I'm a niggrr

So, i'm a nigger. I'm redpilled enough to realize that whites aren't treated equally, so, what can i do to fight jewish agenda ?
How can i be a productive member to white society?

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Be a productive member to your own society. Fuck (((them))) though.

Dox local leftists and claim that they said racist shit towards you in public


Kill other niggers & OD on drugs before you go to jail & waste more of white people's money.

It's literally the most obvious solution to screwing with their political goals. It keeps them fighting among themselves

Big time doubt on the OP, but if he's real, then this is the easiest way to do the most damage with the least amount of real work or risk.

You can join the Freemasons. They have a certain sect for African Americans. :)

Attend church, get a job, live a Christian life helping your neighbor. Jewish power over african americans is rap/hiphop propaganda where they write 100% of the lyrics while also convincing you the only ways to live are welfare, playing their sports teams, or being in their media. Breaking free is very simple, and easy. :)

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Glad to have you onboard, bro.

Just name the jew, I know plenty of redpilled black people in North Texas too