just the prototype for white nationalism to be honest

>You also don't care about the wellbeing of the homeless and poor.
Unless they vote for Donald Blumpf, of course.
>You also want to take away women's rights to choose what they want to do with their lives.
Take the "wo" out and that describes you to a T.
>You people are scum who don't know anything about the way the world works. Every decision you make is based on fear.
The fucking irony. Pic related.

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punks have always been a subculture of mongoloid retards shitting and pissing everywhere, writing songs about getting drunk and shitting and pissing

Like 95 percent of Swans material is not punk.

People who don't know Punk say that. Everything Punk was doing in the Bush era, Punk was doing in the Regan era.


Only right wings punks are human

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I bet you have a football jersey with a niggers name on it

Sex Pistols and Fear

>born wrong

You deserve to die

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Agree. Punk has always been anti-Christain (shamefully) and blatently envious jews but it’s currently at it’s worse

Grew up listening to punk, well rather all my friends did, always found it to be absolute garbage. According to them though, punk is supposed to sound like shit, when it sounds good its not truly punk anymore.


Go away queer

Pussy, Id have fucked up the commies

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>punk is supposed to sound like shit

No that's just what talentless artfags say so you cannot criticize their shitty band. Wipers were an example of a punk band that could actually play good music

We never had to get into it with them. Anarchists stabbing other anarchists was the problem when I was in the scene.

Yeah it's where the NO FASCIST USA chant came from.

Some of the pop-punk one's haven't been infected with TDS yet. Pretty sure Alkaline Trio is still decent?

And thats a good thing

>punk is one band


Thats the point.
It was a joke, see?
A little humor poking fun at a band that dipped its toes in the genre early on but mostly worked outside of it.
By recommending them as a "good punk band" I indirectly advise to not bother looking for one as other genres are preferable in the extreme
Comic genius you see!

I value minor threat and the exploited the same and Bach and Mozart
Be dumb somewhere else, its over your head already

radical left-wing punk music is currently the one genre endorsed by the German government and state run media
it's kind of weird having "conservative" politicans from Merkel's party celebrating music telling the listeners to kill all cops
it's fucking bizarre and you would think those punks would absolutely hate it but for some reason (money) they don't seem to mind

>Yeah it's where the NO FASCIST USA chant came from.
I don't remember that one.
I remember fighting Globalism.

X- started to hate every nigger and jew

Snuck into GTAV and its awesome

There is and was always lame poser shit, and the real deal, like with any genre


I look for trouble

it was good when it was anti-state. now it's just a bunch of suburban larpers. hardcore in the 90s was fucking gay.

Punk hasn't been good since the early 80s.
All the punk after that has been done by a bunch of emo faggots.

Modern hardcore is basically lefty punk on steroids. Just a bunch of vegan faggots and whores that think they're tough.

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We were all gay at some point

Gladio is alive and well
Traitors will be judged Hans, stay safe and send any antifa info you get here

the movie green room pretty much sums it up

Hippie scum started that gay chant

Off yourself

Egoism? Spoken like a pure richfag.


Lol you think chastity is hardcore?

Spotted that cunt didnt you

t. suburban larper who believed he was "part of something"

I generally liked punk (especially anti flag) back in high school. Generally mainly liked underground network and the terror or the state(?). Was anti globalist but now it's more centralized and local which I dislike. I listen to skating punk occasionally but that's more dumb and not trying to make a statement

The people or the gun was an ok album
But they failed to mention to perpetrators. However they are part of them so obviously they wont

You talking about NOFX?

Completely correct, They will be stopped in their tracks, user. Just keep on keepin on.

t. aids ridden queer trying to ride muh dick

Nofx are scum you dumb nigger

Brit Punk > """"Punk"""" from literally any other country

Le reddit

Also you praise minor threat and the exploited, two bands i love, but don't agree that mid 90s hardcore was literally just a fucking larp by losers


I walked into that movie with no political convictions and walked out desiring to be patrick stewarts character.

Youre a bitch nigger and always will be

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Tell me what's counter culture about fucking tyrone and virtue signalling you onions chugging faggot

Read into the band Knights of the New Crusade

I didnt say that, a fag said that

i know a lot of people from the 90s philly hc scene and they are all 100% onions now and they were 100% onions then

>You talking about NOFX?

Yeah they kicked Propagandhi off the RaB tour because they mentioned Soros in their album notes lmao

What is wrong with social justice? What could be wrong with justice for all? Constitution?

Facistfags please eat shit and die!

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>anti-flag is still a band
why do they go quiet during dem presidencies?

We didn't know it was the Jews.

>Being a crust punk


Kek, What a bunch of fags

That is not at all even good fiction. BUT the national socialist movement IS faggy like emo. Just sayin.

I bet you shit cum

Punk music was made with the intent of being enjoyed in bars that have carved up furniture, used heroin needles, and plenty of fresh booze cooling in the toilet.

i used to be really into punk. but I was a teen and it got cringier and cringier as I hit my 20s and now I can only listen to it once in awhile

Yellow day brigade